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Vetting MB Counselors

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I know our council doesn't scrutinize everything. But they will reject in two places (I know of).. Anything with guns, you need to be a licensed (something or other) not into guns myself.. the lifesaving/Swimming the person must have a valid up-to-date water saftey instructor certificate..


My husband updated this lifeguard certificate, requested being an MBC for these two courses, and was refused, due to not haveing the water saftey instructor course. So he had to take that course (twice as long time & money wise.)


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Advancement committees are composed of volunteers. They, like most of us that volunteer, use their volunteer hours in a manner that they think is most productive. Vetting the huge list of MB counselors to determine proficiency is probably not the best use of time unless there happens to be a large number volunteers on the advancement committee.


It is still up to the scoutmaster to provide scouts with the name of the counselor that he/she wants the scout to use.

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Northeastern Pennsylvania Council did a screening of its MBC list over the past year. VeniVidi, you're right - it's not something you want to burden a bunch of volunteers too often! In our case a recent district merger prompted the process to get an accurate count of counselors in the combined district. During that process, MBCs were asked to submit some evidence that they were qualified to give a Scout a view of the merit badge's subject that could go beyond the merit badge booklet's content if the Scout asked questions that went beyond the merit badge requirements. In some cases, like Family Life, this was pretty pro forma. In cases like Metalworking or Astronomy or Oceanography, though, several MBCs who couldn't point to long-time hobbies or employment-related skills were dropped from the lists.

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If you have merit badges weak in counselors for things like Nuclear Science, think outside the box, ask parents to talk to friends and family to see what's going on. Call a local/semi-local nuclear power facility and leave a message. I found a a gentleman willing to be a NS counselor at day camp as a range safety officer!

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I found a a gentleman willing to be a NS counselor at day camp as a range safety officer!

I'm not sure, but I think thermonuclear weapons might be off limits under the new G2SS. :-) 

I didn't mean to suggest that it would be a good idea for committees to start doing this; it was more of an obtuse commentary on the sorts who feel qualified to counsel everything.

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