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Everything posted by tyke

  1. I know that this topic has kinda been done to death, but here in the UK this week we celebrated 25 years since we went co-ed, and now 25% of all beavers, cubs and scouts are girls. Now in the 25 since girls have been part of scouting, the world didn't stop, the sky didn't fall in, we still do scouting, nothing changed, and scouting has shown growth in numbers for the past 11 years. Now if you looked at the uk as a pilot study that is successful then why don't BSA go co-ed ?
  2. It's a bit mean that they are banning bubble ball as kids love it, even beavers do it. In the UK there are only 3 things banned , banana boating, hitch hiking and bungee jumping anything else is ok providing you do a proper risk assessment or use a nationally recognised third party.
  3. if your a law enforcement officer and are on call, you shouldn't be at scouts. In the UK (where I'm from) it all seems complete madness. Some of our police are allowed guns (armed response units), but when they are not on a job they are kept locked in the police station. Our kids are allowed knives thought and the law is quite reasonable, if stopped by the police, if you can prove you have a good reason to have it on your person then thats fine
  4. Why on earth would you need a gun at a scout meet anyway ?
  5. So deluded.I reminded me of the little Britain comedy show sketch with 'the only gay in the village'. I suspect that you may not know any openly gay people but I suspect that there will be some gay people who are closeted or just don't do things openly for fear of reprisals.
  6. And what would be so wrong about that, they sound a lovely couple. And I'm a scout leader who runs a troop with my boy friend as an assistant leader
  7. come and do scouting in the UK, gay are allowed, and you can bring beer on camps
  8. Traditional values being bigoted homophobic values. I'm sure that people arguing for maintaining segregation where just holding up traditional values
  9. there are no events promoting homosexuality in the UK. there are, however groups , such as FLAGS that attend meetings and events to support homosexuals and give advice. Big difference. Your born gay it can't be caught or impregnated from being promoted. Those views are so 1970
  10. "LGBT are perverts, sick and any amount of effort to try and make them chic and mainstream don't cut it with me. It isn't normal for a man to want to get it on with another man, makes me want to vomit actually so I won't think about it. Hey at least we don't " I think he protests to much, there was a study showing that people who are excessivly homophobic are usually repressed homosexuals. I'm a gay atheist scout leader and i run the troop with my partner . The kids don't care, the parents don't care It's such a none issue. We do all the usual scout things, and we're allowed water
  11. is it the 1950's ? People with gender disorder arn't mental. They have a disorder that is a proper medical condition backed up by bother physical and psychological testing. And thanks to the attitude of people like the above poster they have a very high suicide rate.
  12. this is a first, I agree with cambridge skip The pizza shop and the cake shops are public places and should not be permitted to decide who they can and can't serve. In the UK we have Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2006 which has been tested several times in court, the most famous was a B&B owner who wouldn't let a gay couple stay. They got took to court, fined and was also removed from any tourist literature, as the judge ruled that even though it was there house, once they made it a B&B it was now a public space and as such you discriminate. The law also extends to e
  13. I think that all this in fighting is not good for your movement, and the sooner you just except the inevitable and move on the better, as this half way house just isn't working.
  14. I am still unsure what is 'unmoral' about being gay ? Yeah the old 'man should not lie with man like he does with women' bit is in the bible, but so is lots and lots and lots of other random passages from not being allowed to wear two types of fabric, women being teachers etc that don't relate to the modern world. I'm sure if Jesus would be around today he'd be hanging out with the gays, as he hung out with prostitutes (and thats from an Atheist)
  15. Am sure sometime soon USA will just get over its gay fixation and realise that gay people are just people. They'll catch up with the rest of the civilised world and realise that after appointing gay scout leaders, the world will still turn, the movement will still go on. Same for gay marriage. I often wonder all the people that are dead set against a gay scout leader have ever met one ?
  16. In the UK I would say that most leaders kids arn't in the troop, and as a scout leader if someone comes along to help, I couldn't carex less if they have kids or not as long as they are enthusiastic, work well with the kids and pass all the checks. In my troop all 3 of my assistant leaders don't have kids in the troop. You all seem a suspicious lot, if someone doesn't have kids but wants to give back to his community and youth it doesn't make them a paedophile.
  17. A scout will always have a use for a good pocket knife, which can last for years and give good memories
  18. you could just ignore it, as the kids had a good time. I would not think twice about torrenting a film to show to my group, as on the grand scheme of things its not the biggest transgression in the world.
  19. Labour weren't that socially conservative, have you seen the film 'pride' yet, or been to the people's history museum in Salford?
  20. NJ - most of the Parties in the UK are trying to appeal to the centre, labour is slightly left and the conservatives are slightly right, and no one knows are the lib dems. UKip are a fringe party that appeals to right wing conservatives and will probably have some success in the current climate where people fear imergration , but will eventually fade away like others before (and there main support is by older people). But by US standards all our parties are very left as they all approve of workers rights (20 days holiday by law, 1 year maternity leave), nationalised health services and wel
  21. That sounds really cool thing to do, and the best thing about kids asking questions is that they will ask them anything and are not fobbed of easily , just like when Maggie thatcher (milk snatcher) was interviewed on a sat morning tv show, and was not let off the hook by a young girl asking really good questions
  22. Getting all my training done and getting my wood beads. Getting my nights away permit Taking the kids on wintercamp in Feb Taking the kids away for a week in summer Getting to know them all (only took over in Dec so still getting to know em ) Having a laugh and good banter with them. I'm not looking forwards to wading through the layers of admin and politics needed to get the above done.
  23. Not that Christian services offend me (even though I'm not Christian) but I would probably faint if I ever attended a Scouts own that wasn't a blatant Christian service. You'd faint if you'd come to one of mine. Zero Christianity or religion
  24. Yep, same tyke as on Escouts. if anything I've over estimated the level of religious belief in the uk, as there are lots of stats, but even the daily mail shows it in terminal decline ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2586596/Just-800-000-worshipers-attend-Church-England-service-average-Sunday.html)
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