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Everything posted by sctmom

  1. Had a wonderful couple of days in the North Georgia mountains. Beautiful, clear, cool weather. Spent time with my sister and her husband. And just relaxed! Saw a man and his son (maybe 12 years old) hiking the approach trail to the Appalachain Trail on Thursday. Wished I could have stopped and talked to them, was wondering if they were Scouts. Today I am thankful for Home Insurance! Came back to find the hose going to the fridge water dispenser had sprung a leak. Squishy, water logged carpet in the living room. Needed new carpet a long time ago, sometimes procrastination pays off. The fe
  2. Why would Merlyn not eat turkey? Thanksgiving is to celebrate our country, freedom, etc. Have a good one, however you choose to give thanks.
  3. I'm out of here in a couple of hours to enjoy a few days away from home. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
  4. Just wanted to add that my sister tried Christian churches for many years. She had a lot of emotional problems as a teenager and in her 20's. She kept trying to go to church and do what she was told to find peace. She never found it. I tell her part of the problem was the churches she went to. Regardless she has found internal peace of the past few years, even after much grief from her children as teenagers (they are over that now) and watching her husband die from cancer while the kids were teens. I'm happy for her. She is a different person, a much more loving, calmer person that she ever
  5. NJ, are you using a computer that might have a filter on it to keep you out of wicca.org? Maybe your daughter or my sister can get you some eye of newt....hehehe
  6. I WILL have my sister forever. I do not believe she is a "lost soul". She has very strong beliefs, they just aren't Christian. She does believe in a higher power that is female as much as male. She does pray. She does believe in an afterlife. Her first husband died of cancer. We all know his spirit and soul are still alive. My sister remembers being forced to go to church as a child. My mother stopped doing that about the time I was 5 and my sister was 10. My father was forced to go to church as a child, back when you sat quietly on hard wooden benches for over an hour. My father conside
  7. ASM7, I didn't have parents dragging me to church every Sunday. I have chosen to be a Christian, my sister has chosen to be a Pagan. My brother doesn't discuss it, possible with no beliefs at all. Guess what? We are all very productive members of society, provide for our families, etc. I can think of much worse things than for my son to become a Pagan. I'd put my sister's behaviors up against any Christian's any day of the week.
  8. MK, Wiccan is a pagan religion, believing in Gods and Goddesses, nature based religion. Wiccan is a very loose term for many different beliefs and practices. The main thing is their first rule is to do no harm. This page will give you some more information, definitions and links. http://www.religioustolerance.org/witchcra.htm If you search around on the web you will find many pages about it and I'm sure many articles about the "evils" of such. From what I understand many females are drawn to this because they feel uncomfortable with the patriacharial system of Christianity.
  9. We did this last year and was such a hit that we are doing it the same way this year. We are visiting a nursing home and singing carols. We also wanted to take some craft items to them that the boys made. We had to all pickup our popcorn on a Saturday morning so as some parents sorted popcorn, the others helped the kids with the craft project. Spent about an hour doing the crafts. Had a great time. On the way out, picked up the popcorn and was on the way. Last year we decorated coffee cans and filled them with goodies like combs, nail files, cloth hankerchiefs, notepads, hand lotion,
  10. "Explain to me how my faith is leading to the same god as the Wiccans, when my Bible tells me that I cannot worship the One and Only true God and the god of idols?" If you worship the One and Only true God then there is no "god of idols". Why do you refer to gods that do not exist? I don't think your wording is really what you meant.
  11. Pagans do not necessarily offer sacrifices to idols. They just don't worship the Christian God. Now, to some just not worshipping the Christian God is doing what the devil wants. I thought they were welcome as well, but I think BSA will not approve a religious symbol from them. Also, for many BSA does not teach some of the things they value. You may not agree with them but you gotta respect them for starting their own group and not trying to change BSA. Right? Their website http://www.aquatabch.org/spiralscouts/ I'm surprised they are getting away with using the word
  12. This page has links to a few different sources of games, skits and crafts based on the monthly theme. http://www.arkie.net/scouting/Training/Roundtable/Handouts/ One game we played last year that the boys loved was "Santa's Boots Relay". Get shoeboxes (shoe stores will give these to you) and spray paint them black. Line up in a couple of rows for a relay race. Each boy puts his feet (keep his shoes on) into two boxes and must shuffle across the room and back. Then the next boy does the same. You can also call them "snowshoes". You don't really have to paint them. Make sure to ge
  13. They have a website. If you look on THIS website for other Scouting organizations you will find it. By the way, Pagan means non-Christian, it does NOT mean devil/demon worshipping. They don't believe in the devil, many believe in more than one god/goddess.
