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Everything posted by Scouter99

  1. Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event. However You Must apply BSA Rules They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming They Observe BSA Guidelines I didn't think it was so weird until yesterday
  2. Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event. However You Must apply BSA Rules They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming They Observe BSA Guidelines Of course, it is "under the auspices" because the unit has made it an event.
  3. We did it 20 yrs ago, but now its hit-or-miss. We used Sterimine tablets when I was a kid ("KILLS HIV!"), when they do a 3rd pan now, it's usually just bleach water.
  4. Actually, an active, involved scout in a decent troop can easily earn the Camping badge in less than 2 years of membership. Our troop camps 2 nights/month most months, an active boy could easily get his 24 nights in 18 months. The biggest speed bump anyone in our troop encounters is the requirement to earn First Class; we don't ramrod them through First Class, so most of them actually have over 30 nights before I introduce the award to them in their second year. I generally introduce it to the scout as soon as he has 24 nights, because at that point the award's requirements are a good roadmap
  5. I don't mind Camping being less difficult because it whets the appetite and supports all the others. If they get out camping then they're going to earn hiking miles, aquatics hours, riding miles, etc. and that pentagonal patch looks lonely with just one badge on one side, so they're motivated to get going on the others.
  6. Actually, an active, involved scout in a decent troop can easily earn the Camping badge in less than 2 years of membership. Our troop camps 2 nights/month most months, an active boy could easily get his 24 nights in 18 months. The biggest speed bump anyone in our troop encounters is the requirement to earn First Class; we don't ramrod them through First Class, so most of them actually have over 30 nights before I introduce the award to them in their second year. I generally introduce it to the scout as soon as he has 24 nights, because at that point the award's requirements are a good roadmap
  7. Actually, an active, involved scout in a decent troop can easily earn the Camping badge in less than 2 years of membership. Our troop camps 2 nights/month most months, an active boy could easily get his 24 nights in 18 months. The biggest speed bump anyone in our troop encounters is the requirement to earn First Class; we don't ramrod them through First Class, so most of them actually have over 30 nights before I introduce the award to them in their second year. I generally introduce it to the scout as soon as he has 24 nights, because at that point the award's requirements are a good roadmap
  8. I love a partisan--liberal or conservative--so blind that they can't see things that stare them right in the face. California, Illinois, West VA, Colorado, Kentucky, Delaware and Washington, DC have rates as high (and higher in DC and Delaware's cases) as most "Republican" states. Even the idea of "Republican" and "Democrat" states is silly; party platforms are not static, and electorates are not static. 10 years ago Virginia went Bush, now it went Obama; etc etc all over the country. Those "Republican" states that are bright red at the bottom of the map? 40 years ago they were "Democrat"
  9. Your council probably has the old VHS available for checkout.
  10. The problem with a national campaign is that it depends on units and councils to work. If National spends $XX on TV spots in Townville, but the council isn't able, willing, or interested in facilitating a large influx of new recruits, then all National has done is waste that money and create ill will on the part of the new recruits who fall through the cracks. National has put the money in where they can best spend it, and created a complete marketing package that is available for free to any council that wants to use it: http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/con...ecruiting.aspx This could
  11. Put in my order this afternoon, can't wait!
  12. What are you talking about? I don't know your kid's name; you're King, that makes him Prince. If I wanted to insult him I would've called him Eugene Dong or Tiny Dong.
  13. The problem with a national campaign is that it depends on units and councils to work. If National spends $XX on TV spots in Townville, but the council isn't able, willing, or interested in facilitating a large influx of new recruits, then all National has done is waste that money and create ill will on the part of the new recruits who fall through the cracks. National has put the money in where they can best spend it, and created a complete marketing package that is available for free to any council that wants to use it: http://www.scouting.org/sitecore/con...ecruiting.aspx This could
  14. Look, KDD, the meaning of "under the auspices of BSA" is clear: It means on an official patrol, troop, district, council, national, or OA activity. It does not mean every/any time a boy who is a scout touches a horse, bike, boot, tent, or swim trunks. If you want to be cute and count non-scout events, then you might as well count every shower or bath for the next 50 days and mark him off for 25 hours of aquatics time, and have him wear his boots to the mall and count it as hiking. Earning the medal is a great, really cool goal for Prince Ding Dong, but if you're going to fudge it, you mak
  15. Unfortunately, unlike most awards, they don't just get it when you notice they qualify; they have to fill out the application and take it to the council. So, bring it to their attention, and give them a blank application. Then once some of the other guys see it on their pocket, hopefully they'll want to "kick it up."
  16. JP, while that's true in general, Ding Dong already made it clear that his son is interested in the award; save the speech.
  17. Probably less expensive than earning 2 gold devices in the Adventure badge. The medal only requires Camping, the gold devices in the other badges can be in any two of the remaining 4. So if riding is too expensive, look at aquatics, adventure, or hiking.
  18. When you're copy/pasting someone else's work, you should post a link.
  19. Our troop has a lot of very special snowflakes, and their parents (for the most part) aren't interested in hearing bad news like "your son hasn't done jack squat despite repeated interventions, we're not signing him off." It's very much a class/economic thing. BD's scout parents are a lot different than my scout parents.
  20. It's great that mom is on board; I would generally have expected her to smack the SM in the back of the head.
  21. For me, it's 6 of one, half-dozen of the other. Ages of consent in European countries range between 13 in Spain, 14 in Germany and Italy, 15 and 16 in Norway, Belgium, Denmark, etc. The early contemporary gay rights platform included removal or lowering of ages of consent, and in Britain gay rights activists continue to push for a lowering from 16 to 14. As we've covered, it wasn't a smart political move for the US gay rights movement to push that issue, so they didn't. Once they get state-level recognition/rights, then they can contemplate a return to their more radical druthers--maybe t
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