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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. No. Undershirts are not required. Want an official source for this? The uniform inspection sheet... https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/510-784(23)-Scouts-Uniform-Inspection-Sheet.pdf Did you know that "In any case, the top button of the collar should be unbuttoned."?? I see this one a lot...
  2. My sources say talks are ongoing... Basically, each Board involved must vote to agree to a merger. Financially unsound councils won't have much choice, and will face pressure from National. My guess is that National's stick is denial of a charter to a council. Financially strong councils kind of call their own shots. How is your council doing? Ours is not doing well... Here is an historical example: https://web.archive.org/web/20131213125856/http://www.cnjcscouting.org/index.php/download_file/view/801/1/
  3. Actually @SSScout, it is not communicated well, but BSA requires all drivers check their vehicles prior to departure: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/680-696(21)-SAFE-Transportation-Checklist-FPO3-5172021.pdf "Motor vehicles used to transport Scouts must complete Pre-Trip Transportation Inspection before travel for each driver and vehicle. This includes correcting all deficiencies." btw, @RichardB, "Motor vehicles" don't complete checklists... people do. Would recommend re-wording this statement on the form.
  4. @RichardB, thanks! IMO, we are in a good place with the driver policies we have now. No need to revisit "convoy" or "caravan." Are you still seeing a trend of convoying being a causal/contributing factor in vehicle incidents? I do have some recommendations on improving the Transportation checklist. How do we plug into the apparatus to suggest those changes? For example, "Windshield Wipers" are not on the checklist, and darn well should be 😜 Several other things should be considered for inclusion, particularly for trailers... happy to provide input. Also, do you have insight into BSA incident rates while towing a trailer? https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/680-696(21)-SAFE-Transportation-Checklist-FPO3-5172021.pdf
  5. Haven't heard this one... but am getting intel on potential council mergers. Of course, that scuttlebutt has been flying around for years... As for the name change, looks like someone wants to "leave a legacy"... smh
  6. And, for the history buffs, see page 49 in the attachment, right side, #10. 2007 Printing, BSAGuideToSafeScouting.pdf
  7. Traveling in convoys or caravanning used to be specifically prohibited. Not anymore, insofar as I can see, either. The practice itself is not bad. It's that, as pointed out above, drivers have a penchant for breaking laws and creating unsafe conditions while "trying to keep up." The focus is now on distracted driving, which is a leading cause of accidents. And the admonition to obey all traffic laws... The drive to and from any Scouting event is the highest risk / most dangerous part of the event. Here are a few resources for reference: Guide to Safe Scouting - Transportation Section : https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/gss/gss11/ SAFE Transportation Checklist and Pre-Trip Inspection: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/680-696(21)-SAFE-Transportation-Checklist-FPO3-5172021.pdf Risk Zone Training: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/healthsafety/pdf/632-006_wb.pdf BSA Drive Safely On Line Training, SCO_805, found in my.scouting Training... not required One of the hardest things any of us will ever do is take a drive and obey EVERY traffic law perfectly. Give it a real try sometime, observe your driving practices, and evaluate yourself honestly... 😜
  8. How is it 3x the work for her?? LOL And how will the Scouts learn, if not by doing? I know... preaching to the choir 😜
  9. That would be three separate menus/shopping/cooking/cleanup in our unit, so three patrols. 3 olders is enough for a "patrol."
  10. IMO, you are doing great!! The discouragement of PM's means between adults and youth...
  11. No, it isn't. You have no idea who @fred8033 is. That account could be a Scouter, or it could be someone posing as a Scouter, or it could (these days) be a large language model chatbot posting. Or it could be one of my alter egos trolling you, and complete fiction.