  14. In over 2 years of searching the web for various Cub Scout sources, I have never seen such. Your best source is Progam Helps, but realize the BSA does not expect you to spend every meeting on Achievements and they don't cover every achievement within a given year of Program Helps. Most of the Wolf and Bear achievements should be done at home. The Bear's have a similiar achievement. I thought of writing the scenarios on index cards, the boys would take turns drawing out a card, I would read it out loud and that boy has the first chance to answer it. Or maybe you could do like a "
  15. Rooster, I pulled those statistics from many sources. These were the most conservative estimates, each presented by many different Domestic Violence groups. Want to see more, just search for "Domestic Violence stats" and you will find many pages. I specifically did not use the stats that were so vague as to say "between 1 million and 4 million women..." That's a pretty big range. Does it excuse gays for having sex in the public? NO! But I could use similiar examples to say all men should be locked away. How many men are involved in this park problem? Is it 30% of gay men in the Unit
  16. In the United States... Every 15 seconds a woman is beaten. Every 3 minutes a woman is raped. Only 1 out of every 10 victims of domestic violence report the incident. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44. Domestic violence is the number one cause of emergency room visits by women. Between one and four million women are abused by current or former husbands or boyfriends each year. More than 3 million children witness acts of domestic violence every year. Women are 10 times more likely than men to be victimized by an in
  17. I had an elementary school teacher who could whistle with 2 fingers and be heard for a half a mile! She was also a very tall woman who could bore a hole through you with her look. The other teachers always had her whistle to get us in off the playground. You better believe it got your attention! I don't remember ever hearing her raise her voice. We had a healthy respect for her.
  18. Take a look at this page: http://www.geocities.com/lonezrule/links.html One of the links is to the BSA fact sheet about Lone Scouts. One way a boy can be eligible to be a Lone Scout is "being home schooled". That right there gives you the "right" to be a lone scout. Hope that link will answer some of your questions.
  19. If you know other homeschoolers in your area that are interested in Scouts I would recommend starting a new troop. You don't need a large number of boys to have a troop. You do need a charter organization, which can be "Local Homeschoolers" -- made up of the interested parents. Where I live some homeschoolers have formed their own pack and troop. Most of these questions can be answered by your DE and in my opinion should be answered by your DE. When you speak of your son earning his AOL early, do be aware that one of the requirements is 6 months AFTER turning 10 or after completing
  20. "As opposed to at the outset laying-on the "there's no Pack without you" or "your son's not in Tigers without you" lines (though those should be in your hip pocket)," The rule for Tigers IS "your son is not in Tigers alone, there MUST be an adult". This is a BSA rule and one that should be enforced. Tigers always have their adult partner with them. That adult can be a parent or other adult appointed by the parents such as an uncle, aunt, grandparent or other relative.
  21. First have the boys make a list of den rules. Then tell them this is the way it is --- you will behave. Children are like wild animals in sensing fear and weaknesses. Where do you meet? Are their distractions? Is the room too big or too small? Is there mold? One room available to my den is downstairs in an old house owned by the church. The mold can set off allergies that result in HYPER! Keep their hands busy. I've seen some den leaders expect the boys to sit with their books open. Wrong! They should be busy, busy, busy. What kind of activities are you doing? Alternate quiet wi
  22. Scoutparent PLEASE provide your source for the following quote: "It's interesting to me that if you look at gallup poll results; most Americans do not buy into this hoax and that as the level of education goes up the level of belief in evolution goes down. " The numbers I saw say 45% believe in creationism only. Others have also asked for your source about the level of education stat.
  23. Girl Scouts seem to be successful with Kindergarten aged children. In some areas they are now letting 4 year olds join as Daisies. I also have the same question, has BSA considered having a program for Kindergarteners?
  24. A friend of mine took Girl Scout leader outdoor training a few years ago. I remember her saying she had to cook her breakfast on a coffee can over a buddy burner. She said it was a very hands-on course, they really did do a lot. Sounds like your council has some problems that not all councils have.
  25. We do instill a part of ourselves in our scouts. YET there are many things I don't want my scouts to pick up from me, so I try to leave those habits behind when I'm with my boys. There are may things the Cubs don't know about me. There are some things about me that most adults around do not know. I think we all have some of that. Now, I am working with Cubs, not teenagers, there is a difference. The Cubs don't see me as much as a Boy Scout might see their Troop Adult leaders. If the rational is that the boys may "pick up" being gay or that gay is okay, what about all the other thing
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