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Everything posted by Docrwm

  1. Basementdweller wrote: "Call me stupid but what are the cubs gonna do????" About what? The Blue Uniforms are still there as are all the insignia that go along with them - including the red unit numerals. emb021 wrote: "What does being a CS DL have to do with which Trained patch you wear? The old Trained patch (red and tan) are for the old style shirts. The new Trained patch (green and tan) are for the new centennial uniform. "My friend at the Scout Shop told me that they were "directed to destroy all red based patches other than the CS unit numerals". " Am a little suspic
  2. Old post - sorry I misread the year - oops.(This message has been edited by docrwm)
  3. If those leather belts with the Woodbadge designs fit in the loops of the old Scout pants the new web belts ought to do just fine.
  4. Thanks for clarifying the distinction between a Council Shop and a Nationally owned and run Shop. In this instance, it would seem its a Nationally owned one as they stated they had received a directive to destroy the old patches. I ordered the old trained patches elsewhere at a VERY nominal extra charge. Lots to like about the new uniforms. Nice new belts that seem much more functional. Better materials for use in the field. Socks that will reduce foot injuries in the field. Etc. Just wish the rollout had been more thought out and planned better, particularly for those of us
  5. I've found that the enthusiasm of the Adult Volunteers is a BIG plus in getting attendance at broader events. Also, knowledge is key. All too many of the events get nearly no advertising. Our Council website is pretty bad about this, I have to dig and dig to find Fliers and such on events that are on the calendar. When we go to sign up on the dates that they are said to be open for sign-up the website is in "test mode" frequently. Organization of the ads and prep sends a good signal to parents that the event itself will be well organized. If its seen as well organized you will get
  6. Then they should be more serviceable for holding gear - as I understand the new term is for what was once called a "uniform" - without slipping or binding.
  7. Here's a bit more information for you. Those shorts are probably the ones designed in the 80s by Oscar de la Renta for BSA. They have never been a big hit with Scouts, hence their presence in the donated scout clothing you were provided. The rule for BSA is, leaving aside Sea Scouts, that once an item is approved it is always permissible to be worn for uniformed occasions. If they are clean, serviceable, and not offensive to your son or others then I say be Thrifty and keep wearing them until they are either the wrong size or unserviceable. New Switchbacks are pants that have zippers to a
  8. GMitch wrote: "One thing that is interesting is I had 2 new interpreter strips made and asked for one to be red/tan and one green/tan. I'm guessing that since they are worn over the BSA which is still red, they sent me two red ones. It appears they are not going to make them in the green, and I'd guess the same is true for Varsity or Venture strips." Honestly, we shouldn't be having to guess. What your response, and many others on the new uniforms plus the different information many have gotten from BSA employees at the Scout Shops, indicates is that BSA rushed this out without completel
  9. I agree. They also seemed, although I did not hold them up together to compare, to be slightly wider.
  10. I asked at the Council Scout Shop today and they knew nothing of the Red Jac-Shirt ever having been on clearance. The fellow I spoke with wanted to know how much of a discount and seemed real interested in getting one himself. I told him that they were back in the regular uniform/gear section again. He said that theirs had stayed at their regular price.
  11. I know I'm new but it seems to me that some folks ALWAYS see BSA and their directives as perfect. The term I used is "Thrifty". Destroying thousands of patches that are perfectly good - particularly since they did not run out of "Old" BS uniform shirts yet - is just plain WASTEFUL. For those who checked with their Scout Shop - can you get me a couple? Ours had 0 on hand. I asked and both the manager and my friend told me the same story. They were "directed" to destroy them. They had a couple of score of them last week when I was there and 0 today. I believe them when they tell
  12. See my other thread but I was told today that the Scout Shops were directed to destroy all the Red-based patches like the "Trained" patch. So, if you need a replacement, or buy a new "old" uniform shirt you will have to use the new "Trained" patch unless you can find one somewhere other than the Official outlets.
  13. I was just at my Scout Shop picking up an old style shirt before my size is gone. Tried to get a Red & Tan "Trained" patch to go with the Red Numerals as I am a CS DL NOT a BS volunteer. My friend at the Scout Shop told me that they were "directed to destroy all red based patches other than the CS unit numerals". Another instance of Boy Scout centric thinking by the Professionals IMHO. Sorry but I will be wearing my Red Unit numbers to match the boys and BSA seems to be allowing the red numerals to continue for the time being. I think that the Red & Tan "Trained" patch is both
  14. jmwalston said: "This seems to present a Catch-22 to me. It seems that if the issue is sidestepped now, then the impression made is that the incident doesn't warrant scrutiny later. Waiting to address it after all requirement are completed could lead to the argument of "If it was such a big deal, why wasn't something said or done about it at the time?" These forums contain several cases of debate on whether a Scout could be considered worthy after the fact, and many have stated the opinion that the problem should have been addressed at the time. As to the fine print of the matter here, it is j
  15. Pinewood Derby cars are great. Camping gear, camping gear, camping gear. Its the first question I get asked at school by the boys. Yes, they love PWD but many will not know about it ahead of time. We put a kit out (the blue boxed one that we got from the council not the paper boxed one you buy) with a couple of finished cars. We also had a scrape book with photos of the boys at the Scout Reservation pitching tents, marshmellows around the campfire, etc. Stuff that will visually engage them from across a loud and crowded room (you said in the gymnasium which is an echo chamber). Good
  16. Docrwm


