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Everything posted by OaklandAndy

  1. It sounds like I need to find out if they are recording these activities or just doing it for fun. Does that mean he is allowed to work on the TF requirements before getting his Scout rank? I know MB's work that way, but I wasn't sure all the other things. Is it typical for the whole troop to do this or is this supposed to be done by patrol? *Answered my own question about being able to work on it. I understand that it can be worked on simultaneously.
  2. Mainly because it is the troop we feed into, but there is only one other Troop in our county that survived the pandemic. Only other option is to go outside our county or even district. Slim pickings nowadays.
  3. So my son had crossed over back in February into a troop and is currently working on his Scout rank. However, at every meeting for the past month, all the troop does is play some type of sports games such as football, baseball, etc. and they'll do some time of physical conditioning for a short time. And that's it. That's the entire meeting. Is this typical? I've been trying to learn the MB process on my own, but it seems that the meetings itself aren't really scout-related or MB-based. The physical fitness portion I get because there's a MB for that, but where's the counselor? It seems that t
  4. eDutch ovens are the best for a setting like this. No timers required
  5. Hello all! I'm Andrew from Canton, NC. I used to be fairly active on the "official" Scoutbook discussion forums page, until they banned all content that wasn't related to "Scoutbook, Internet Advancement and all other BSA IT software and resources". I'm happy to find this website so I can learn from others and share my own experiences. You'll most likely find me in the Cub Scout forums as I am a AOL DL/CC for our Pack.
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