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Deaf Scouter

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Everything posted by Deaf Scouter

  1. I don't think my presence defeated the purpose, Basement as scouting offers teaching tools to parents too in a friendly non threatening environment that family, school, work and sports don't. Tampa...On your 'The other wives feel weird about another woman being around their husband all weekend when they get left home. (Oh yeah that got weird)' Yeah its a fine line to walk which is probably why no friendship outside of scouting developed unless it was with another single mom. I'll have to say I felt shocked, insulted and guilty when someone hit onto me especially never having experienced
  2. *laughing at how a thread brightens one's day, Basement 'Blessings in disguises' comes to mind... *winka I too have found a wealth to be gained through these forums and kinda wish they were around long ago when I begun the Scouting journey. At least they are now a tool for so many.. *smiles Summing it up its not really a thing of gender at all but certain behaviors to watch out for regardless of gender like the overprotective/ clinging parent and the untrained Scouter/ parent along with some very bad habits that need breaking like talking directly male to male or using terms of
  3. Packsaddle.. Never heard those 'sweetie' or 'honey' words. Maybe they are afraid I'd think they were hitting onto me and reprimand them for not being trustworthy to their wives... *teasing grin Cooked food burns and dish washing sanitizer takes care of the unsanitary hands. I do have to wonder who started packing the alcohol based one that I REFUSE to use. Don't they know that alcohol dries out a woman soft skin... *smirks
  4. Tent sleeping... In Cub Scouts we were together in a borrowed tent. I find it hard to see buddies together unless the parents are buddies too or they have an extra tent. During our years (my son and I) of Cub Scouting, it seems none of the boys slept with buddies as we rarely tent camped. We did more sleep in kinds of events If we did, it was with the council 'family cub scout weekend' at the local scout camp. We never even saw the need to buy camping equipment. My second time around without my son... oh SURE, camping was pushed. That Cub Scout group was unique in the bonds o
  5. Interesting twist to perspective, Eamonn! Definitely something to chew on and/or think about.. *wika
  6. PapaDaddy, Reminds me of my son's first comment after being switched to the meat dept... I'm NEVER eating meat again!... *laughing Truth be told we eat more meat since his switch... *grins
  7. Its funny but I must be more laid back now that my son is not doing this with me. At a recent campout we did clean up work. Its was drizzling and cool. There was a creek running through the area and one scout was daring to clean the other side. Warned him about getting his shoes wet but wanted to do it. I shrugged my shoulders when he fell in and got his shoes wet. Nothing harmful but might make him cold quicker with wet feet. I was really taken back with the Dad's reaction as he was livid. I wasn't the only one. I realize this makes more work for stay at home dad but kids are having
  8. The things we learn on the boards... *jaw drops while asking Yellow cards in the service?? You're kidding, right??? Doesn't a physical rule out all this stuff????... *scratching head
  9. I prefer to encourage them to read the merit badge pamphlet. First I would ask them to READ the requirements. Many don't and are so unprepared. *sigh in the first failings of the 'Be Prepared' motto. Second in reading the merit badge book, encourage scouts to learn the skim method. If they read the requirements, they know what they don't know. Then go to read the headings and finding the info they don't know in the requirements. As a merit badge counselor, I think its important to supplement the merit badge book with handouts, other books, pictures, equipment and information to
  10. Webelos is a time when the young scouts out grow uniforms and I would encourage parents to buy uniforms a couple size larger because the next couple of years see growth spurts in these young growing soon to be men. I would encourage buying simple camping gear items to help with their transition to Boy Scouts like: compass, flashlight, fire starter flint, camping kit (camp dishes), outdoor sleeping bag, and ground pad. Too many come with cotton sleeping bags that are so uncomfortable in cold temperatures. Also having these basic tools makes the cost of transition less of a hardship for
  11. After the hot topic of female leadership in the Boy Scout level (Troops rather than Packs), I think its important to share perspectives on behaviors difference between the genders as from my own experiences I was not even aware until it was pointed out to me when I went camping with my son. One noteworthy behavior was the style of decision making in my household being a single mom and having one child, my son. We had gone white water rafting and the issue of male female sleeping together was brought up even though it was a family outing and only my son was sleeping in our new tent. The
  12. Let me be upfront and say I haven't read all the pages... I want to comment on my own perspectives and experiences. As a single parent looking for man role models, I think it is a good idea having some restrictions in place for females BUT there is also a time, place and way of going about things. I was not encouraged into leadership role in the Troop yet went on most of the campouts. Most often I was the only female going. To me it was quality time with my son and sharing new adventures cheaply. Several times the males would put forth rules that in my opinion were advantageous t
  13. Having done the transition as Webelos to Troop, I was involved. One needs to be as a leader as you answer parents concerns and deal with encouraging them to transition and stay in scouting. I remember a particular Troop I went to with my boys and was shocked to learn at the Troop meeting that one applies like an application process and only 3 would be accepted. I had 4 boys. I was embarrassed this was not told to me before hand and the parents were upset to waste their time visiting them. This kind of 'female' involvement is HUGE factor for many especially when there are single mo
  14. From this 'differently abled' person, moi, let's put this in another perspective... What happens if they go forward and attempt to finish it without pulling the ADA law and fail? Do they get a second attempt? I agree that the person should have gone forward in trying but too many have and failed. Sometimes the situation and the importance of it will determine if the person will go forward. Trying in a den meeting is not the same as passing a college course. Age is also another factor. Failing again and again as a child sees the wisdom in having the ADA law behind one to stop yet
  15. Never heard of this but have seen a couple that have tried to become known to BSA as one that should be enlisted like Duct Tape Merit Badge. Are you sure you are not confusing this with the blank patrol patch that BSA sells in thinking it is a blank merit badge patch?
