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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. I understand it makes no sense to you and as I have stated before I am on the fence. The fact that I and others are on the fence makes this discussion worthwhile. You have had a great scouting life and I am happy for you but a lot of us had exactly the opposite. Barry the above statement makes these discussions relevant. Believe or not believe it is up to you but please do not stick your head in the sand. that fuels the anti BSA discussion.
  2. Of course, there is two sides to the fence. Offering good to the community does not absolve one from its sins. As far as schools well you would not have to ask too many people about closing them and you would find an opinion for closing. Why is home schooling on the rise (and it was before the pandemic)?
  3. Reactions to a post says a lot about people. I do not understand the sad face. Is it because it is a sad situation or is it because I am looked at upon as a sad person?
  4. You see it is statements such as the above where I have my doubt if BSA should continue on. Leaders such as @skepticwho want to deflect responsibility away from BSA makes the BSA a dangerous place for youth. I was in the care of the BSA at the time of the assault upon my body, the perpetrators were active adult leaders of the BSA end of story. What transpired afterwards only added to the damage. It is and was the BSA's responsibility to keep perpetrators out of the BSA. After they were caught (if they were caught and most were not) it was the BSA's responsibility to keep them out of an
  5. From someone who is on the fence as to pro/anti BSA it also would make sense if you said the opposite. The BSA has ruined so many lives how could any one be in support of it?
  6. I wasn’t really sure on the image. Thanks for letting me know.
  7. Not sure why I was deleted previously but the Catholic Church vs BSA of who was worse in CSA is like: "THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK" Both are equally guilty of not protecting youth!!
  8. My point is that you most likely have met someone and they never revealed it to you. If you had met me 5 years ago I would have told you about my abuse. My not telling is more common than survivors who told when the abuse occurred or even 10 years later talking about it.
  9. If nothing else, please take from those of us that are survivors that those you love and cherish may be victims but will in most instances not tell anyone.
  10. So sad to say something like this. We are not talking about a cut on a young persons knee. What does this actually mean?
  11. This is the great "tell" in how so many feel about the abuse. If not you it would have been someone else or should I say so many feel that someone would be abused and better them than me?
  12. My original question was: How many ruined lives are acceptable to add good morale decision makers to this world? Followed after a no answer reply so I asked: Why do you find it so hard to answer a basic question? I get the above "800,000 expected victims have not come forward". So I guess the 82,000 is acceptable because 800,000 did not come forward. Wow!! I really am starting to feel as if myself and all other survivors (and the thousands who did not survive) were just part of the cost of doing business as the BSA worked to to add some good morale decision makers to thi
  13. That was not the question. Why do you find it so hard to answer a basic question? I am sure scouting has been a great program for many people but that is not the question.
  14. Yes, some posters are calling for the end to scouting, but not many. How many ruined lives are acceptable to add good moral decision makers to the world? You should answer this question as it is a question of morality and I am sure you consider yourself a morale person.
  15. Would you ask those who talk about the Holocaust to include the total number of people in the world when they talk about the 5 million killed by the Nazi's?
  16. No that is a terrible comparison. It does not even come close to the same thing. Now if you were to say there was a red light that almost every day someone ran that light and people were injured. Sometimes it was the same driver running that causing multiple injuries and when they totaled up the injury's caused from running this light it totaled over 82,000. That might be more accurate.
  17. And here is another fact if or when this settlement is done it will be the largest CSA settlement in history. Yet there are still people saying that the BSA did a better job at YPT than other organization's, Hmmm?
  18. Thank you. Of course the question was hypothetical and does not change history but it does show where your heart is at.
  19. I believe you only want to look at the details and then interpret them to fit the scenario in your mind. You try to make the BSA look better by trying to point out others (though you fail to name them or show real statistics). You fail to answer key questions such as why did they lie to congress. You ignore the fact that it took the Oregon Supreme Court to have them turn over any of their files.
  20. And exactly when did that effort start before or after the public was made more aware of the issues and why did the BSA lie to congress about sexual abuse?
  21. So you are saying the ends justifies the means and you would not sacrifice your experience for mine?
  22. Let me rephrase. Would anyone forego their wonderful experience in the BSA if it meant one less victim of abuse?
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