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MBC No Longer Question


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Ok here is the situation. There is a gentlemen in my district who was registered last year as a MBC, and he did several eagle required MBs. He did not renew as a MBC this year, although he is still registered in the BSA, because he was asked to be religious awards counselor for his church and believed he couldn't do both time wise.


Here is the problem. He has several youth who started work on their MBs with him and they want to stick with him. SM and CC of the troop involved don't have a problem, but can the gentleman still sign off on the MBC? Again the gentlemen is still registered and active in scouting, but requested no more MB students because he wants to focus on reviving the religious awards program. He just wants to finish what he started and not cause any problems with the EBOR.


Thanks in advance.

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As things stand right now.

Because he is no longer a MBC?

The book answer is of course he isn't able to sign off on any MB's.

The best thing might be for him to re-register as a MBC, complete what he started but make it known that he is not available to counsel any more Scouts.


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The MBC who started the MB doesn't need to be same one that writes off the partials. If the MBC doesn't want to each, I can't imagine why the boys would want him to be their counselor.


If he wishes to continue just long enough to finish out the boys, he can still teach it and have a registered MBC do the sign-off.


And he could have registered as a MBC and tell the Council he wouldn't be taking any new boys because of his situation.


Stosh(This message has been edited by jblake47)

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Yah, practical answer just depends on your district, eh?


Most will take da advancement report or blue card no questions asked. The fellow is registered and presumably has been recently trained and done YPT and all that by virtue of bein' a counselor last year and a religious awards counselor this year.


Remember, yeh don't have to be registered as an MBC to be a MBC, eh? Yeh can be registered as a MC, SM, or whatever. Only need district or council approval to counsel the badge.


So I think this is a "no problem" thing most places. Just have da fellow call the DAC to let 'em know and then go for it. IMO always better for lads to finish up with the counselor they started with.




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Somehow, someway, along the way you lost me.



"Question: Once a volunteer is registered and approved as a merit badge counselor, is that registration for life?

Answer: Approvals for merit badge counselors and all other adult volunteer positions are valid for one year only and must be renewed annually."

Ea.(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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Beavah, you lost me too.


The BSA is quite clear thay you have to be registered as a Merit Badge Counselor in order to sign off on a Merit Badge.


That's not to say that you can't be a Merit Badge Counselor if you're an ASM, SM, MC. It does mean that you have to register as both - on separate applications no less.


One frequently asked question is something like this: "I'm an ASM and EMT - can I sign off on the Scouts First Aid Merit Badge" with an answer like this "Yes, provided that you are alo registered as a Merit Badge Counselor for the First Aid Merit Badge"


If an SM, ASM or MC could sign of on merit badges without being MBC's, why would there be a need for MBC's?



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Maybe it's just a local thing, but our district isn't that tough on MBC registration. About once a year our DAC asks each troop to send him a copy of all our counselors. I'm not sure what he does with the list, but that's pretty much it. I should note that locally almost all MBCs are troop-specific counselors. Each troop takes care of ensuring that their counselors is properly registered with BSA. In our troop, everyone is registered as either an ASM or committee member. I don't think we have anyone registered as a MBC.


Eamon, don't you suppose the guideline you quote is in the context that ALL BSA volunteer positions are valid for only one year and must be renewed annually? Is there any reason a MBC's registration is treated any differently?


As a Scoutmaster, I also serve year-to-year and must renew annually, through the troop's recharter process. Because all our MBC's are registered through the troop, they are also renewed at recharter.


Again, sounds like there is a LOT of local variation.

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Twocubdad (And Beavah)

In the answer I first posted at 10:49:52 AM.

I said "As things stand right now.

Because he is no longer a MBC?

The book answer is of course he isn't able to sign off on any MB's."

I think most of us know that a good many District Merit Badge Counselor lists are not as clean as they should be.

Most times unless there is some sort of a problem no one ever checks who has signed what. (We did at one time have a Dean of Merit Badges who did check.)

One big problem with not having MBC's not re-registering each year is that it can make the District list useless. No one really knows who is and who isn't an MBC.




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MBC's MUST be registered with the District anually. MBC's, even the ones that say Troop Only, are District assets and must be approved by the Council/District.


The gentleman will need to re-apply for the MBC and be approved (as for the training, I believe that it does not need to be renewed if already accomplished) to be able to sign off the Merit Badges. Even if he takes no more Scouts.


Just because a District/Council is not performing their job, it is not right for us to ignore the rules and say so what. Did we forget "Trustworthy, Obiedient, and Loyal? They are part and parcel of what we agreed to as adult Scouters. Not if the rules fit what I want I follow but if not, I do my own thing and they will like it.


As a new DAC (since Jan) I have had to argue with numerous people that feel that they don't need to follow the rules because no else made them. One SM has his own Eagle requirements before he will allow someone to apply for Eagle. If you want the rules changed, use them and change them from the inside. Don't just ignore them and speak from ingnorance instead of knowledge.


I did get the CAC to change policy so renewals will be easier. That's what working from the inside does for you.


Sorry for the rant but this is a sore subjuct to me.





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