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Can a Scout Retake a Merit Badge Class

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Here's the story: When I was a first year scout, I took the Small Boat Sailing MB at summer camp. It was probably the best MB I've taken, especially with the size of the lake and just how amazing it was to take the boats out during free time with a buddy(the lake at camp is still the biggest I've seen at any scout camp).


The problem is that now that I look back, I remember how much I've forgotten from the class. Now I only know how to handle a rudder and tell the difference between port and starboard. So instead of annoying the the MB teacher during free time, could I retake the class?

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My first reaction is an unqualified Yes!


My second reaction is a Yes! but....


Given the merit badge (small boat sailing) and the limits of summer camp, might I suggest that the Scout-like thing to do would be to approach the MB Counselor and ask politely if he will accept you in his merit badge sessions provided that the class hasn't filled up. In other words, avoid taking a spot that someone who hasn't yet earned the merit badge and wants to sign up would have otherwise gotten had you not taken that space - give the lads who haven't earned the badge first shot even if you're first in line.


There is a chance that the class won't fill up and the counselor can take you in - but there's a pretty good chance that the class will fill up. Don't be afraid to ask the MBC if he can give you a refresher in boat handling so you can take the boats out during free time if the sessions do fill up (at my camp, the sailing master (that's what we called him) was always glad to help someone with rusty skills polish them up). You might also want to take a read through the merit badge book again, just to familiarize yourself with the terms and safety rules again.


Oh - and if the sessions do fill up, the counselor will be far more likely to give you those refresher lessons if you accept that with a cheerful demeanor and not go storming off because you're disappointed.

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Guys in our troop do it all the time.


My older son too rifle shooting for a second time. The last day of the class, the counselor was handing out the safety test to everyone, and my son said he didn't want to take it. The counselor told him, "but you won't get the merit badge!"


"I've GOT the merit badge," he said.


"What? Then what are you doing here?"


"It's FUN! I got to spend all week shooting!"

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As long as there's room in the class, it's fine. You just won't earn a mb.


The archery mb class at the summer camp our Troop attends is very popular as it's taught by a gold medal Olympic champion from the US team. Scouts who have taken the class once and earned the mb are prohibited from taking it again. However, they offer an "advanced archery" class and an "Olympic-style archery" class for those who have earned the archery mb but want to continue to learn.

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Three guys in a patrol took Climbing three years in a row at summer camp. The third year, the counselor had them presenting much of the information and assisting newbies with skills. Win-win-win as far as I could see. You might remember more than you remember remembering and could help the counselor teach the skills.


Scout On

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Twocub - my son did that with rifle shooting, too. This will be his 3rd time through the badge.


SMT - great idea! If more camps got into a "program" mode instead of a "MB class" mode, then they could do that sort of thing and boys could continue to enjoy and progress in the activities.



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The only problem I see with taking MB's multiple times is the scout that wants to take the Citizenship classes for the 8th time. :) Might want to have a friendly chat with their parents about the boy's psychological stability.



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While I admit i do see a need for the "paperpushing MBs," i.e. the Citizenships, Personal Management, etc...


(on soapbox screaming at the top of my lungs)


SUMMER CAMP IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(off soapbox and ready for rational discussion :) )


"SCOUTING IS OUTING!" as Green Bar bill Said, and summer camp is the place for the FUN MBs, climbing, swimming, canoeing, wilderness survival, etc, and some of the difficult to do otherwise outdoor ones,i.e. environmental science, forestry, etc.


One thing I really liked about the 2 British camps I worked at, the camps provided program resources and opportunities, not classes. Troops created their own program and schedule. And if that included the SM taking his PLC out to the annual steak dinner to celebrate another good year, well that's all fine and dandy. ;)





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I'm still on the pack level. I know there was some talk about me being SM when oldest becomes a Boy Scout, but it cannot happen b/c of youngest. He'll be joining as a Tiger 6 months after oldest is a Boy Scout. Thankfully the troop found another to be SM.


Besides, I don't think the parents and committee would like me as SM. They thought the old SM was too hard on the scouts, having too high exceptions and letting them "fail" with certain activities and events. And I am the one who trained him. :)

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