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Everything posted by Trevorum

  1. I just read that Double H will 'conclude six years of operation with the 2009 season' and will not be accepting reservations for 2010. Does anyone know anything about this?
  2. I have never heard of restricting the number of Merit Badges one can counsel. As Beav notes, that seems to be a rather broad solution to what I suspect is a very narrow problem.
  3. Welcome, Tina! Glad to have you join us!
  4. I don't buy your thin entering wedge argument. Cub Scouts is very different than Boy Scouts - especially at the younger ages. If I was the CM and I knew of what this little fellow had done, I'd buy a generic "helping" or "volunteering" patch at the Scout Shop and present it to him with a big flourish at the next pack meeting. Give him a handshake and a pat on the back.
  5. I agree with printman. Give the kid a patch - it doesn't have to be towards a Cub rank. Encourage volunteerism wherever possible.
  6. Earning the faith emblem is not a requirement for the Webelos rank. It is an option. The boy may elect to earn the faith emblem OR he may complete 2 of 6 listed activities. Not all faiths have religious awards programs. Boys who belong to these faiths do not have the option of the first option. The families of some boys may identify themselves as non-denominational Christian. These boys can earn the God and Family award which is available to any Christian denomination.
  7. "Doo, doo, doo, lookin out my back door."
  8. "... man-made global warming is the biggest hoax ever perpetuated on mankind in our lifetime." What about that crazy claim that the Earth is older than 4004 BC? Or - ooh, this is a good one! - that nutty notion that the CONTINENTS are actually FLOATING around on the earth! hah-hah! Those wacky scientists and their hidden agendas! Always trying some con on the unsuspecting public! (This message has been edited by Trevorum)
  9. In fact, one of my all time favorite atheletes is Tiger Woods! (oops, was that too far off-topic?)
  10. MAYDAY! MAYDAY! THE RAPTURE IS IMMINENT! Merlyn and Rooster are agreeing on a matter of religion! (Mebbe that's why pack smells sulphur?)
  11. OGE, I didn't know that about the red votive light. That is cool! I like that. Rooster, I also very much like your second statement (although I don't see that it would preclude the search for meaning by sitting in a tree and eating cereal ). This is very close to my understanding of what BSA means by "Reverence". I don't really care what religion my scouts belong to or what deity(s) they believe in. That's all just trappings. What is important (as I see it) is the search for meaning and respect for other ways of searching. I think you've summed that up nicely.
  12. "Who announces a scout is ready for BOR?" Simple: the scout. He requests (or arranges for scheduling of) the BoR.
  13. From the days before my apostasy, I remember that the transformation is consummated by the priest during the service and immediately before the wafers are eaten. The body of Christ is not stockpiled, so I believe what you have is just ... crackers. If I am wrong on this point, perhaps OGE or someone else can clarify? (This message has been edited by Trevorum)
  14. DeanRX says, "Ironically, if he had authorred a piece for the opposing viewpoint, he could well expect to be asked to leave scouting on the grounds he is committed to a pro-homosexual / pro-gay stance which is incompatable with BSA's views. " I don't believe that is true. My understanding is that one's political beliefs are irrelevent to membership in BSA. Avowed homosexuals may be denied membership, but not those who support them.
  15. No gaffes on either side. But I think she makes Dan Quayle look like a seasoned statesman.
  16. That wacky Rooster - always good for a straw man laugh! But speaking of ritual god-eating (in the above case, Lucky Charms)... my daughter sent me this link http://www.newstatesman.com/society/2008/09/cook-wafer-church-university Turns out a student at Central Florida made off with the communion wafer instead of consuming it on the spot. Hilarity ensued, including hate mail, death threats, accusations of kidnapping, and armed guards. Perhaps the worst part was the bald statement by one professor, "Get some perspective, man. IT'S A CRACKER." Of course ritual cannibalism i
  17. OK, time for a quick show of hands: 1. Rules are to be obeyed. 2. Rules should be questioned. Otherwise known as the Bob White Principle, and the Beavah Principle, respectively
  18. ScoutMom, I agree. I want my kids to read voraciously and without boundaries and contemplate all that they read. I want them to read Golden Compass, Brokeback Mtn, and Mein Kampf and then think soberly about the things they read. I'm not worried about them becoming skinheads or gay shepherds and I know their perspectives on the world and it's people will be broadened. Which is always a good thing, I believe. The problem is, some parents out there do NOT want their kids exposed to any ideas other than their own. They want to restrict the boundaries of their kid's imaginations by set
  19. gcan, 1. No action is needed. BSA does not require membership, or even active participation, in any church. 2. No action is needed. BSA does not define what constitutes belief in God. Wicca is just fine. 3. The father should be reminded that BSA does require belief in a god or gods.
  20. I've not been involved in these procedures, but from what I understand, the executive boards of both councils vote on mergers. The only case I know of where a council reverted to it's previous components was the short lived Massachussetts Bay Federated Council in 1976 or therabouts. Not sure how that worked. I suspect that National calls the shots either way.
  21. I didn't bother to run at my WaMu branch. It'll be awhile yet before my account reaches 100G ...
  22. ahh, you're right. That was discourteous of me. I apologize.
  23. OGE: "...there are some rules that can be broken and others that can't?" I strongly believe that there are some rules which MUST be broken. There are other rules which must NOT be broken. This is simply because not all rules/laws are just. Perhaps most are, but we all know of rules/laws (at least in the historical sense) which are/were unjust. It is very easy to make this determination with 20/20 hindsight (eg., slavery, even where legal, is always wrong). What is much more difficult is to extricate one's perspective from the current cultural/historical context and identify current
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