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Apache Bob

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About Apache Bob

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    Junior Member
  1. We trained hard but it seemed that every time we were beginning to form into teams, we would be re-organized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by re-organizing; and what a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization.
  2. Wanted to bring up this subject once more. I took most of the info you gave me to the UC who brought it to my attention and he passed it on to the unit ldrs. They followed what happen on the legal side and the boy was cleared with his fingers being slapped. The boy had more problems of course with his parents that the legal side of things. Several discussions with the parents and boy were held. Time was given to make sure he stayed straight. He is now working on his Eagle project and has finished all but one MB that he needs. It was kept in the unit. Thanks for your help and a
  3. John-in-KC. In answer to your question. Beer was the cause of the DUI. I am not responding quickly to questions as I am trying to juggle several balls in the air at the same time without dropping them. I do keep dropping them and that takes longer because then I have to pick the up and start all over again. But I am still reading and passing your comments along. Thanks.
  4. Thank you all for your opinions. I have copied them and they are going to the Troop Committee members to read and think about. If I can I will let you know in the future what happen to the boy and his quest for Eagle. Again my thanks to you all for your thoughts and comments.
  5. This question came up in a Troop committee meeting and I am not sure of the answer so help me out. We have an active Scout who is 16 years of age. He attends the outdoor activities about 85% of the time. He has held several leadership positions and always done a good job. His rank in now Life Scout. He has never caused any problems in the Pack or Troop. Several weeks ago, after he got his drivers license, he was pulled over and was given a DUI. Will he be able to get his Eagle rank? The best we are getting right now from Council is for us to call National. What do you all say? T
  6. Is your training record up to date in scoutnet? What I really want to know are all the cub, boy and venture scouters training records up to date and correct in your council? If so how did they get that way. Or was there a problem and a lot of work had to be do to get them correct.
  7. Thank all of you for your responses.
  8. I just got back home from a meeting where one of the speakers was a young mother who was starting a Troop of Frontier Girls. She was at our meeting to see if we would help sponser her new Troop. I have just spent about 15 minutes on their website reading. She said that she had been a girl scout and had reached the gold award. When she went to start a girl scout unit for her daughter she was put off by the way the program had changed since she was in it. She didn't like the way the political change had taken place. Does anyone know about the Frontier Girls. They started in 2007 and h
  9. Go back to the church. The church appoints all the leaders and should appoint the unit commissioners also. I have no problem in that area once the church understands the duties of a commissioner. Do explain that the commissioner should be in that role for at least three years so they can go all the way through commissioner college.
  10. Packsaddle - Just in case you have not looked. Try n2zgu.50megs.com/DOMI.htm May you have a great life in the islands and I hope they live up to all that you want. Let us hear about what it is like. Yours in Scouting
  11. I got to get one of those toothpick holders. It could come in handy on a day to day basis.
  12. Thanks AIFansome. It's so simple where you know where to look. Yours in Scouting
  13. This weekend I was discussing the Scouting program with a friend who is not in Scouting. In the course of our conversation he asked me how many councils are in the USA. I had no idea. When I got home I googled it - got no answer. Then to the National site - no answer. Does anyone out there know or can tell me where to look to find the answer? Thanks
  14. Contact your local American Legion Post and the VFW. There are probably WWII veterans living within a mile or two of you that you don't even know exist. Most will be glad to talk to you and your son.
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