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Everything posted by Scouter99

  1. I have to agree, Twocubdad. I foresee the form becoming more useful to councils in compiling a squeaky wheel list than a bad counselors list.
  2. Yes, that shows that KDD's lawyering about the wording for devices is wrong, but it doesn't answer the question "what does 'under the auspices' mean?" I don't need an answer, because I'm not a fudger, but plenty of people do.
  3. HAHAHAHA!!!! I emailed the Advancement Team, too, and they forwarded it to Evans (they said NOA wasn't Adv Team's deal) and he told me the same thing, but I didn't figure there was any way to post his reply without being accused of putting words in his mouth. I asked two questions, unfortunately he only answered the second question: "1. What exactly does "under the auspices of the BSA" mean? Some people are arguing that it means anything a scout does in the 5 areas, say, if he bikes 5 miles to school, then there's 5 miles toward riding. Some are arguing that it means anything he does
  4. We have some that no one has looked at in 10 yrs; it's my experience/opinion that they're unnecessary. They could be useful in some instances, but when they're nothing but a dust collector in between those instances, they don't carry any weight when you might need to dust them off.
  5. I took you at your word that there's no email notification and made myself a right jackass on your account by mentioning the flaw in conversation with a council bigwig the other day, apparently BAS does send an email notification. So, I put in a fake lead on BAS to see for myself, and within seconds myself, the SM, and CoR all got an email. Maybe you didn't configure your pin properly. Like I originally said, any national-level marketing campaign depends on the 1,000,000 volunteers knowing what they're doing. An ad campaign has to be actionable, and BAS is the action end. BAS is a good
  6. Unauthorized use of BSA material, logos, etc can be reported at http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/content/Licensing/Protecting%20the%20Brand/Report%20Unauthorized%20Use.aspx
  7. Yes, all children with gay parents will be stigmatized regardless of BSA's policy.
  8. When the media go so far to make it about race as to Photoshop the victim's skin to make it lighter in some photos, create the "white Hispanic," air doctored 911 tapes, use photos of the victim that are 3 yrs out of date, demonize Zimmerman's black aegis/friend as a paid phony, then of course we can expect the matter to be divided along racial lines. Everyone watching has been told that this is white vs black regardless/in spite of any likely alternative, so of course (many) white people are on the defensive and back Zimmerman, and (many) black people are offended and back Martin.
  9. And we're talking about a Boy Scout award, not a life opportunities award. So you understand, you just choose to ignore.
  10. You're just upset over Deuteronomy 23:1
  11. The national Advancement Team has defined "at designated Scouting activities or events" from Camping MB as "experiences[that] are held under the auspices of some level of the BSA, and that “Scouting†happens on them." (bold theirs, not mine). So, anyone that's not already trying to fudge things can reasonably deduce that the phrases are interchangeable. The Advancement team goes on to specifically note that family outings and individual pursuits are not a "scouting activity" and therefore are not "under the auspices": they say, "For example, an individual family or a coup
  12. And yet he and I are getting panned for saying just that.
  13. Why log free time when it doesn't count. (I used a period on purpose )
  14. In my experience with TWH, the boy's can't do it, KDD. Ohhh, the FAQ says the Historian can take attendance, but he can't. And why would it be Historian and not Scribe to begin with? Anyway...the scout accounts can't do attendance. I imagine they can't add events or log miles/hours, either.
  15. Scouting Mag's blog on the release: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2013/07/11/five-big-takeaways-from-todays-release-of-the-2013-guide-to-advancement/ I wish I got a nickel for every numbskull question that gets asked in the comments section of Bryan's blog. Gee, folks, maybe the answer to your advancement question in the blog about the advancement guide can be found in Guide to Advancement.
  16. Do you have examples? The scouting history "The Scouting Party" says exactly the opposite: Dan Beard spent half his time complaining about how much more money than him that the other pros were making, he charged troops/councils for visits, and kept publishing his own camping books post-BSA to supplement his income. Seton was more generous, but an extreme ego. Boyce promised $10,000/yr then never coughed it up for years til the board begged him for it. There's no broad stroke to paint the past with; it doesn't serve to over-romanticize.
  17. So if they're going to allow gay youth, why leave BSA to begin with? Babies.
  18. Silly either way. I can't imagine anyone forcing kids to tent with anyone they don't want to, so what would be the point. Ah well.
  19. Hahahaha, that's rich: You're telling me some mook in your troop wants to force kids to tent with gay kids? Adults!
  20. Since when does being Venturing age, rather than being a Venturer, qualify a Boy Scout to participate in activities restricted to Venturers?
  21. I don't think there's a line from that Point A to B--in the same letter he says that he has never once kicked out a gay scout despite the rule. So, why would we assume that he would kick out an atheist?
  22. On the one hand: Of course it's a huge hole in the museum's mission to exclude GB. On the other; how many people go to the museum? I'm keenly interested in BSA's history, and I have no intentions to go to the trouble or expense within the next 5 years, maybe ever. How many fewer youth members will go? BSA has never leveled on the facts of their history, from Seton's originating the patrol method and BP's plagiarizing it, to the Scout in the Fog myth. So, it's no big surprise that GB got himself written out of history by trying to stand opposed to the march of time. The recourse is obvio
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