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Everything posted by ThenNow

  1. I didn’t realize that meant literally contact people. Is it not curious they skipped me? PS - I still don’t like it, regardless. I guess I was too busy working on my Proof of Claim.
  2. That. Is. Positively. Despicable. Dang. My level of cumulated disgust continues to rise. Thank you for that information, though I am really sorry to hear it. I figured it had to be based on nothing more than records. Who would’ve given them the record of Eagle Scouts? I wonder why I was not contacted. I absolutely hate hearing this, as a legit victim and as an attorney. More shame than one can spread around. Gah. I can’t express how disappointing that is, but I’m sure you get it. Makes me angry and sad. That has been a consistent theme for me over the last year plus. I guess it would be pegge
  3. Seems to me, a big problem has been exposed regardless. If it was “sound” and hunky dory, why did they so heavily redact and put that determination at such jeopardy. They certainly had to have anticipated it would be challenged, even with overwhelming support by the victims’ counsel. What damaging info is in those docs if they’re fighting so hard, though poorly in my view? No fun having a gallery of objectors, I admit. Not knowing more than a thimble full, it seems like they made a strategic error.
  4. Exactly. (We need to let the witness answer the foundational question so we can lead him to our punchline. Ha. Jk. Well done to get to the heart of the matter, brother.)
  5. I’m asking not poking. Was this simply based on their age and asked by whom?
  6. Not what I said. I wasn’t talking about the size of a model, rather whether engineers use such. For the record. Wrong. Engineers like research, no? Get after it... Please read more carefully. I’m defending method and challenging you on your assertions that you, as a professional engineer, do not use modeling or data extrapolation based on well-established facts and research. Of course it makes a difference. I challenge you to say that my presence here, and the presence and voices of those victims who followed me in speaking up, changed no minds, made no diff
  7. Yup. So, far, some of these attorneys have made $675 for listening to the court IT guy.
  8. Yes. And, if and when you do, please send back daily reports from the field. I think it will be a lonely path and you'll need pen pals. Just sayin...
  9. Wait, Mr. Engineer. You never, ever, not even once used even a teeny tiny itty bitty bit of predictive modeling or analytics based on hard data to calculate and extrapolate in your research and design? Hm. Curious. Never? Never, ever, cross your heart and hope to die? Pinkie swear, too? Yes. Indeed. Interestingly, I long ago discovered that after drinking too much alcohol and/or puffing too much weed, my integrity became easily loosened, as well. Random personal history note for my fan base. What? (See, above, regarding predictive modeling, and, etc. Read several times.)
  10. Yes! I’m officially nominating Animal House as the new analogy to replace The Circus. Perfect.
  11. You did not state an “opinion of Mr. K.” You said he has “done nothing noble.” Making that comment about a successful child sexual abuse attorney goes directly to my experience and tragedy. What he did was represent people like me. What he got was a lot of money because he did it well, very well, within the system that was given him. What you think he is or is not, that goes to your opinion of Mr. K., the man. Saying what he did is not noble is, in fact, an insult to victims like me, however unintended. I love it when you sound all psychologisty. Makes me all goose bumpy. Again, you kn
  12. Please enlighten me on this "total truth" of which you speak. That the IVF contained others who did not sexually assault, rape, abuse and exploit the boys under their care? How many in the Files did? Isn't it the case that the BSA knew of at least 7000+ when the proverbial cat was forced out of the bag? That "total truth"? As you'll see throughout my history of posts, it continues to baffle me that you (and others) blame anyone for utilizing or leveraging the target BSA painted on its back by the things it did and the all too many things it refused to do in order to protect itself, its
  13. Thank you and you're welcome. Spend 50 years drowning in nightmares, therapy, in and out-patient treatment, depression, suicidal ideation, self-disgust, doubt and deprecation...after being raped at 10 and then repeatedly by a Scout Master you thought worthy of your trust and admiration and THEN come talk to me about what is or is not noble about an attorney who represents people like me. You literally have no standing whatsoever to opine on this subject. None. You are on the outside looking in upon a subject matter and life so complex you are only picking up vague, fleeting images of thin
  14. Oh, not all. It’s clear as mud, as my dad used to say.
  15. As have many who have done nothing noble, nothing good, nothing pure and nothing of any lasting value to anyone. Many have caused damage to people, property, society and the planet. I choose to recognize this "noble experience," whether others find it worthy or not.
  16. Well, now. I say she is none too happy and ready to snap some slack. I will be popping lots of corn and getting my video screen and Bose headphones ready for action, along with a fresh toothbrush, napping pillow and a change of briefs. Get it? Briefs. I'm here all night and the tip jar is on the Yeti. Well, in the Yeti. Best place for cold, hard cash.
  17. "Shoot for the stars and hit the moon"? As we all do, he know's full well the court will do everything possible to preserve the BSA, however hobbled. Thus, he pushes for 1, misses and gets 2? Heck if I know. Maybe he will chime in here. Mr. TK, enlighten us, bitte.
  18. Way back when I commented that I thought he is quite calculated in his approach to this and potentially very influential. Others thought me a bit off base (or the wall), saying he is essentially just rich, bored and bent on BSA destruction for some underlying, inexplicable hatred. He may be some or all of that, too, but I really think he knows what he's doing.
  19. Yup. Here I am. As I've tried to say, love or hate, this man has represented victims of child sexual abuse against BSA since 1996. That's 25 years. Even though he was "wound down" by 2018, he obviously unwound the winding when the BSA Chapter 11 rumors got serious. People can say all they want about the evils of making 40+% on a contingent basis, cast all the aspersions in the book at attorneys for all the various reasons and question mixed motives until the cows come home. Imagine what he has seen and heard. Hundreds of client victims. Hundreds of negotiations with the BSA and its counse
  20. Good points. I don’t know about such things, but it’s been suggested that the August’ish goal was more based on getting out and “clean” by registration season. That made/makes tons of sense to me. Love to hear expert opinions.
  21. Yup. That was included in my “Act your age...” and reflect the (supposed) dignity of your profession sigh of, “Good grief!”
  22. And, embarrassing. Please grow up. Behave honorably. Stop playing games. You’re supposed to be defending the rights and lives of victims of child sexual abuse, not having a peeing contest in the sandbox while shouting, “I know you are, but what am I?” Good grief.
  23. AIS and TK. Two of interest, I suppose. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/47fa66fb-180b-411f-80c4-59e56cd1d63d_5923.pdf https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/f26f9981-f41d-42bd-adbd-d7996d12f44f_5924.pdf
  24. I’m sort of responding to this after reading the docs and also just saying how I continue to feel about the process on Day 538+. One of the other things that makes this so gut wrenching for me, speaking for myself as a victim claimant, is it’s almost impossible to discern what is cover fire for my/our cause, what is incoming and what is friendly fire. Not being able to tell who is for me and who’s agin’ makes the churning all the worse. Should I hope the insurers succeed in getting to rummage around in the potentially fraudulent claims and expose some no good attorneys or not? Does what t
  25. And, I think it’s critical not to lose sight of a fact that isn’t being discussed here (at this moment). Among the “bogus” claims, the insurers are cloaking their position that 50,000+ Gray Staters are equally invalid on their face. Their definition of the word “bogus” massively diverges from mine. Reference my camel, his nose and this big circus tent.
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