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Tampa Turtle

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Everything posted by Tampa Turtle

  1. There is such a diversity of things for the new scout to do that surely he can find something fun. Focus on the doing (but help him learn to keep track) and success will come. My now SPL-Son had 90 nights of camping before it occurred to him to start the Camping MB.
  2. Not exactly surprised but it is nice to see rays of hope again sometime. It is interesting to hear from the boys who are thinking of applying for college on what they are scrubbing from their online social sites. Several just decided to go 'dark' after a predominant HS student blew up his Naval Academy invite when he circulated some...err...personal pictures of himself and it flared up into a big school issue. Had to drop out from some key school leadership positions because of 'behavior' clauses and had his Eagle progress (in another Troop) put on hold.
  3. Exactly. But you still have Larry the Cat. God Save the Queen...and Larry.
  4. And the parade is a great way for Dad to point out to his boys the difference between a Comely Lass with a poor sartorial choice vs a skank. An illustration: the young lady and her (seen better days) mom wearing matching 'F--- Me" Hats. The other day my son complained "Why are we eating in again! We are the only family I know where they always eat together!"
  5. Enjoy them before National has to make some big payouts and we have new rules. I know some boys that now know you cannot fly to close to a military base without an eventual police visit.
  6. Our Troop works the not so wholesome Gasparilla Pirate Parade in Tampa. The adult parade is a several 200,000-500,000 drunk and tart fest. We usually sell water and snacks at a reasonable price and make a lot of money (not everyone wants to hydrate on beer all day). Occasionally me and my boys might stop to watch the parade for a while (it can go on for hours) and we are usually wearing the Class A's. My boys get so many extra beads by middle age mom pirates because they look like wholesome choir angels in comparison...the brand works even in the den of inequity. I have mixed emotions about do
  7. I used to teach a Sustainability course in college almost 20 years ago. It COULD be exciting but the BSA requirements are kind of a bore. I pitied the lads when I overheard almost 30 minutes on water meter reading. I may just have to take that one over...
  8. Small Boat Sailing, Row Boat, Canoeing, Kayaking our boys like to do them all. Kayaking seems the most popular. A lot of similar skills but seems fun to learn the differences. I think there is a Paddle Board badge now too?
  9. The church gentlemen did not always like us and caused us some problems despite our best efforts. However they recently folded and the church board donated their remaining funds to the Troop! Karma.
  10. Well then yes I can see the hand-wave. Not sure if it would be Kosher now with Scout as a rank. But not a hill I chose to die on in any case...we have had some cross-overs who had already gone on two Troop campouts as guests and knew their stuff...
  11. Stosh, to clarify. So the SE allowed that BUT was that before Scout was a rank? 'Cause you said they Eagled which would imply some time has gone by,
  12. We 'dump' the Cyberchip on the older boys to run and they do a surprisingly good job--their view of dangers seems better than us old folks.
  13. Really. ALL scouters? Is that because the position specific training is THAT bad or is just Wood Badge increasing their fiefdom?
  14. Good comment. Our Methodist church seemed to anguish at one time about continuing the charter ( a combo of controversy wariness and annoyance by some of boys running about) but it was the woman's auxiliary that told the church leadership that it was nonsense not to support the Troop. I guess it paid to help at their annual luncheon after all....
  15. A lot of the same requirements and overlap. As described above. At summer camp mostly sitting on the docks being instructed and waiting to paddle around. Basically row boats. Swamping and rescue drills different. Some boys really enjoy the rowing workout,
  16. Whitlin Chit not exactly same as Totin Chit what with that Ax thing. In my experience most boys need the refresher.
  17. Look by definition if WE have heard of this it is already past peak.
  18. Pretty sure you can't count things you do in Cub Scouts for Boy Scouts. That was a pretty creative and sloppy interpretation IMHO.
  19. Event if what they did was wrong (and I am not sure it was) their intent was good and they should have gotten a pass. To be fired shows the Director to be a Martinet PLUS bad PR for the Camp and BSA to boot.
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