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Everything posted by Sentinel947

  1. We caravan. On a volunteer basis. If we don't have enough parents to drive, then all parents are responsible for getting their Scouts to and from the trip. (That has never happened). Think of it like sports. Plenty of youth league teams not based at a school require the parents to provide transportation, but ask Scouting parents to carpool and they balk. I don't understand the difference.
  2. I fail to understand why you referenced that thread. Several Moderators got involved in that thread. What should we have done differently in that thread? More broadly, how can the moderator team do better? We don't have all the answers. If you have suggestions for the team as a whole, or me individually, you can always PM me.
  3. I think there are two major arguments here, and we are talking past each other. I doubt anybody in this thread is proposing that Physically violent bullies are given a handful of extra chances and pitied more than their victims. Not all bullying is violent bullying like some of the examples here. The OP's Scout hasn't attacked another youth. He doesn't seem to exhibit violent tendencies, or the OP would have noted that. All of the bullying situations I saw as a Scout weren't physical bullying, but more stealthy bullying like name calling and deliberate exclusion of Scouts. Georgia Mom, I
  4. Please don't derail the thread to argue about SSC vs AAR. Different words, same general concept. To reiterate my OP question. "I'd like anybody interested to answer a few questions. First, define the patrol method. What are the key characteristics of the patrol method? What is the role of the Adult Scouters in a troop run by the patrol method? What does the SPL/ASPL do on a trip with the patrol method? Has your troop always used the patrol method? Please describe your troops use of the patrol method."
  5. Scouter99, I can assure you that the moderator team isn't the progressive thought police. We don't edit, move, or close topics because of their idealogical content. We have from time to time closed or moved topics at the OPs request or when the thread devolves into personal attacks.
  6. As adults we have an obligation to the victims of bullying. They are the first concern. The bully themselves may be given some corrective action, and for some that works. For others like in the OP. That Scout is a scourge on the troop, and I'd get rid of him. I've been in scouting for 10 years. I've seen bullying situations where all learn valuable lessons from it, the bully sees his errors and the situation has a nice resolution. I've also seen a chronic bully shown the door.
  7. "I think the BSA has to start delivering what they advertise, or advertising what they deliver. Is it a character and skill development program where respect for leaders and other Scouts is expected, or is it an outdoorsy reform school?" GA Mom: Sometimes it's both. It's very much up to the individual unit. Maybe your kids are really fantastic kids who never misbehave. I've never been part of a youth organization where every kid acts perfectly one hundred percent of the time. Baden Powell picked both prep school standouts, and inner city public school students for his original troop.
  8. Easy question. How are patrols formed in your troop? Not what type (same aged, mixed age, NSPs) but how does your troop decide which Scouts are in which patrol?
  9. Glad to see another Buckeye stater here!
  10. I have no idea what's going on. Silent scream indeed.
  11. I just helped my Scouts out on a training for scouts in positions of responsibility. If you want to talk to me about it, pm me.
  12. I'd like anybody interested to answer a few questions. First, define the patrol method. What are the key characteristics of the patrol method? What is the role of the Adult Scouters in a troop run by the patrol method? What does the SPL/ASPL do on a trip with the patrol method? Has your troop always used the patrol method? Please describe your troops use of the patrol method. Thanks!
  13. Just an update. Trip was a success. Got great feedback from the Scouts. They liked the patrol camping (physical distance, planning their own activities.) it's a small sample size from the troop, but the success of the weekend will help convince the skeptical that the Patrol method will work in the Troop. My next step turns to educating other adult leaders about the method. The Scoutmaster seems receptive. Thanks for anybody that gave me advice on this subject.
  14. I'm opposed to making the Boy Scouts co ed. It wouldn't be deal breaker for me, but I think a single gender environment has some advantages for both boys and girls.
  15. A person over 18 is not a youth. I'm 20. I'm not a youth. I've never understood the whole till 21 you can be a youth member in certain programs. One standard is fine. The timing however, sucks.
  16. I never responded to the OP. I look forward to a time where our openly non believing brothers can be Boy Scouts. I think society has evolved since BP created Scouting. I think in a compromise Reverance can stay in the Law. The BSAs definition of it is fair and it should stay. I think duty to God should be removed. Those of us who believe in a God know what our responsibilities to him are. It doesn't need to be in the Oath. I want to see optional religious study stay in the program even if atheists join. I do think it's a excellent way to help religious Scouts study their faith, just as it help
  17. Thanks for your service to our country and now your service to our youth. Welcome to Scouter.com. Many members here have been in your shoes, so if you have questions ask away!
  18. So California cannot create a list of religious affiliations that can be judges and a list that cannot be? Because Merlyn said "Possibly. Since there isn't a right to be a judge, they might."
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