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Everything posted by Chisos

  1. Agreed. I've seen so many projects where it's about providing service instead of demonstrating leadership. Not that there's a problem with service, but that's not the point. Maybe tone down the emphasis on the project and ramp up something on outdoor leadership. Maybe add a minimum number of camping nights. As for Webelos/AOL...spin 4th/5th grade off to be less affiliated with the Pack. They need to get away from the K to 3rd grade set.
  2. Reverting to prior election rules (or similar) would be a start. The current "referendum on each eligible scout" is a joke...it's become a checkbox to fill once you're First Class with enough camping nights.
  3. Absolutely. It shouldn't be as hard as it is. CC or designee inputs/edits unit roster and payment info. SM gets a notification, if all looks good clicks approve. COR/IH get a notification, click approve. Council registrar get a notification, clicks approve. Done.
  4. Been fighting that battle for years. "We don't teach merit badge classes, we counsel merit badge sessions". (And, don't call any of it HOMEWORK!)
  5. Got that same email. Already having some folks deciding it's just not worth it.
  6. Camps Woodruff and Bert Adams (Atlanta Area Council) have canceled an additional week, and are now planning to start on June 21.
  7. Not sure how NT is handling it; I'd assume the way Sea Base is...even if you're not cancelled yet you can transfer to a different HA base for next year. I think the 10% penalty is only if you are still in the "it's on" category and request a refund. At least that's how the email I got reads. Tricky part will be aligning the schedule on a new SB trek with the one you already have.
  8. Well, our Sea Base trek (early June) wound up on the no-go list. I've sent in preferences on dates for next year, so we'll see what happens. We were asked to send it several dates that work. I'm assuming they're going to collect informantion first, then try to fit in as many as possible. Probably a better procedure than saying ''just call to reschedule!" On one hand I'm bummed, we were really looking forward to it. But realistically it's probably for the best. At least we have a resolution to it. Has anyone else tried any high-adventure reschedules yet?
  9. Yes. We (were) early June at Sea Base, so it looks like we'll be rescheduling. Sigh.
  10. Got that as well. We're planning on Woodruff, but not until later in July. So that that gets called off, there's not really any pushing it back to later in the summer.
  11. Aw man. I think the new Camp Stake north of Houston was supposed to open this summer.
  12. Well, it seems to have resolved. Got an email back from the Scoutbook help desk saying they looked into and fixed it, and it works. Props to BSA's IT department for getting it resolved in a timely manner!
  13. Tried both incognito and clearing cache...still won't let me set start/end dates. I guess it's support ticket time.
  14. I've been trying to do that...it shows appropriate people in the positions, but does not have start/end dates for any of them. For the Key 3 Delegate, it won't let me set dates...the little "calendar" think where you choose the date is not there. For Adv. Chair, I can pick a date, but it doesn't seem to save it. @T2Eagle what browser do you typically use? Maybe that's my issue?
  15. Has anyone else had issues with Key 3 Delegates or Unit Advancement Chairs not being able to access IA2.0? (These were assigned using Organization Security Manager in my.scouting) I (CC) can still get in, but those assigned in those roles can't...it had always worked, but then cut out a few weeks ago.
  16. Aw heavens no...they've already extended the candidacy window from 1 to 2 years (which, given the circumstances seems reasonable) ; surely by then there will be opportunities for in-person.
  17. I'm not surprised with this line of thought. When this was ramping up, college spring break was just starting...exactly the wrong thing to do--take a bunch of college kids, disperse them all over the country / hemisphere, and bring them back a week later. On a smaller scale, that's basically what happens at HA bases...folks from all over coming in and going out. I wonder what "locally attended" means in a summer camp context. In council? Within xx miles? Can a camp say "if you're from these states you can attend, but if you're from those states, you can't" ??
  18. That's silly. And what's the point? I'd assume the vast majority of scouts working on T-2-1 req's are less than 14 years old. If they get delayed a couple of months, so what? I guess there are some kids that joined at an older age and can't spare the time (to make Eagle before 18)...but the already-announced time extensions should take care of that.
  19. This has been what I've been thinking about..with folks coming in from everywhere it'll be tough to do. Especially if Covid-19 is still active. We are supposed to go to Sea Base in early June. Right now they've called off everything through April 30. TBH I wish they'd make decisions a little further out--if folks get cancelled at the last minute it makes the rescheduling of trek and travel arrangement that much harder.
  20. I can see this being a problem. Most all of ours get done in May/June before July summer camp...maybe if we'd "extend the expiration date" on Part C's to 15 months for this summer (just require updated Part A & B).
  21. We are scheduled for Sea Base for early June. I'm afraid at least part of the summer will get cancelled. I hope we can just push back to next summer, as we specifically selected the time to avoid conflicts with members of our crew.
  22. The Lodge Executive Committee can extend the one-year period. Typically this would be if there were extenuating circumstances for an individual candidate, but I assume that it could also be used in a situation like this.
  23. Another vote for these. A lot of the boys in our troop have these. Agree with the belt comment as well; I wish the loops were just a little bigger.
  24. Agreed--wish the whole thing could be preserved but I'd prefer this to it being cut up into a bunch of little riverfront ranchettes. I still miss that camp....though SHAC was not my home council as a kid we went to Cima a lot, and it was my favorite of all the scout camps we went to.
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