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Everything posted by 5yearscouter

  1. Basement says "Gotta chuckle here......6th grade scout son has 134 hours since joining scouting 18 months ago." Sounds like bragging, except that's only an average of 7.4 hours a month, and hours over the summertime don't count for school credit. I also have a 6th grader, him getting hours is cake compared to the honors student high schooler with a lot of things going on. 6th graders don't have OA, PLC, college classes, girlfriends, work for pay, multiple clubs and such to balance against scouting activities.
  2. Take the time now to go over your normal scouting year. Make sure she knows this is what you do, ask if she has suggestions or changes, and explain that you want to present a unified front to the dens and the rest of the pack. don't wait for her approval of an event, explain that in her job, she gets to make the program you plan work, not that she plans the program. Figure out which item in the year she wants to spearhead/lead, because it's always nice to have that kind of buy in, but that same offer should be made to any other leader in the pack--that the cubmaster has certain say, but oth
  3. I think someone is reaching a bit too far to call foul. Scout has done his 6 hours for the scout rank before entering high school. His actual required number of service hours this semester of high school are hours for FFA (5 hours a month) service hours for NHS (10 hours a month) and 30 service hours per semester for the high school itself (doesn't have to be exactly 6 hours a month) The school, NHS and FFA don't care if the service is counted for more than one activity--the advisors overlap between these activities, and they sign the paperwork to approve it. There ar
  4. Ask your local troop for help making it into an AOL and crossover ceremony in November if they are done done, or in December or January if there is a bit of things that might still excite them about cubs--for instance we have a night light parade in December (cover the boys in battery powered christmas lights ) and the boys wouldn't want to miss that. and we have derby in january, and some of the boys want to participate in that. if you don't have anything really special they don't want to miss out on, then contact the troop and get them to help you out. or contact the local OA and get a ce
  5. Overall last year scout did usually 12-15 hours of service a month, some months were more just because there was more time or a big project came up. we had to double dipped to cover the rest--but the scouting hours were long since completed for life rank Thank you very much. so then it was up to the view of the school whether double dipping was ok or not, eh? Some things were uncountable at school. for instance,nothing to do with OA service hours would count because they couldn't understand what the heck any of it was, even when broken down to we renovated a bathroom at a campgrou
  6. Basement, how exactly do you profess a high schooler fits into his schedule 21+ hours of service every month? that's almost 3 full time days of service per month. Are you going to give up 3 saturdays a month to volunteer, since most orgs around here(like food bank) won't accept anyone under the age 18 without a parent present--and have them all be different sorts of places/activities to fullfill the requirements of 4 different clubs? Last December = 8 hours building bikes for the needy at christmas one saturday before christmas -doesn't cut it. 4 hours moving boxes of toys
  7. Application says Unit leader or designee SE designates himself Council signs them up to the unit that the SE sees as the closet unit to where the scout lives. I'm not sure what they do if there are more than one unit, flip a coin? we have a district wide recruiting night at peter piper, and one in the spring at the zoo, scouts show up and pay the minimum to join, and the district people take the apps and fill them out with units and turn them in. They do INVITE all the packs to send a representative, and to provide a parent info page with cost, meeting locations and nights an
  8. sure 6 hours for rank isn't that much Beavah, but if you look at my son's list it's 6 hours a month for school(30 hours a semester) 5 hours for ffa and 10 hours for nhs so each month they expect about 21 hours of service if you don't allow double dipping. I give my hour a week to scouting and along the way work way more than that for other community groups, but some months come in higher than others. Making a habit of giving to the community is important to me, but the quantity of required volunteerism is counted more than the quality. sometimes I think an hour o
  9. Even with a new CC, it's not really the CM's job to track down parents who have submitted applications and not paid. hand the applications back to the parents, and tell them their scout is not registered without payment. or hand the applications to the treasurer whose job is money, and have them track the parents down for payments or hand the applications to the den leaders who presumably see the kids each week, and have them collect the $. lots of other people could collect the $, you keep a list of scouts and their parent's info if you want to follow up if the above people drop the
  10. In our council it's assumed that if you turn in an application, and $ is not attached to the application, that the cost of registration comes out of the unit account. I'm not sure what else the DE was supposed to do with the applications if they weren't going to be paid by someone? Was he supposed to hold them until you showed up with a check? The scouts are sort of covered by insurance if they are checking out scouting and haven't registered yet. However, when this goes on for weeks/months of coming to meetings without paying, well, I think it reaches a point where they wouldn't be co
  11. don't give BSA a new idea for how to raise more money!! They'll be selling Oath credits like crazy!
