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Everything posted by Tatung42

  1. Thank you for the replies. I like the merit badge counselor idea. This brings me another question. What about a Lion Den? Every scout is there with their adult partner (most of whom have taken YP), and there is one fully trained Den Leader. This setup is clearly a violation because "A Lion or Tiger adult partner is not considered a registered leader for meeting two-deep leadership requirements". We could get one of the adult partners to register as a merit badge counselor to fulfill youth protection requirements?
  2. Lets say a patrol leader wants to have a patrol meeting at his house. The patrol's fully trained ASM adviser will be there as well as the patrol leader's mother. The patrol leader's mother has taken youth protection, but she is not a registered member of the BSA. This is a youth protection violation right? Now lets say that nothing changes, expect that the patrol leader's mother pays national $33 to become a committee member. Now this is perfectly ok? I just want to insure that I am understanding how the rules work correctly. (yes that is a snarky tone that you detect in my ques
  3. Yes, we hold a council event once a year at the local community college where offer scouts the chances to work on Nova awards or STEM related merit badges. Also what really helped to promote the program was just having STEM committee members visit packs and troops in their local area. They bring all sorts of fun STEM gadgets and demonstrations with them. The packs especially really love this.
  4. I attended woodbadge out of council. My council had no STEM program when I went to woodbadge, and in fact, I did not even know that STEM in scouts was a thing. However, at woodbadge, they pushed STEM really hard. It inspired me for one of my tickets to started up a STEM program in my council. For the first year, STEM committee members from out of council came over helped me run successful council STEM events. They also helped me recruit interested adults in my council to serve on our newly formed STEM committee. Now 4 years later we are functioning completely on our own, holding several
  5. A good resource that people have mentioned to help plan mixed-ranked den meetings is https://cubscoutideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Cub-Scout-Connections-12-24-2017.pdf. But just looking at that resource in any detail illustrates how there is actually very little overlap in requirements between adjacent ranks. Some examples are how Bears have cooking requirements and building requirements and wolves don't. Whereas wolves have fitness and navigation requirements and bears don't. Even where things appear to overlap, if you look at the requirements closely, they don't. Like on knots, w
  6. I am just curious as it is difficult to research the stances of all of the different religions and denominations. For what research that I have done: The LDS church has said basically flat out said that it won't allow girls in any units that it sponsors. Baptists (who were totally against the homosexuality changes - not allowing any of their sponsored units to have homosexual leaders or scouts), seem to be taking a much more neutral (almost positve?) stance on the girl issue. They are leaving it up to their individual churches to decide with the following statement - "It's simply ano
  7. I sit on my district's advancement committee. Typically the "hard" questions that I like to ask are to determine how the scout feels about various aspects of the scouting program or changes to the program. However, this issue is controversial enough, that maybe it wouldn't be good to bring it up at a board of review. Any thoughts?
  8. When in doubt, ask the local land manager how they would like you to dispose of waste.
  9. A lot depends on which staff camps you are going to for program. Like if you are say going to Indian Writings, they have the petroglyphs tour, archeology, atlatl throwing, usually a conservation project (building trail over to Chase Ranch), and an evening hike up to the top of the mesa. You are looking at about 6 hours of program, and if you don't get into the camp by about 10:30 AM, you likely won't have time to do everything. Whereas other staff camps may only have one program activity, which you could participate in even if you don't make it to camp until 4pm. Also some programs, like h
  10. In an email today to DOI employees, Zinke had the following statement: "I approach this job in the same way that Boy Scouts taught me so long ago: leave the campsite in better condition than I found it."
  11. First you need to determine the skill level of the group that you are taking canoeing. You should have minimum 1 full day of experience on flat water before doing any moving water. After that, my general experience is that scouts can move up to the next 1/2 class of whitewater after 1 full day of experience (up to about class III-, where it takes more experience and training to continue to improve). So general guidelines are: 1 day on flat water (should have the 4 basic strokes mastered before moving on - forward, backwards, draw, pry) 1 day on class I 1 day on class I+ (should be abl
  12. Wow that is an awesome infographic. Thank you for sharing. If the OP didn't state that his scoutmaster was only doing the job for over a year now, I would have thought that I am in the same troop as him. My troop is mostly a 6. However, occasionally the adult leader forgets to find a puppet scout to be "in charge" so then we are a 7. They actually need to add a 9 to that graphic. The scoutmaster schedules an event, and then requires everyone to be there by threatening to not advance them in rank if they don't show up. Oh also this scoutmaster scheduled event happens to also be on
  13. When I backpack, I always take my phone and battery pack. Phone is 5 ounces, and the battery pack is 8 ounces and can charge the phone 4 times. The main use is obviously for emergency communication. Cell phones operate by line-of-sight so you can usually get service from ridges. Even if you don’t have strong enough service for a call, texts will go through. Beyond just being emergency communication, it also works as a camera, flashlight, and watch. The camera is probably the coolest part as I have my phone set to auto upload pictures to our troop's google drive. If our webmaster
  14. Like others have said, there is no BSA policy against open toed shoes. For example, flip-flops are considered OK at Seabase for your land shoes. However, many camps and units have their own local rules.
