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Everything posted by SctDad

  1. Something that I forgot, these are young cooks. Novice to, at best, amateur. So although the scratch made biscuits are a good idea, that may be something for a later time.
  2. OK before everyone jumps at the leaders planning the meals there is a purpose. I talked with the SM tonight and told him about a little competition that would be interesting. He loved the idea. IRON CHEF Troop XX So what the plan is, we are going to give the boys a cooler and/or tote with some ingrediants and they have to come up with a meal based on the ingrediants. Kindof a Iron Chef/Chopped mix and they will be judged on several areas. The idea is that we are going to give the ingrediants to the patrols at lunch time and let them start. They will have until the end of d
  3. We did sling shots at a Cub Family Camp this year. The range officer made it more difficult than it needed to be. He had the boys shooting one at a time and they were not using the dog food that I suggested. I guess when you are the event coordinator then you can only expect so much. Guess I left too much up to the range officer to figure out. That is just something that I need to plan on for next year.
  4. I guess that I fall into the old timer catagory then. I learned the handskae with the pinky thingy and that is how I always remembered it. Although I will have to admit it, I had to relearn the OA handshake. I say it is time to petition national and bring back the heritage of scouting. But we all know where that will lead.
  5. OK so I looked at the information about the youth training. Here is my question. What kind of activities would you do other than just reading the responsibility cards. What kind of team building excercises do you recommend?
  6. Is the week long NYLT the only for the youth to get their "Trained" patch. I remember when I was a scout, our SM gave us a day long training. Has that been replaced?
  7. Hello to all. I was thinking the other day and was wondering what you all did for your crafts for all of your levels. Where do you get your free crafts. What kind of things do you use. Lets think outside of the box. I recently had someone contact me about giving me a lot of old mailing tubes. I still have to go and pick them up. Where is everyone else getting there free stuff and what are you doing with it.
  8. "The Blue and Gold is a ceremony recognizing Webelos II's (primarily)" Where are you finfing this at. I always thought that the purpose of the B&G was to celebrate the birthday of the Cub Scouts. WHere does it say that you HAVE to cross the Webelos at the B&G Why not take them camping in March or April. You can go through and see if the troop is camping the same weekend, have a nice outdoor ceremony. Let them camp with the pack on Friday night, cross over at the campfire on Saturday night and camp with the troop on Saturday night as part of their first Troop campout.
  9. The odd thing is I am taking a Train the Trainers course tommorrow and I have to give a 12 minute class. I was thinking about giving an overview of the high adventure bases that there is little known about. The problem is that I could not remember what the thread was named and I thought I would spend a while looking for this thread. But someone was kind enough to respond
  10. The G2SS does mention the Dorm style living accomidations, which it says Adults should erect sheets to form a temporary barrier. But shortridge is right. There is no mention of how to handle it with having females there. So in order to comply COMPLETELY with the rules, you need to rent another building for the famales or just cancel the trip all together. I guess if there is no flexability and everyone would be super-offended by having tarp/blanket barriers this is the only choice.
  11. I have not seen anywhere where it says how many assistance that you can have. Sign up this new leader if they want to. Have two assistants. That would be nice.
  12. I understand about following the rules. I understand his concern with the YP standards and general privacy issues. No where did he say anything about camping as a den. Now where did he meention any problems with his program. As a matter of fact, he mentioned that this is his USUAL winter trip. That would lead me to believe that they have done this before without problems AND the council knows what they are doing. His concern was the seperation of families/genders for privacy issues. My understanding from his e-mail is that this was a family campout that was usually held at one l
  13. I think that the relevant breakout sessions are a good thing. I think that the theme is a good thing if you are using it. Maybe have some people bring in ideas for what they are going to do for upcoming crafts. Our CS RT Commissioner asked us what we would like to see so she is taking suggestions. I am getting ready to send her some here in a little bit about what we can do for December. Mostly because November is the District Banquet and I am not able to go. So I would say have the volunteers that are taking the time to come in bring in a craft that they can share.
  14. Basement Dweller String, Tarps/blankets, and a genuine effort to afford the families an area to change in privacy. Make an effort, but I would not make that my only concern about the campout. Talk with the parnets and see what it is that you can do to help them. If you show an effort, it will usually go very far. Not to mention, let them know that if they are that concerned they may want to bring something. It is not up to you to make everything happen. If they still protest, let them know that it is not required. A little effort to make them confortable should go a long way.
  15. I read this and think back to how we have had discussions about how 'Wilderness Susvival MB is a lost art'. Maybe with this article boy scouts will realize that Wilderness Surival is something that they could really do.
  16. "3. Keep Mom away from the weather forecast for a week!!" How is it you do this.
  17. SctDad