  12. Some schools have minimum service hours. and I believe some states have added service hours as a graduation requirement. for instance my high schooler has to have service hours for scouts--working on his Eagle project service hours for FFA (5 hours a month) service hours for NHS (10 hours a month) and 30 service hours per semester for the high school itself if there was no overlapping, the student might be hard pressed to meet all of these required volunteer hours. some of these will count things done scouting, some will count OA service, and some won't count unles
  13. We share our scout lodge with several other units, most noteably another scout troop, a pack, some girl scout units, OA, and sometimes other scouting related meetings. so we have a calendar yahoo group I believe it is(I don't do the scheduling) and everyone puts in their own dates, first come first serve, with a contact # in case someone else thinks they need to use the building they can call and try to work something out. The calendar all in one place to view is great so you can see who else is using the building on any day. Add in some friendly cooperation to work out the conflict
  14. I don't like combined gathering activities, because we may be cutting out boards, or sanding stuff to use later in the meeting, signing books or reviewing rules for a game we are going to play, retesting th 30 days of fitness exercises for webelos--often a more structured gathering activity, and if the pack takes that time away from my den meeting that cuts into my den time. We also encourage dens to have an actual planned gathering activity/game rather than a free for all, otherwise it ends up with a couple of tiger parents trying to watch over all 30+ boys on the playground and they do
  15. Well if he has no transportation, you could talk to your scout shop about the options. at ours they will package up your awards if you email or fax or call them in, and they'll mail them out to you really cheaply. so that may be an option, at least for a short while, even if he doesn't want to continue to do advancement long term. when you recruit a new advancement person and talk to this guy about helping them get started, driving down with them to the scout shop a couple times to make sure they get the right stuff, I bet it would make the new and the old guy feel better about the pr
  16. Baden, You say we shouldn't keep separate bank accounts for the boys,I'm pretty sure none of the units have separate bank accounts for the boys. Most are keeping track in a ledger of credits for the boys. Interesting to me, is to note that the units with scout accounts are primarily using the scout account credits to cover the boy's uniforms, registration/boy's life annual recharter and camp fees from the unit directly to a council. Primarily the boys who work the fundraisers the hardest are those who cannot afford to pay for those items.The fundraisers were created to allow th
  17. Thanks! I didn't see anything else that stands out as being wrong or off. looks pretty clear, and should help with some of the districts/units that require project documentation that rivals an architect's works before approving the work. and allows an out if the beneficiary changes their mind half way thru and won't approve the work cause they want the boy to do more/different things than what was originally agreed upon.
  18. working my way thru the project workbook. seems pretty straightforward and clear cut. on page20 where you list who helped you complete your project and hours it lists the following types of people: -The Eagle Scout candidate -Other youth (brothers, sisters, friends, etc., who are not BSA members) -Registered BSA adult Scout leaders -Other adults (parents, grandparents, etc., who are not BSA members note there is NOT a place to include Scout youth who are registered members of the BSA. is the other youth supposed to include BSA youth members, typo, or???
  19. He went on his trip yesterday, but he's probably not going to count it for rank. Cause while he navigated fine, they met with the boys on the trail part way, half way and back at camp by truck. But he didn't actually have his map in the truck with him--he navigated without the map-- the other boys didn't have a map of the area to use for their 5 mile hike so he gave them his map to use.
  20. I wouldn't allow den chief in that situation. He could come back and be den chief MAYBE for the webelos 1's (or another den) and still see his friends at pack meetings, he could stick around til at least one other of his friends is ready to cross over and go together (having a friend can be an immeasurable help when you join a troop and are the youngest kid there) or stick around and finish a few more badges until most/all of the den is ready to cross over or be invited to attend a few pack meetings as a representative from the troop to encourage more boys to cross to the troop, but n
  21. The scout isn't sure he wants to use the starred substitute requirement for rank, so we'll leave it up to him if he wants to bring his book to be signed when this is completed, or if he wants to do it again when he heals, or try yet another way on the next troop hike if he isn't healed by then. regardless-- he's up for going on his trip while his patrol does the hike this weekend, which will work to keep him engaged and excited. "too easy" would be we get there, get in the vehicle and it's like driving on a paved road with no reason for him to use the map and compass at all
  22. and the update on time is the report at the most recent troop meeting. Scout is out for hiking for a LONG time, not just a few more weeks/month.
  23. Basement, where do you get that this leg will be healed by Thanksgiving? Scout has been told that he will be in a leg/ankle brace of some kind at least thru Christmas, He will not be released to go on a 5 mile hike for most likely much much longer due to the fracture in the growth plate. so we aren't talking a delay of a month or two, 6 months to a year of delay here.
  24. We get 2500 flyers for fall recruiting, and drop them off at as many 1-5th grade classrooms as we can at 12 different schools. We average 3 or 4 boys per school for the pack. Since we are the only non LDS pack covering a HUGE are in west phoenix, DE's from 3 districts send kids our way. but we don't usually get or keep the ones that are further away than the 3-4 closest schools to where we meet.
  25. Honestly my gut tells me that the guy was holding on with the pack to see if you could get it going again. and you did. so hes ready to get out. sometimes if you give them warning you are leaving, they seem to put up every kind of roadblock and guildt you into staying. so maybe he's thinking a fast and clean break is his only answer. also at his age, well if he wants to quit, it's his perogative, he doesn't really have to give a reason. Health may be involved and he may not want to get into the details. Our current asst cubmaster is dying of lung cancer and doesn't want everyone t
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