  12. Not quite... For example, a CO and Unit Committee can choose not to allow someone who is openly gay (or a sex-changer) be a leader or youth in their unit. In the case of the adult, if their lifestyle is not in line with the views and morals of the CO, then they have every right to exclude that person from their unit. But, not from Scouting... In the case of the youth, issues of sexuality should never be on the menu... but if they youth and or family push that agenda, then the unit has every right to exclude them as incompatible with their aims for their unit. But, they cannot exclude the youth from Scouting...
  13. Absolutely, we tolerate those with those "views". What we do not tolerate is those who "act" against others in accordance with those views. What you are advocating is akin to being the "Thought Police." Not knowing the other specifics of the OP (that is, having only one version of the events), my pronouncement was simply that it was wrong of the person to use an open forum to vent his misgivings about membership policies. And, it was also a failure by the discussion moderators there to not steer that person into other territory. Zoom hosts can mute or boot anyone from a session. They should feel free to use that power, but judiciously. Where did that enter the equation in this thread?? I scanned the other pages and did not see anything about someone making threats??
  14. Something was definitely rotten in the state of Denmark on that one 😜
  15. @Armymutt, I think you'd agree it's like being in the military: The best thing about being in the military (or Scouts) is some of the people you get to work with. The worst thing about being in the military (or Scouts) is some of the people you get to work with. 😉 😉 😜 😜 😜
  16. Other folks out there with local-run Scout Shops? Please post their phone numbers for @negot8or Also, here is the store locator. You can click on each to find a phone number. https://www.scoutshop.org/storelocator I do not think you can distinguish between local, council-run shops, and those that have space leased out to National... For the ones that are National-run, I believe inventory is more centrally controlled, and when items are discontinued, they sometimes get "called back" to supply centers for disposal... But, I could be way off base with that... That is the story I have gotten from a regional store manager some years ago. Have not check the veracity of that claim.
  17. All out of stock on scoutshop.org, but try local council Scout Shops that are not run by National. Garden State Council is one...609-261-5850 If they have them, they'll take your credit card info over the phone for charges and shipping. There are others... many may still have loops in stock, as once they purchase from National, they often cannot return them. A saavy local shopkeeper can check inventory in other stores to help. YMMV. I have had items like this shipped from all over the country to our location. Happy Hunting!
  18. - Cotton doesn't kill.... wet cotton kills (in cold weather) Cotton has an affinity for water (hydrophilic), and is therefore difficult to dry. It does not wick away moisture, buts holds it, and therein lies the problem in cold weather. Makes a great towel for that reason, though! - Cotton shrinks (but can be pre-shrunk) - Cotton wrinkles (ironing, anyone?) - I love cotton, in hot weather 😜
  19. Ahh... you are not limited to attending events in your District. You can go where ever convenience dictates. If anyone gives you the stink eye tell them you got permission from Scouter.com !! LOL
  20. The unit is in District A, the location of your CO. The CO owns the unit, regardless of where it meets. The DE for District A supports. At recharter, same as above... DE for District A. No, no National policy... the only thing remotely covering is that the council has geographic boundaries... and CO's located in those boundaries are chartered within that council. The council gets to determine its own geographic or functional boundaries for its districts.
  21. @Newschoolscoutdad, welcome! That is a great idea! But, since you would still be soliciting a donation, just ask for council approval... Fill out the BSA Fundraising Application and send it in. https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34427.pdf Attach a short letter explaining what it is you want to do, and how you want to do it. Give a ballpark figure for the value of the equipment you'll be asking for. Set an end date for seeking the donations, and stick to it. (You can take down that entry on Facebook or other platforms, right?) Councils approve GoFundMe's for Eagle Projects all the time. I don't see this as being much different. You never get what you don't ask for, so ASK FOR IT! And let us know what your council says! Although... reading the application a bit more, it does say "At no time are units permitted to solicit contributions for unit programs." So, that might be a hard "No."
  22. Does not require separate facilities... G2SS is quite clear... Separate shower and latrine facilities should be provided for male and female adults as well as for male and female youth. If separate facilities are not available, separate times should be scheduled and posted. Should does not mean must.
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