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Everything posted by mashmaster

  1. I guess that I do it for a number of reasons. My son is in it, so I feel that I should help out as well. It is fun, I get to go on great adventures I get to help guide youth in a formative part of their life. I didn't have great adult role models so I want to help. I love comradery with my other adult leaders. That one time when a scout tells you how much he appreciates your helping him out. What I will do when he ages out, probably be sad for a short time them become a unit commissioner. I have a scouting problem :-)
  2. No, he is in the wrong. All the scouts should visit and camp with the troops they are interested in. Give us his info and we will school him on scouting :-)
  3. nice, We are going at the end of June that year. I'd love to trek in Alaska.
  4. We are going to Seabase this year and Philmont the next. All we did was enter the lottery with a full set of availability.
  5. wow, it is interesting to see how different the councils are from each other.
  6. Sorry :-( being in Texas we are more central to get there. I am hoping that the boys can work together to raise some of the funds.
  7. It would be nice if the yellow stayed and they just added a color for Lions but, it is what it is.
  8. I know our council contingent is slower to fill up than the crews from troops or crews here.
  9. I know of a troop here that applied in the lottery the 4th day for 2 slots and got waitlisted. I certainly hope that the lottery was chosen based on the original set of people then additional lotteries for the people that filled in during the extensions. In just my district, I know of at least 4 expeditions in 2019 and then there is our council contingent. We are going to open up youth spots to the troop that didn't get a spot so 3 of the their boys will be able to join us. It will be a bit harder logistically but not too bad.
  10. We got a slot, June 25-July 7. My son and I are very excited.
  11. @WisconsinMomma I have many boys in my troop that have ADD, ADHD, and other challenges. I also have many boys that are 1.5 years in with only 2nd class or less. I wouldn't rush anything, he will progress whenever he is ready. He has 5 more years to make Eagle, and that is not the goal of scouting. The only thing I want from my boys is to be able to follow our code of conduct. If they do that, the troop runs smoothly. We have a contract that the parents sign that explains to them what they can and can't do camping. Some parents can't handle it, and most have problems right away but
  12. We have typically not cancelled trips but moved to plan B's and C's. If it is inherently dangerous, then work with the PLC to find a different location and activity. I have seen great events at lock-in's at the church where they spent the weekend doing team building activities, or worked on a merit badge like electronics. If the leadership is nervous about it, it probably is for a good reason. We were nervous about our last canoe trip and the day before we were to leave, the land owner sent us a picture of the entire property under water and a swift moving river. We moved to a local
  13. Ours meets the week after the campout. So we have troop meeting 3 weeks of the month and one PLC.
  14. Well, after spending a weekend with Webelos this weekend. Here are my insights while they are fresh in my mind. They need to learn how to setup tents, clean dishes with the 3 pot method, and learn to be helpful vs. waiting for an adult to do work for them or and older scout. The webelos that we hosted, didn't know any of these skills and expected the scouts to wait on them hand and foot. It made everyone very tense. Of course the hardest parts was having the parents not bringing food for their boys, hovering over them, and worried the boys failing.
  15. Thanks, I like that idea. My boys don't like email so much but maybe have that and a box they can drop a note into. Have it at meetings and on campouts in a discrete place.
  16. Once he opened up, another 2 scouts opened up to their parents about other things. Hopefully, the boys will get something out of the Scoutmaster having a strong message for them about how the partnership works. If they need help we are there to help them but we need them to ask for help. And the boys need to hear that we are taking our code of conduct seriously. I want the PLC to come up ways that they can work with us to make it better, but they need to hear from me that we will not let them make serious violations.
  17. Well dug into it more and found a huge bowl or crap. The stuff is bad enough that I am holding an emergency meeting this week to address issues with following the Oath, Law, and Code. There were bad issues e.g: stealing, spitting, name calling, destruction of personal property....... So, I don't blame him, although the boys need to learn to speak up, so we can address it right away.
  18. Well, camped this weekend and he was either laughing or miserable. Claims it was a waste of his time but say him happy when he allowed himself to be happy. Just don't know what to do.
  19. It is, the back side is the problem.
  20. This happened last night and made me chuckle. One of our patrols finished their flag last night. Sent me a picture and it was a white triangle with a white rectangle below it on a stick with a cross member making it more of a banner. First thing I and the ASM saw was "KKK" hood and cloak. We talked with him about what it looked like and had to explain the KKK. His solution was to dye it red..... We had to explain that was even worse.... He fixed it so it no longer resembles that. I had to chuckle because I know what it would look like in pictures and at district events. They had
  21. I feel your pain, I feel like it is a losing battle with my son many times. He complains and complains says he has a miserable time. Then I have photo evidence of him smiling ear to ear on campouts when he doesn't realize they are taking pictures..... And for instance packing last night for the troop campout where he is grumbling, says to me "next summer I get to get an adult size backpack since it will be 12 months before Philmont"...... Gotta love 13....
  22. I would suggest going on a campout with a boy scout troop. Get yourself a copy of the boy scout troop leader guide book seen here: https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2013/08/15/first-look-troop-leader-guidebooks-set-to-replace-the-scoutmaster-handbook/It will help you understand the way a troop should work. Have the boys start learning how to plan and pick the activities will help them.
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