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Everything posted by ItsBrian

  1. If the parents push them, they won’t learn or succeed. I have two brothers in my troop (one first class, one almost Eagle.) They have a helicopter mother and will literally do EVERYTHING for her sons. She even does all their school work. She’s doing his Eagle Scout Project, meaning he didn’t demonstrate leadership or anything. My parents haven’t pushed me, told me to do anything (besides to finish my last two merit badges haha). All I have to do is my last two merit badges. I did a meaningful project at a local Adult daycare center, and I found the place myself through my nurs
  2. I’ve seen the first few episodes of the new season Worst Cooks of America. There’s twins that are both Eagle Scouts and are in my opinion, mocking the program. They are making a mockery of the cooking merit badge (even though it’s not always taught the best). Heres some articles with scenes. https://www.dailyherald.com/amp-article/20180110/entlife/180119899/ http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/lake-county-news-sun/news/ct-lns-worst-cooks-wauconda-st-0106-20180105-story,amp.html
  3. Didn’t @NealOnWheels post it’s not in the 2017 Guide to Safe Scouting?
  4. I’m saying they might’ve realized that there may not be a hook or way to attach a blanket to divide the room up.
  5. National probably realized it’s not always possible to hang a blanket or something like that.
  6. Well said. Exactly how I’ve been interpreting it.
  7. Really? GS can use power tools for their project and BS can’t?
  8. There’s details that haven’t been answered that may determine if there was two deep. - Was the door to the other room closed? (Did it even have a door?...) - Was he still in eyesight of another adult? - How close was he to scouts?
  9. I personally would say it would be equilevant to somewhere around Star. The gold award is not the easiest to earn either, and you take somewhat the same steps for Eagle. You must choose a service project, demonstrate leadership, etc. I’ve seen some that are even better than many Eagle Scout projects. I don’t believe GS’s do wilderness survival, knots, detailed first aid, etc.
  10. They might have no choice. If there is already a BS troop with 8 scouts lets say, and 3 leaders. What if no other volunteers actually volunteer? There is no choice for the girls then. They will either not be able to form a troop, or they can just make one on paper and be with the BS troop.
  11. I guess it depends on the troop / area. Our CO had a GS Troop that turned into a venturing (they all start college next year), and currently now only a BS troop. But, we were always family. We didn’t change the way we acted, we bonded perfectly. Might I mention, the venturing crew was only 6-8 girls. We have shared a campsite with them at West Point many times, and side-by-side cabins on other trips. We had a fantastic time and are upset they are going off to college. But, that might just be one of the few troops relationships with a venturing crew. I never met any of thos
  12. As a youth, I personally believe he did not do anything wrong. - He wasn’t one on one with a scout. - He was in the MAIN room, not a side room (If he napped in there during the day, would that violate it since there are scouts in the MAIN area where he is sleeping?) - Was on ground, not sharing a bunk - Last minute decision (1am, nobodies thinking then) - A cabin isn’t a tent
  13. That’s what I was thinking too. The reason why so many jobs are 16+ in the Tri-State because the need of working papers and more strict labor laws (hours, breaks, etc). In NJ, a 15 year old can only work until 9pm during school season and then 10pm in summer.
  14. I agree with the transportation, but that’s not everybody too. What’s so bad about a first time hire?
  15. I got it from that topic. I was referring to the post by @RememberSchiff
  16. If he talked over email the whole time then I don't believe he was a effective leader. I had to meet with the beneficiary at least 4-5 times to even just approve it. (I did my project at end of Sept.). I know a scout in my troop with the somewhat same scenario. He painted the floor and walls of the basement meeting hall of our CO. His parents did all the work, did the workbook, did the project. But, only the SM and CC cares that he didn't show leadership and all that, but the CO doesn't care since it was done.
  17. I wanted to talk about something off-topic from scouting, so here it goes. How do you feel about 14, 15 year olds having jobs? Why I'm Bringing It Up: I got hired when I was 14 at a CB Day Camp (I turned 15 during the summer). That ended, now I'm trying hard to find a part-time job as a 15 year olds. Let me say, it is not easy trying to find a job for 15 year olds in NJ. I have looked at every single place in my area (about 20 different food places / stores ) Now, after finally applying to many places. I get a interview at McDonalds! My first "official intervie
  18. Exactly. It’s going to cause troops to merge either way because if BSA doesnt have enough volunteers now, how will they get thousands more?
  19. I’ve recently watched a video put out by national where the VP(s) of membership (?) explained how it’s going to work. Everyone in my area was under the impression that there would be co-ed troops. Even our UC though so, but I guess we were all wrong. It’s supposedly going like this: Cub Scouts - Co-Ed Pack (Sep. Dens) - All Girl - All Boy Boy Scouts - All Boy Troops - All Girl - NO Co-Ed Venturing -Stays the same, Co-Ed I think it’s going to cause issues personally, because leaders may do the same with girl Troops
  20. I haven’t read any replies due to them being long, so sorry if I repeat. My SM says “School, Religion, THEN Scouts”. Ill leave it there.
  21. I’m curious, do you know what his project is? Maybe he did show Leadership but the scoutmaster may not like the scout, or doesn’t want him to get Eagle. Anyway, I wish him luck and hope he is able to fix it. What happened to the saying “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” Maybe he’ll take it as a learning experience and be able to fix it if he feels the same way. If I was the SM for my Troop (hypothetically speaking), I wouldn’t approve of one of a soon to be Eagle Scout. There’s just some projects where the scout didn’t show anything but did the easie
  22. Personally, I believe some small Troops do. We do not have many adult leaders (SM, 1 ASM, CC, 2 or 3 committee members). But the committee members only fill in when needed and aren’t as active. I help with administrative stuff as SPL. For us, it’s more of a general administrative / oversee lead, but the PLC still meets and makes meeting plans & all that. All of our volunteers work on-Call jobs so sometimes they can not even come due to work. That’s why we have a SPL, so the other parents/volunteers don’t have to worry since they will have me (current SPL) to be able to instruct
  23. In all honesty, it depends on the size of the troop. My troop has 12 scouts, with only 3 senior. Two of them do not want to be SPL so I was it again. If it’s a big Troop, everyone should get a chance if they want one.
  24. I have been SPL for two term, (1yr each) and that’s my troops limits.
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