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preparation for SM conference


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For those who are or have been SMs, what sort of preparation do you expect from your scouts prior to holding an SM conference for rank advancement? Our SM has decided that he would like scouts to do a short written assessment (one-page form) that includes some info on what they've done as scouts of ___ rank, how they've fulfilled their responsibilities if they were in a POR, what merit badges they've earned or are working on, what challenges they've faced/likes & dislikes about the troop, and what their goals are moving forward. I haven't seen the exact form he'll use so I am not 100% sure on the specific items, but this is the gist of it.


I think he's hoping to use their responses as a guide for discussion and also, especially with the more advanced/older scouts, to encourage a bit more reflection rather than a box-checking mentality.


I'm neither pro nor con on this, I'm just curious to know if anybody else does something like this and if so, how it works out for you.

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Haven't seen it. I'm mostly more fond of a less formal sort of conference, eh?


At da same time, at an Eagle BOR, a lad will be asked to submit a leadership resume and a personal statement very similar to what you're SM is requesting, but more detailed. So it seems like that would be a fine thing to encourage in preparation, especially for Star & Life ranks.




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We have a checklist that is given to the Scout before he comes to the SM conference. It lists items such as "All requirements signed and dated," "Leadership role" (for Star & Life), etc. This checklist is then forwarded to the BOR. There is a place for the SM to put notes for the BOR on the sheet as well. One other item we like to have for Star and LIfe is a brief write up of the service hours they performed for the rank (who, what, when, where, why). Usually this is only a page. We see it as getting the Scout ready for Eagle. We have a separate checklist for Eagle, which lists many more specific items for that rank.

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Personally I'm not a big fan of additional paperwork. The scout has his manual that has places where he can record his advancement progress. No need for additional documentation as I see it.



All the information asked on the proposed form could be gotten from the scout verbally during the SM conference. Although if your an SM of a unit with 180 scouts maybe you do need additional layers of bureaucracy. I have enough trouble keeping track of the 25 - 30 scouts in the unit I serve.



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Lisabob I can see that your SM is trying to engage the scouts in a dialog. Maybe your SM finds it difficult to get the boys to express their goals and reflect upon their accomplishments so he is looking for keys to engage the boys in discussion.


The SM should prep for the scoutmaster's conference. Have all key troop activities and dates before him so he can discuss these with the boys. That should bring out some good discussions. The SM should do the write up not the boy.


Most of my scouts would prefer that Scouting be a writing free zone.








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Great Scouting all.


A Scoutmaster Conferences works best when it comes from the heart. Like everything else, it takes a while to find our style, so we feel around trying different approaches until we get the sweet spot that achieves our goal.


While I think your SM will find that scouts dont like additional prep-work and make changes, I think reflection is an excellent part of a SM conference and that is what he is doing here. I would enjoy hearing how it goes for him.


By the way my SM asks for the same thing when I was a scout back in the 70s.


You know, this approach tells me that your SM is taking this very seriously and wants to get it right. I like your SM more every time you talk about him. You got a pretty good one there.




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As A SM, I prepare by having attendance, service, POR, etc. information handy and briefly scanned before I meet with the Scouts.


For Star and above I request that the Scout fill out a simple one page sheet. Some Scouts communicate better verbally, others by writing. I know I'll have verbal communication - this give those a chance to write down their thoughts.


What topics does the written sheet bring up?

What is/was your position of responsibility?

Describe your participation level in troop activities while a leader.

Give yourself a letter grade for your leadership performance and explain why.

What advice would you give the next Scout to serve in your leadership position?


I've had too many Scoutmaster conferences where getting the Scout to speak is like pulling teeth. One syllable mutterings, yeah, I guess, etc. My intention is just toget the Scout to think about organizing his thoughts.

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When I give a SM Confrence, i make notes in the margins and blank spaces of the boys book. This give him a place to reflect on the goals we've set for him and gives him some idea of what his SM looks for in a member of the troop. He can share that info with anyone he wants, or he can keep it private, it's totally up to him.


The document you mention is like that, but where does it go after the confrence? If it's just more file filler, I don't think I'd be too excited about it. I do see some pros though. I like the fact the boys needs to reflect on his service and leadership, and needs to set goals and even work on a vision for his future in scouting. I just hope at some point he can use this as a tool later down the line.



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The Scoutmaster conference should be as unformal as possible. I very rarely did one at a troop meeting. I tried to do them on campouts, hikes, or even at a carwash. This way the Scout was always at ease. You should be talking about his goals not what he has already done.

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"The Scoutmaster conference should be as unformal as possible." My favorite SM conference was held up in a tree. The fellow had a reputation for climbing trees whenever and wherever. We ate a few pecans and had a good chat.


Lisa, I see your SM's thinking on this (get the fellow to do some advance thinking on tough issues so he's more ready to dialogue) but I personally wouldn't take this approach. I feel if the SM knows enough about the candidate, he should be able to get the fellow to open up and think about stuff with no advance preparation. Also, while the "1 page report" tactic might work fine for one SM, I can see how it could be seriously abused (adding to the requirements) by his successor.


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I go for the informal, non-prepped approach. A lot of the times the boys don't know they're doing a SM conference until afterwards when I ask for their book to sign it off. The older boys have figured it out from the kinds of questions I ask and talk a little more freely and with greater insight.


I usually have a raft of questions I have stored away so as to keep the conversation going and the boy taking. Otherwise it is designed more for the boy's reflection rather than information gathering on my part.



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