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dilrod last won the day on July 15 2017

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About dilrod

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    Twin Cities, Minnesota
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  1. Has anyone else experienced difficulty in getting a knot for a position they held? It took my 3 years to finally get a Den Leader knot. This only happened because I took it upon myself to prep all the forms (not just my own, but my fellow Den & Pack leaders going back two years), get the signatures and submitted to the District training chair. The Council sat on them forever & some of those never came. I see those old Scouters with a chest full of knots and wonder how that happened. Were they better about awarding and processing these things in the old days?
  2. The Secretary needs to either sort it out with the ADL herself or be quiet & take her child somewhere else. If Traveling Dad is willing to train up and be the DL, awesome! He's Doing His Best. I'm sure he and the ADL could plan a fine program and execute accordingly. If no one wants to lead, or if you can't merge other Dens resulting in the magic 6 to 8 Cubs each, fold the Den. The parents can explain to their child why they can't go to Cub Scouts anymore, or why they have to find a new Pack. No leader available means just that.
  3. I've seen similar photos and I share your concern. With many parent's lackadaisical/defensive attitude towards a proper uniform for their scout, this will be a common sight. Might even become a fad among the girls. Put it on social media, it's 100x worse. Too many sickos out there.
  4. Old uniform items remain authorized for wear. Keep recycling those uniforms & let the BSA sell skorts instead.
  5. I agree with the comments above, this month's copy was terrible. I'll give Scouting Magazine a couple more chances. If they don't get back to normal by winter and focus on helping me be a better Scouter instead of beating the drum for girls I'll ask them to cancel my subscription. I don't care if they have a few pics of girls here and there, but 50/50 through the whole magazine?
  6. I am tasked with getting our leaders & parents to take the course. Having been Pack Trainer for 3 years, I know our parents and few of them have ever taken time to explore the great resources my.scouting has to offer. I did the new YPT a few weeks ago and I think the BSA is expecting too much. I believe the old course was adequate, although I do appreciate the addition of the Scouts First hotline. The material is college level & disturbing. It's law enforcement training (which I've had) and I don't think a lot of parents are up to it. A few "thank you for your service to th
  7. The thing that has stood out to me as far as compliance is the requirement that all Pack leaders must have the new YPT done or Packs can't recharter. As Pack Trainer for the past 3 years I couldn't even get some leaders to do the basic online training for their positions, and the new YPT is much more difficult. Leaders will lose their positions and a lot less Packs will be "100%," even on paper.
  8. I tried one from the Scout Shop during our Tiger year, but I couldn't keep up with it. I'm better organized now, so maybe I can try again for our Bear year.
  9. Excellent discussion! My farmer father was the best troubleshooter I've ever known. He kept things running longer than most people would have been able to do. I got to learn from him. Problem was, he could have saved a lot of time and money had he just cracked open a manual or a how-to book first, or asked what others did. I have had to reprogram myself to take time to see if there are other ways of doing something rather than just diving in. As for Pride of Craft, I'm trying to get my Cubs to start with their uniforms: buttoning the shirt, tucking in the shirt, even just wearin
  10. The Pack leadership emailed everyone and advised Den Leaders to discuss it with their Dens. We were too busy having fun and learning important stuff. I never got around to it. I finally told my 7 soon to be 8 year old son girls will be joining next year. His reaction, as a typical little boy who thinks girls have cooties, was classic. I don't have to worry about him.
  11. My pack leadership encourages 100% of the boys making ranks, but last year I had 3 TIgers that quit showing up for meetings, but never dropped, so I didn't put them in for their badge. This year I have wolves. Everybody has shown up for most of the meetings & I've plugged mini requirement opportunities in here and there or at least talked about them to plant the seed in their minds about service, the outdoors, etc. We worked together on a couple of electives, too. I'm satisfied that the requirements have been met in spirit, if not the letter, by all. We hand out beltloops at P
  12. In the interest of being friendly and courteous, I'll make a couple more points and then bow out of this discussion. I think there is an underlying hope that this change will generate donations, by getting us back into the United Way or gaining corporate sponsorships. This won't earn us forgiveness and funding for what others perceive as our past sins of being sexist girl haters, just like the homosexual accommodations led to nothing. Next God will have to go, then the militaristic uniforms, then the male oriented power structure and on and on... I hope I'm wrong, because the pe
  13. We set up a Pinewood Derby track and have a few old cars to run at our spring school event. There are always some interested children, but we haven't gotten members doing it. I think you have a great idea! If you do it, please let us know how it turns out.
  14. Parents and society SHOULD teach the difference between boys and girls. It's pathetic that parents hasten to emasculate their sons like this.
  15. My point about the name BOY Scout is that as of yesterday, it died. The BSA spokesperson stated "There are no plans to change our name at this time." Really? They probably have to sell tons of BSA branded merchandise and books first, then print new edition handbooks with 50/50 girls and boys in the pictures. Again, what girl wants to tell her friends she's a BOY Scout??
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