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Deaf Scouter

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Everything posted by Deaf Scouter

  1. 5 year Scouter, THANKS for taking the time to write all you wrote. Just reading your post I see how much my Adults are inputting in which is why my PLC isn't going so well. Scouts are clamming up along with not knowing how. It is so much to take in that I'll have to come back and finish reading it and rereading it. You've really NAILED MUCH.. *thankful smile! You really nailed the parent involvement/parent influence that I was overlooking. Looks like I need to have a parent/leaders meeting, don't ya think, to tell them SHUT UP while getting the parents & leaders on the same page
  2. Beavah... So THAT's what Wisdom Woods is.. *laughing Got two whole bins of notebooks and quick look through had me realizing most were nothing but training material. Some of it Council level and some SO old they still had slides.. *snickers this powerpoint user. By the way.. took the income tax refund and BOUGHT several books from the scout store including ALL 3 Program Plans, Troop Record book and Rank Advancement chart... *grins Okay.. enough browbeating me on MBs. Granted even I wouldn't do fly fishing at a Troop meeting... *sighing on the limits of the forums. I guess when
  3. Good reminders and benchmarks for myself to keep that goal oriented part of myself in check, ScoutNut... *winka A neighboring Troop just gave me an AWESOME survey to use with the scouts in planning the monthly event calendar. I will be honest and say I prefer the FUN hands on approach incorporated into planning. Maybe because I'm Deaf I sdislike lectures unless there is an interpreter. Between your writings and the survey, maybe a different approach is needed in letting the scout see how I plan their meetings using a tailored sheet of the PLC that fits our troops' learning/commun
  4. Just a question.. how far is the Pennsylvania/ Philadelphia from the Virginia history triangle mentioned by PapaDaddy? Thinking can do both histories belts since they are not that far apart. Can even do the camp route in Gettysburg section as there is a nice Scout camp there too. I have to laugh at the different perceptions on hectic and slow paced. Being a city gal from the NYC/LI area, DC is right up there with NYC but Boston will never come close that is if one is driving their own car. Boston is still s l o w paced.. *grins Wondering Cambridge if you got all these wars of our
  5. Not surprising blw2 that you don't. Briefly, every scout, parent or leader that fills out a BSA application gets a small membership card like a driver's license. It has your ID number that useful for things like online training and council forms. Neither my son's Troop or Pack gave them out due to the number of scouts they had. Leaders usually got theirs because they needed the number on various forms. Don't hesitate to ask for it now that you know. I wished now I knew as I could use it as proof I was a member because of my knot awards. I now have to make a special trip to research t
  6. Beavah... More like revival enterprise for the Troop.. *grins A few situations have had a HUGE impact in killing Troop numbers in just 3 years. Death of the current SM/CC had the Deaf parent contacting me because of my Scouting experience. Its true what they say that one never knows what they walk into... *smiles Troop Guide is a good title. Like the JASM but already know hard to depend on him as pushing to finish his own Eagle and move out of the Troop. Attendance is an issue with the Life rank because of his sports. I like the ideas on my 3-5 year plan and their (Committee) 3-
  7. THANK YOU infoscouter. Posted a couple I wasn't even aware of: Commissioner and Wire.
  8. Hi there again Beavah!!... *loving the greeting and laughing My Troop: Scout working on Eagle so really not into planning. I finally stopped doing PLC with him as it was a dead end. Sibling Brother is working on Star and not sure where he is headed yet and 5 new crossovers that are active minded and body. I'm basically doing the calendar myself with their ideas then gonna teach them how to plan come fall. It really needs to be done step by step because even the leaders have weaknesses or they are newbies. (My leader planned many hours of 'community service' yet never read the C
  9. I would do Boston over DC just from your comment of wanting a less hectic pace. The other concern is information overload. DC traffic is FAST to sum it lightly and crowded. Boston is slower pace, space and still has the history. From Boston you can do a couple of day trips to see other historic areas. Boston has some unique places to eat: Cheers, public market and etc. Just down the road is the beach. Not sure about the biking part but can tell ya there is walking and a subway in Boston. (the subway kinda took me by surprised as I grew up with NY City's. There is only 2 cars for so
  10. After doing a GREAT calendar session in the beginning of the year of getting a preliminary calendar with something every month, I've learned that the beginning was really a NEWBIE case.. *laughing Out of all those dates we've ACTUALLY done 2 campouts. We planned 3 cabin camping and could only do one after realizing the fund needs for deposit.. *sighs Other than taking the school, council and district calendar, what other things should I consider or questions should I ask when putting things on a preliminary calendar to create a WORKED calendar? Also do any of you do a 5 year calendar o
  11. We want to set up a website for our Troop. It seems to me there are four free hosting sites: Scoutlander, Yola and two others that are bookmarked on my other laptop. By the way, I'm VERY familiar with GoDaddy. Many seem to pick Scoutlander but I'm finding I don't like their presentation style and getting the automatic email notices. What other website hostings are out there? Pros and cons of them? Things I should consider BESIDES the BSA policy of websites.. *laughing On the calendar: pros and cons on making it visible? Scoutlander puts it behind a password that I think def
  12. Why not change your routine of how you do things? I would keep the calendar format and tell parents to start using the Scout calendar as their main calendar. Print out the first one at the beginning of the year and put in some kind of thing report file type folder or a notebook. Use a 3 months cycle of update. End of September, print out December's. Instead of you printing all the copies, tell the parents to do their own. Hope this helps as I can't change the computer program for the life of me but I NEED my SCOUT calendar.. *grins
  13. Worst... on a backpack trip... Rudely woken up in the middle of the night and having a wet scout thrust on us. It seems the scout didn't set up his tent properly so it collapsed when it POURED that night. He got soaked. To stop his chills, he was told to take off his wet shirt (thank goodness the shorts were dry says this lady leader.. WHEW) and use my sleeping bag. sleeping positions.. I can't be next to the scout so that puts my son in the middle. Sharing a sleeping bag not meant to be shared is a REAL toughie. Especially when my son NEVER woke up during this whole change. Thank
  14. For me it would be: Grand Canyon Alaska Oregon/Washington Yellowstone National Park Mount Rushmore The Erie Canal Bike week from Buffalo to Albany Not my bucket list huh??
