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Everything posted by ThenNow

  1. If someone wants to read through this and summarize, please do. I get the gist of negligent representation, in various forms, but it's interesting from there. I pray this fella is okay, in the midst, regardless the truth in all of this. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/8ecdcd69-dfcf-4ab1-baa9-bcbc334562dc_6082.pdf
  2. Bench ruling coming down tomorrow at 3:00PM ET. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/cbf4b5e3-c8a1-450e-aa7f-f65e20f40ee7_6084.pdf
  3. You know my love for the random and anecdotal. Here's today's minuscule sample "survey." I live in a wee pocket [not the one Mr. Schiavoni was in the other day] between a metro area and a mid-sized town. Pretty much all those who work along the half mile stretch I frequent are known by and to me. I was in the petrol station and snackery talking with two gals my age just now. (May I say the 'g' word?) They asked what was what and saw I'm looking a bit bleary, not only because I was checking out with a 44 oz. Diet Coke. I gave a quick "BSA bankruptcy" reference and they were off to the races. Th
  4. Yeah. Ya read one, ya read ‘em all. Jk. I shoulda posted both. I’m going to ask how many read them by COB tonight. 😴
  5. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/judge-mulls-key-rulings-in-boy-scouts-of-america-bankruptcy/
  6. What is the vested interest of these COs in continuing to "host" Scouting? A long while ago, we discussed how Scouting is a valued component of many congregation's menu of youth and community services. Is that still widely the case? Is that their singular "compelling interest" counterbalancing the current abandonment and risk of tremendous liability exposure in the near term. "I guess my 'partner' must not value me as much as they oozed, so perhaps it's time for a divorce?" I'm curious and don't have great insight into this topic or perhaps too much else. Thanks, in advance.
  7. This is long (42 pages) but worth a read. Insurers hitting things squarely in the forehead with a cinder block. https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/1bdaf160-5b90-4cd9-a6c9-d4d1bb957f5c_6058.pdf
  8. UPDATE: Just spoke with CHILDUSA Advocacy, the legislative arm of CHILDUSA, and they said, “We plan on working with Senator Agard to pass SoL reform in Wisconsin.” And, just noticed that Senator Agard is on the Board of Director’s for the Glacier’s Edge Council. Innerestin’.
  9. “Hey, now, hey, now. Don’t dream it’s over...” Guess I missed this. Bam! https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/05/27/clergy-abuse-what-know-proposed-wisconsin-child-victims-act/5165648001/ Excerpts: A proposed bill that would allow survivors of childhood sexual abuse to hold their abuser accountable is facing an uncertain future in the state Legislature. The Child Victims Act would allow survivors to pursue civil action against their abuser or the organization that employed the person, removing the current limitation that allows a person to pursue action only until they turn
  10. Finally! I’m famous. I always knew it would happen one day. 😬 Did he comment on my overall gentility, haberdashery and, of course, my coif? Oh, yeah. He can’t see me. Dang it. My agent will be accepting applications for the T/N Fan Club officer positions starting at 9:00AM ET. Thank you. Thank you very much.
  11. As with my thoughts about Mosby’s “equitable compensation” to “all victims,” they set themselves up for this ire, which I think is already there. They played up how important COs are to the future of Scouting and then failed to include them in this process, as they rushed to the altar. Misters Ryan and Buchbinder made that clear without mincing words. As I probably said, Mr. B. was downright befuddled and seriously agitated about how they could be so dense and wind up fighting with a large group they deemed critical to carrying out their mission. The financial ramifications of mass defection a
  12. As Mr. B said, they can apply later, once we know what was actually done and accomplished. That is, after all, the norm. Pay for votes is what it was. Desperation breeds concession and surrender, I suppose. I agree, it's a small number, but it's disgusting, especially in light testimony from Whitman (Alvarez & Marsal) and Desai, and the statements by the executives. At least make them vet the numbers, for Pete's sake.
  13. Yup, I am. Education and critical thinking? I'll let you decide on that one. I suppose that is correct. I do. I've spoken with at least 10 people about this language, from my mom (HS education), my brother (two masters, one in ESL), lawyer friends, an auto tech, former factory worker and others, most of which admittedly have a college and/or university degree. You're making one big assumption in your question and it is counter-opposed to your compliment that I am dogged about precision of language. (My spelling stinks, however.) Here it is. You didn't ask me what words I would h
  14. FYI. Shared with permission. https://pszjlaw.zoom.us/rec/share/JfKB6sEqkyXxp3zIc4oEvcSC8TXsZEYrMmJOSCA_F1jFTFNeUBjfJDVW_z-kIjEp.ND9BCyD1lDjnFBzn
  15. As to the RSA or the Coalition fees? He pretty much went dead last (second from last) and the reporters were apparently on deadline. His statements need to be reported somewhere, I think. They were pithy and potent and powerful.
  16. https://www.claimsjournal.com/news/national/2021/08/16/305433.htm
  17. Yeah. We’ve discussed this at great length before and I know it’s of little value to whip it some more. I will anyway. I have lots more coffee to drink, nothing much to do just yet and because the impact of that statement has loomed over the entire process. I can speak for myself (at least most days) and say the “equitably compensate survivors of abuse in Scouting” message was a huge banner of acknowledgment and hope. It certainly enhanced my desire to file a claim. Did I do any math? Not much. I guessed at potential claims and came up with between 5000 and 10-12,000 on the high end. Kno
  18. Well, it’s always effective to say, “I’ll just die if you don’t let me go to the game, dad!” but I guess I didn’t hear that degree of desperation or even hyperbole. I had several things going on simultaneously, though. At one point, Tanc Schiavoni was speaking to me from my pocket, jangling along with some loose change and an old pocket knife.
  19. I’m guessing not from the bench, but I don know nuttin’. She’s aware it has to be as quickly as possible, but what that means I can’t say. I still think the Coalition fees are on the block. Counsel for the Catholic and Methodist Churches COs was pretty compelling about this not going forward without them. Mr. B also spanked them for walking away from the COs and on the Coalition fees. He was extremely animated and upset, at least his delivery projected the latter.
  20. Pretty abbreviated, but decent. Obviously written before the hearing wrapped, since the Coalition fees issue isn’t there. I want to see Mr. B’s commentary fully transcribed, whether I agree with all of it or not!
  21. Nope. You missed Tanc’s PowerPoint and David Buchbinder’s fire breathing. He lit some pants on fire. Ha. Molten back on trying to respond to Mr. B’s assault. And, that’s a wrap at 8:16PM ET.
  22. Admittedly at a lower level, but back in the days of paper and binders, you'd come in, someone would hand you a series of them to study, notate and bring back for a step through review. I'm not sure how many such critical documents those binders would contain for someone in his BSA role.
  23. That was certainly my immediate reaction, from the standpoint of the duty of the top executive. No one briefed him on the history and evolution, at least?
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