  16. DLChris and Qwazse... I have no problem with finding trails. I would NOT aim for the easy one as they can be quite boring in my opinion. I would aim for the ones that climb to a panarama view on top or hide some hidden treasure. There is a couple of hidden treasure ones with relativity flat trails along waterways that I would hit first. I like the idea of moving trails meaning checking out a different one each time and increase the endurance and length. My problem stems from having adults and youth leaders that would struggle doing just a couple miles hike hence my reason for wanting
  17. As I'm reading this while we're working on Citizenship in the Community makes me realize how scouts read the requirement. It seems like thought on the Scouters and MB Counselors to make sure to discuss respectful approach in stating one's opinion is important along with stating why they are at a particular meeting. When one does the Eagle project, the youth Leader usually states why they are there. This practice should hold true in other types of meetings. There is an underlying lesson here in what that uniform means and how we should act and how we should express our opinions. We hav
  18. I'd like to do the Hiking MB but was surprised in reading through the requirements that its not set up like the Cycling MB is to encourage progression of skill and endurance. In today's world where child are more and more in front of a TV because of video games it is important to do the progression which should be part of the Hiking MB rather than a separate before process in addition to five 10 miles and one 20 miles.
  19. TroopMaster at http://www.troopmaster.com/ Do realize please that webpages are a totally separate approach and offerings than recordkeeping ones being talked about here.
  20. There should be a rule in place within your Troop that no parent can sign off on their own son. This SM is doing a GREAT disservice to his son in a very fundamental be prepared for life rule... things are worked for, things are earned through work. So SM signs off on stuff and it comes up to the BOR. BOR review can put a stop to it with stating exactly what hasn't been done and what is in question. You as the advancement chair educate and pick whom is on this BOR as NEITHER SM are involved. BOR does have the right to veto the advancement that the SM puts forth. You ask a bunch of que
  21. Funny part is a scroll saw is used in a Technology Education in NY State public schools at the middle school level (6th thru 8th grade for 12-15 years)... *scratching head. OSHA pops up in schools too. Accidents are on the RISE because people are not trained or taught the proper way to use equipment or supervised. In today's sue happy world it isn't surprising that BSA has to put prevention in place with documents like this. As the wheels, doesn't surprised me its being banned since too many think and use it as a toy... *sighs We shouldn't be blaming the ban on BSA but rather on t
  22. Nothing is mentioned in redirecting your son to his SPL first and then his SM. It is your son's place to take a stand and through the proper chains of command. If it was a matter of urgent timing, then I'm glad you foiled the hazing.
  23. Thanks Basement for the spinoff.. *grins http://www.fiverivers.org/forms/pdfs/budget_sample-troop.pdf I found the above a helpful read in my google search along with several sample budget in word, excel using 'Troop budget sample; as the search word. I'm planning on using the 2 column method of last year and next year while separating actual funds we can spend from those reserve funds like Campership and Equipment that push our bottom line much higher than it really is.
  24. Renewing TroopMaster program (this is separate from the website) Buying or renewing the Accounting program if you use one. Campership fund for low income scouts Fundraiser basics (usually comes back after fundraiser) Year end picnic Adult registration.. we pay for the first one when a new Scouter comes on board Cabin deposits, park deposits and etc. to reserve a place to camp. Signage for fundraisers or Scouting for Food
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