  15. Happy Birthday Terry!! May it be your BESTIEST year yet... *smiles (PS.. THANK YOU for starting these forum boards!! They really are truly a treasure of info and gaining feedback, wisdom or advice!!!.. *winka)
  16. Yeah. Eamonn really had a different approach that made me take a step back on the answers given. For the English to see Massachusetts and our take on the Revolutionary War with them might be an eye opener or taken as an insult... *laughing Eamonn's right that we're a strange lot with our 'American' view. Question begs since you posted in Scouting forum and coming in June.. what are your interests, hobbies and etc. Looking for the city or the country? Food or people? History or nature? What kind of pas trips have you taken and REALLY enjoyed and why? People are suggesting New Yor
  17. I like mine via email so I belong to several Facebook groups and blogs along with the standard Scouting. I noticed that things don't trickle down from my district or council that 'I' think are important. If I have a specific issue, I google. One can say the computer is my BESTIEST friend. Just WISH it was everyone else's too... *laughing The best blog I think is Bryan on Scouting out of Scouting Magazine. Already seen the new dates on MB and what they were yet never heard it in council. Then again it pays to read when your DEAF... *laughing
  18. Linkage for the Troop Committee Guidebook: http://www.bacarrowhead.org/training/TroopCommitteeGuidebook.pdf At the late in the year, I have to wonder what sparked the committee to even use the word 'approve the activity' that has you as a SM concerned, CA Scouter. Maybe because it was an addition to the already laid out yearly calendar that they simply need more details and reassurance of the worthiness of the additional activity. I would instead ask straight out what seems to be the problem with this backpack trip. Maybe you have newbie parents that just crossed over wondering what s
  19. Brewmeister, I was NOT surprised at the average of Eagles. My son's Troop motto was Eaglemakers and it was that challenge of getting them done before 18 like my son did. Most made it the year before having learned that Senior year and Eagle projects are not a nice combination. It came from watching another before saying WHEW on making the deadline and comparing it to one that didn't have that deadline. Sometimes lessons are learnt from watching and listening than reading and talking...*smiles
  20. Ahhhh the phone dilemma dg98adams.. *laughing So glad to READ someone say they HATE phone calls. Having been totally immerse in the Deaf community for 3 years where everyone texts, emails and etc and GONE from Scouting in that time. I didn't know 'dinosaur' phone like my ASM has still existed when we exchanged phone numbers. Believe me when I say my eyes POPPED open when he took it out of his pocket...*laughing Shall I tell ya my experience of Craiglist and looking for a used car? Feel FREE to get on your soapbox with little ol' moi as I understand yet another side of the 'famed phone
  21. emb01... No, not what I was looking for but THANKS for trying.. *winka. That (APO) is basically a college honor society that helps college students help others. NJCubScouter.. you really show me how much is on my mind that is so jumbled in expressing... *laughing You really pinpoint the nail on succinct and trying to get my real point... *grins Succinct I ain't... *laughing My point is trying to take the principles of the Scout Law and showing how other organization practice the same principles scouting does. I have a problem with 'practice what we preach' thus having s
  22. Facebook brought up an idea of connecting organizations to the Scout Law as a good example of showing how the Scout Law/ Scout Spirit can work every day? Suggestions please on names of non-profit organizations you can think of who's philosophy incorporates virtue Scouts seek in reciting their 12 point character law? A Scout is: Trustworthy: Loyal: Helpful: Friendly: Courteous: Kind: Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Obedient: Cheerful: Thrifty: Brave: Clean: and Reverent: I realize some like Random Acts of Kindness can hit two points, Helpful and Kind. Wou
  23. Scoutfish, With the online registration there is so many slots per class so a someone signs up the slot gets filled. I like the dry erase idea at MBA for the walk ins. You're right in how it will emphasis the point of pre-registration. I'll even take it a step further and post the cancelled class. Monday is our cut off date for online registration with the event Saturday. We really had a problem with a parent that was a walk-in last year for our district's first one. The counselor told MBA that he wouldn't do it unless he had 5 scouts. It seem there is lots involved in his pre
  24. Just had our first planning meeting and the bottleneck that happened last year at the first one Merit Badge Academy (MBA) was definitely talked about along with several other bookmarks so abuse of the MB program doesn't happen. We're going to stick to the 3 session approach of morning, afternoon and full day. For the bottleneck, we're going to learn and use the online registration this year. Those that already registered will by pass the check in and be checked off with their attendance sheets in the MB class they signed up for. online registration site: http://www.meritbadge.info/inde
  25. OH Grey, that was good one. Guess it pays to always carry the card as one never knows what one can 'win'... *laughing
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