  15. This death just sounds like a tragic accident. Rafting is a high risk activity and even if you do everything right, there is a chance of injury or death. Normally you purposelessly raft on the rivers during scheduled releases in order to hit your desired flows. To suggest that they were somehow caught off guard by unexpected high flows is silly. I suspect that they knew exactly what the flows were going to be.
  16. Just to echo what some others have said. The actual letters are strongly recommended (no pun intended) by my council, but they are not officially required. All that is required is to write people names and contact information on the application.
  17. I guess I'm not sure. I am just going by what was told to me at district roundtable. Edit: I looked up the official rules: "Unless it is otherwise stated in the merit badge pamphlet, Boy Scout Requirements, or official communications from the National Council, if a Scout chooses to use the old merit badge requirements and pamphlet, he may continue using them until he has completed the badge." http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/GuideToAdvancement/TheMeritBadgeProgram.aspx What to Do When Requirements Change
  18. This is a good change. I know it breaks the "no more no less" rule, but when I did hiking MB, we started with hikes less than 10 miles and then did progressively longer hikes before doing our 20. So it was more like 7,9,11,13,15 then 20. Also a little off topic, but one other thing to note is that if scouts started the merit badge under the old requirements, they are allowed to finish it with the old requirements (meaning no 15-miler).
  19. Obviously during hunting season you should wear bright orange. But for all other occasions, this topic is a debate that I have been having with some other adults in my troop. Our class B, which all the scouts wear on outings, is a neon yellow. The main argument for bright colors is that you are easier to find if you get lost (the counter argument to this point is that other signaling methods such as a whistle are more effective). The main arguments against bright colors is the 7th LNT principle (be considerate to others). In other words wearing bright colors interrupts the solitude
  20. Actually I almost forgot this one: At a recent meeting, the scoutmaster was talking to the troop about some upcoming events. Then the SM invited up one of the ASMs to talk about another upcoming activity. When that ASM was done talking, he looked over to where the SM usually sits, but the SM had stepped into the other room. The ASM then had this sorta of panicked look on his face, and he was like "well I don't know what is next on the program, but the SM will be back soon hopefully". The whole time the SPL is sitting in front of the meeting...
  21. Sorry to bump my post, but just to give some examples of how egregiously adult led my troop is. From the PLC that we had last week: Based on some other suggestions in this thread, I tried to plant the youth led seed into one of the scouts. So at the PLC, the scout made a suggestion, and the scoutmaster immediately responded with "there is no time for that, and in the future if you have an idea, you need to clear it with me first before bringing it to the PLC." From the outing we had this last weekend: There was a new scout who was minorly misbehaving (nothing unsafe that re
  22. We have a joint venture crew and scout troop. A big issue right now is that our venture crew is that taking experienced boys away from the troop. It is causing enough problems that our scoutmaster is pretty much discouraging older scouts to join the crew. I listened to this pod cast: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/scoutcast/resources/201504_1/SC_APR_Venturing_Can_Help_the_Troop.mp3 And their main point is that scouts can be active in both their crew and troop. However, it doesn't address the fact that realistically scouts just don't have time to do both. It is pretty unrealistic to ex
  23. We try to follow putting the slower scout in behind the navigator, but inevitably he always falls back behind. Also, I totally agree with the point that Sentinel947 makes about appropriate activities, but I guess it brings up another point. How do you tell a scout that an activity is not appropriate for him? You can't just set an age or rank cutoff because often a first year scout can out hike a first class scout who is a few years older. Also in this day in age, the scouts are often happy to hear that they don't have to go on a 10+ mile hike, but then you end up with acrimonious paren
  24. What is the best way to approach the issue when you have large ability diversity between your strongest and weakest scouts on a backpacking trip or other high adventure trip? The scout’s solution is to split the crew up into two groups with all the fast hikers in one group and the slow hikers in the other group, but to me that is a really poor way of handling it. It is just avoiding the issue rather than solving it. They have also tried (based on my suggestion) pairing up each slow scout with an experienced scout to help motivate them, but that just led to the experienced scouts not
  25. My son is having a great time. He has some friends in the troop, and he likes all the outings (kayaking, horseback riding, rock climbing, cope, to name a few). He just finished his first year. The SM talking for most of the meeting is so normal that the scouts really just don't know any different. The troop has patrols, but I'm not really clear what they do. Occasionally at troop meetings, they spend a few minutes for patrol meetings where they do stuff like menu planning. However on outings, the troop cooks for everyone, and I believe the adult outing leader plans the menu and buy
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