    pack flag

    It was kinda hard for me to find the first time I had to look for it. Had to call national and they helped me. http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/images/pdfs/70-381.pdf That is a PDF file that you either have to mail in with a check or you can fax with a Credit card number I think.
  18. OK to answer some questions. First off, the troop is small and onbly had about 10 boys at the time. They are trying to rebuild and get things right. It is just going to take a little time. The PL was cooking because everyone wanted to have his fried porkchops that he like to cook. He had an adult watching over him. As for the SPL: He is out scouting with Bigfoot. He has not shown up lately and I think he is about to get replaced as soon as we find a responsible scout. As for where the boys were. They were no more then 300 yards up the path to the pond. Just far eno
  19. First a little history of what happened in the troop. The troop was camping. After some activities the PL was cooking dinner as it was deemed by the duty roster. While he was cooking, the rest of his patrol went for a "walk up the trail" which no one thought was out of the ordinary as all were familiar with the land. When the SM went to the vehicles to get something out of the car, the patrol is doing all they can to get out of the pond before they are caught. (DUH they are all wet) The SM is talking about removing the PL as he was not aware of what his patrol was doing. I
  20. Welcome to the campfire. Grab a mug and have a cup of campfire coffee. I too am from NC, just slightly more east in another council.
  21. something that I am going to suggest, look into your local, state and federal surplus warehouses. Our state has a federal clearinghouse and they have a lot of stuff that is good for scouting. They have large tents and they also have shelter halfs. There is also sleeping bags and so much more. Like someone said, a car wash is a good idea. You mamy pull $150 - $300 depending on your location. (I suggest major crossroads that get a lot of traffic) That may be only a little money but it is still money. Also check with your council about help with awards and stuff. We have what i
  22. Welcome to the Forums. It is good to see a leader that is interested in the outdoor experience. Look over the requirements for the Tigers. There are a lot of things to do. When it comes to camping, look for quality camping trips. THere are a lot of new Belt Loops that are coming out and there will be a lot of fun in them. Camping is a great activity. Get the training as described before. With the approval of the Pack Committee and your other leadership, plan a campout and help to get the pack camping again. Maybe there has just been no one that felt comfortable camping. You
  23. I can sympathiize (sp) with you on this. We have a young troop and the older boys have GONE and are not looking like they are returning. I was talking with our PL two weeks ago and asked himm if they had started working on the things that they needed to get ready for the Advanc-o-ree. He said that they had not yet. So I asked him what they needed for the event. He was able to tell me: Duty roster, menu, shopping list. I asked him if he had a way to print them off and he said that he would look into it. He seems like he can do the job, if the youth would follow himi too. But
  24. Eagle92 No way is she using my Molle pack, That is mine. I think about this time next year we will start looking into her backpack. Let the growing continue some more. Thanks for all the advice so far
  25. Thanks for all the replies The leadership of the GS Troop/Venture Crew all understand the cost of this trip and the training that is required for this. The husband of the GS leader went with his troop on a troop trip (Not the council contingent) They are thinking that they may need two crews due to the numbers. I have also let the guy know that I meet the requirements for the First Aid portion. He also told me that I would want to have my daughter fitted for the backpack. So to just start saving money and then when the trip is closer take her to get fitted for something that is m
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