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Lawsuits don''t create any laws, they force the courts to rule exactly how existing laws apply to a particular case.


And I''ve brought this up this before -- what lawsuits have been filed against the BSA since Dale? Most of the lawsuits I''m aware of are either against a state agency and do not involve the BSA as a party, or they were instigated BY the BSA. So exactly which lawsuits are people complaining about?

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Nice sticker


The Scout,

That''s my point, "Separation of Church and State" is BS, it''s not anywhere in the constitution. Jefferson wrote about a wall of separation, but not in the Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence, which by the way is full of references to God, Creator and so on.


It came about because the SCOTUS said it''s there, but it isn''t. I wonder if some of the robe wearers are "smarter than a 5th grader"?





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"Right to a fair trial" and "separation of powers" are more phrases not found in the constitution, but they are commonly referred to, even in court decisions. Judges know that the phrase "separation of church and state" does not occur in the constitution, but they also know that the first amendment is not limited to forbidding a national church. If it was meant to only prohibit the formation of a national church, it would have said that. It doesn''t.

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"Amendment I


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."


We must not forget the second clause "prohibiting the free exercise thereof" is as important as all the other pieces.

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Thank you for posting Ammendment 1.

Many people forget that the "free exercise" part is there.



Many times the SCOTUS just plain gets it WRONG. For example, in a recent ruling, one justice relied on laws from other countries for his opinion. Excuse me, but this is the United States, we are not obligated by any foreign laws and the Supreme Court should only interpret our laws.



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You''re absolutley right.


The name of Iran is Isalamic Republic of Iran. Our country is the United States of America. We are free to worship anyway we choose, or not worship at all. Except, we can''t pray in school, we can''t pray before the football game, we can''t pray at graduation, we can''t pray outloud because somebody might be offended. We have a hard time gathering at the flag pole to pray too.


If I choose to pray, good for me, as long as I don''t interfere with anyone else.


On the other hand, I guess comedian Kathy Griffin can now join BSA, she says that her Emmy trophy is her God. ''Atta girl!



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I don''t have specifics but prayer isn''t allowed in public schools. It was a long time ago, then someone got offended, sued & now there is no prayer in schools. Same with football games. And even some high school commencements. Why? Because someone was offended. We are guaranteed the free exercise of speech & religion. No where are we guaranteed we won''t be offended.


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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Long time readers may remember I went to a Roman Catholic Prepatory Seminary for high school. St Charles Borromeo, on Rte 66 in Lockport, Il. As it was a very small school, in my junior year we had 23 kids in our class, and being a boarding school Sunday-Friday, the school didnt offer college entrance testing. We had to go to the local schools near our homes.


I remember the day I took the ACTs , being in the public high school almost all my friends went to every day and it was my first time. Not sure of directions, rest room locations, etc. I do remember one thing, proper or not, many prayers were said that day and never once was I stopped or interrupted.

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Group prayer or individual prayer?


If its group prayer where the school resources are used to deliver it, then yes, no prayer.


Please give us an instance of personal prayer being illegal or not allowed in schools.


You are free to pray whenever, whereever you want. That''s protected by the 1st.


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