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Everything posted by Krampus

  1. Totally agree on the validation of workplans and dates. While there is no official sign off (and there should be), I usually "heavily suggest" that our Eagle candidates have their draft plan done at the same time I review their proposal. This make sure that they are on the right track. I disagree about the project not being a troop function. I suspect you meant that you mentally consider them not a troop function even though the workbooks specifically calls out that they are: "All Eagle Scout service projects constitute official Scouting activity and thus are subject to Boy Scouts of A
  2. No. But the majority of problems arise out of discussions around I&P issues. We would be better off without it. It's like using pocket knives outside of an axe yard, sure it is allowed but if you don't exercise EXTREME good judgement you will certainly have more problems than you would inside the axe yard.
  3. ...exactly why I&P needs to go bye-bye. We keep losing good people.
  4. What???!!! It is a unit function. As such, all the same rules, regulations and policies that apply to a camp out MUST ALSO apply to an Eagle project. That means you must have a minimum of one trained leader, weather training, Sweet 16 applies, etc. Fred, for someone who wants to go by the book on the FSLA related to volunteerism of youth, I'd fully expect you to make sure your unit is following BSA policy on all unit activities...especially Eagle projects!
  5. That's just it, the committee has zero legitimate way to keep a boy from advancing UNLESS he is has been put on probation for a violation of BSA rules. It is all right here in the Guide to Advancement. All the SM need do is send this to the CC and ask him to cite where in the GTA that the committee has the right to hold back a Scout in good standing in the unit PROVIDED the SM has signed off that the Scout has completed all requirements for the rank. In fact, send me your CC's email and I am happy to sent him this quote from the GTA: " Wearing the Uniform—or Neat in Appearan
  6. I avoid I&P as much as possible. Personally I'd get rid of it...it has cost us several good members already.
  7. To further confuse things they have a Uniform Inspection Sheet. I hear the next uniform update has cutoffs and flip flops.
  8. Seen it. Don't recall the exact structure of it. Google might find it. https://www.google.com/search?q=webelos+crossover+candle+ceremony&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=de-us&client=safari Do it quick before BSA bars Cubs from holding candles.
  9. My dad was cleaning out the basement and found his records (files) from 1977 (seriously, he keeps everything). He found the fee for Jamboree 1977 at More Rain State Park. It cost $200 (DC to PA). The NCAC website has the cost of the 2017 Jamboree as being $1250. That a cumulative inflation rate of over 290%. Totally agree on the cost of Jambo. We can outfit a crew to do the AT for the cost of one kid to go to Jambo.
  10. They have 100% record at screwing up.
  11. Yes, but the silly "key" notes it as required. Typically of BSA...can never make anything 100% accurate. Meh...
  12. I am sure many saw the BSA post on social media about their uniform website getting awards? I clicked through and noticed that now the World Crest "ring" (the 1910-2010 centennial ring) is now considered required? Did they have leftover supply and just trying to get rid of it to make money? http://bsauniforms.org/boyscouts
  13. Funny....I think I said that the FLSA didn't apply to volunteers. Your quote notes it doesn't but says it is in the "best interest" to adhere to it. Thanks for validating my point. Try enforcing the FLSA on any farm in the US. I thank God I live in a state where the police and judicial system have a broader interpretation of the FLSA so as not to apply something that is obviously meant for employers to private citizens or volunteers.
  14. I know. To be honest, this whole discussion reminds me of an episode of South Park. Basically, it was how life would be like if we removed religion to argue about...eventually we (humans) would find some other thing to take sides on and argue about. Or said another way according to the Big Bang Theory...
  15. We ask for fliers. Got them two days late, wrong address and misspellings all over. We don't trust them to do what we can do faster, cheaper and more accurately.
  16. My question to the CC would be why is he addressing the boys AT ALL???!!! The SM manages the program side of the house. He's responsible for the program, leadership development and rank advancement (among other things). The Advancement Chairman is the one who should be managing the BORs, training the parents how to take part in a BOR, etc. The CC's and the TC's primary job, according to BSA's Troop Committee Guide is to "support the Scoutmaster in delivering quality troop programs, and handling troop administration." No where in the guide does it say that the CC is to meddle with t
  17. Pledge= No need to discuss politics or religion. Oath/Law= Nothing political about those. Cit in XXX= You can discuss BOTH sides of politics in an analytical fashion without bringing feelings in to it. Spirit= What is even remotely political about this? Talk about election process? Sure! Talk about how healthcare reform has been a disaster and ended up costing people MORE? Likely will start arguments.
  18. I've actually had this conversation with our non-Christian (Hindu, Buddhist) Scouts during the SMCs to see how they feel and how they treat this issue. Nearly to a Scout they said they didn't care about saying the word "God" in the Oath or Pledge. They say the word because, as they put it, to them it is just a "word" like any other. To them the are pledging their honor which means the same thing to them.
  19. If he keeps treating them like that I'm surprised you see them at the next meeting. I suspect there are not many other troop options in your area?
  20. This! But I will add that your PLC, SPL and PLs should set the example of wearing the uniform properly and setting the expectation that wearing the uniform properly is part of being a good Scout.
  21. Seriously? You are reading WAY too much in to this. It specifically says "occupations", not tasks. If they are doing a service project or working around my house that is not an occupation. Any decent attorney could get that thrown out on its face...assuming you could even get a indictment. I can find obscure laws that would throw you in jail for chewing gum on Thursday wearing a red hat. Doesn't mean anyone would enforce it. Exactly! Heck, there was a unit that washed the windows of the courthouse here. THE COURTHOUSE!!!! No one got arrested. Heck, they had a unit sponsored B
  22. I disagree. You can set a no tolerance policy for I&P type posts/topics and simply remove them. I wouldn't expect the mods to police the posts as they happen, but they could remove the posts or threads after the fact. I'd be okay with that. In our unit we don't talk politics or religion. It avoids many needless arguments.
  23. Nope. Nothing here. Wonder where the money is coming from.
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