    The local SM has served over 40 years in various capacities within BSA. He's a WWII Vet and has volunteered for more community organizations than he can remember. His Troop has around 100 boys in it with 60+ showing up at every activity. His uniform has 4 rows of Knots. At the Memorial Day event we do locally for the National Cemetery he was wearing his mini-ribbons from his USN service. PH with clusters that none of us knew about. SS that none of us knew about. He was embarrassed when one of us pointed it out. He said he wore it to honor the folks with whom he served but who were no l
  17. Docrwm


    HawkUH60 - Thanks, but are you sure? I mean I don't want to lord it over anyone that I've actually been a ...gasp...Tiger Den Leader!
  18. FScouter said: "What is "ready for Eagle"? A boy is not "ready" for Eagle until he has successfully completed all of the requirements for Eagle. The boy in this case is making a proposal for a project, one of several requirements to earn the Eagle rank. Is the project proposal acceptable or is it not? So the kid made a stupid, maybe terrorist threat, that has nothing to do with the quality of his project proposal. If the board of review later wants to turn him down for the Eagle rank, more power to them. But it should be done at the board of review, not three steps before! " I don't claim
  19. Ethics is a way of saying that the person has exhibited that they understand the Spirit of the body of laws. One is Ethical when one extends their behavior beyond the letter of the rules/laws and exhibits behavior in concert with those laws but for which there is currently no specific law. One cannot be behaving ethically when they are coerced into acting but only when they freely choose to act without any compulsion because they believe it to be right and proper given the values that underlie and weave all the rules and laws together and are the origin of those rules/laws. Just my thou
  20. Docrwm


    Oh no, have I started down a slippery slope to poor scouting?!?! I just got and sewed on my first knot. Tell me I'll be ok??
  21. We're waiting a little while for the introduction of sewing as my son is a Wolf now. My wife and I have discussed it and we're thinking WI or WII. I keep seeing the term "Scout" and unfortunately I've learned that most of the time folks mean Boy Scout when they use that term not all Scouts or Cubs. So, how old were folks when they became responsible for sewing on their patches? I was in 4th or 5th grade as I recall.
  22. Our unit has ours made up that way and some of the more experienced Moms REALLY appreciate having the single patch for our 3 digit unit with Veteran bar! I have to say they look better, IMHO, than the four sewn individually onto the shirts too.
  23. Perhaps I'm off base here and please forgive me but why would anyone think that a young man who wrote something like that, in this day and age after Columbine and VaTech, is READY for his Eagle? Don't care if it was a "joke". Don't care if Dad thought it was a "joke". Don't care if others here think its just a boy being a boy. Is a boy who put that in writing to his advancement person, had it reviewed by his parent, and kept it in after having time to think about it (didn't write it in a fit of anger or on the spur of the moment) showing the judgment that an Eagle should possess?
  24. I, too, am glad to hear that I'm not the only one that was a bit taken aback by that choice. Frankly, BL has some good material in it but nearly every month there is stuff that I have to think long and hard about letting my Wolf take a look at - and sometimes he just gets parts of BL.
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