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Everything posted by scouts-a-lot

  1. Scouts in our Troop turn 16 and just expect to be made a JASM. Then they sit around and do nothing. Personally I hate the position because of what represents in our Troop
  2. He should only wear the Ordeal sash until he seals his membership to Brotherhood. Have him tough it out until then. Shouldn't be that long.
  3. Congrats to all of the above! Bragging of my own to do. My oldest son will be called out for Vigil Honor this weekend. I personally received Vigil last year and I am way more excited for him than I was for myself. He has served our Lodge selflessly and tirelessly and it is very well deserved! I personally get to call him out and his Mom (who is also a Brotherhood member) will be there to watch. Can't wait! My youngest will finally be on the ballot this month so here is to hoping he is elected so he can finally join the rest of the family.
  4. We will be heading there for Conclave this April but I have never been there for summer camp. I have been to Arkansas for summer camp and I can tell you it is hot and very humid.
  5. Good luck and have fun. Be prepared to get a lot of information in a short amount of time. Sleep when you can!
  6. We always used straws but you have to watch that they do not use them to push their boat.
  7. Welcome aboard. Enjoy your stay.
  8. That is awesome and pathetic all at the same time. Awesome that he did it simply pathetic that he got a bill. But what would one expect in today's world...
  9. We have informed our Crew that we are not a dating service so no dating between members. Period!
  10. As an adult involved in all three levels I welcome it. I cannot tell you the # of times I have said the wrong words and looked foolish!
  11. They did say that it was based on a recent study done by the BSA and it was being implemented nationally. He went on to say that they were moving to doing it online at the national level. They felt that more people would "attend" and Skype type meeting than actually go to a meeting with real people.
  12. At our last District Committee meeting someone was mentioning the fact that we were in need of a new RT Commish for Boy Scouts. Our District Commissioner and Executive both responded that the BSA is eliminating RT for all levels. Has anyone else heard this?
  13. We had the same issue as Eagle92 but it was a staffer and a participant. Still makes for good jokes!
  14. Here is what I use. If you want the entire ceremony (this is just part of it) I can send it to you. Before we award the Arrow of Light, let us take some time to understand its meaning. The Arrow is to remind us to continue to go straight on the pathway of Scouting and in Life. The Arch is the sun rising at daybreak, starting a new week in scouting and life. There are Seven Rays in the Arrow of Light. They stand for the seven great virtues of life. (As each ray is covered a candle is lit) The FIRST RAY is WISDOM Wisdom does not necessarily mean superior knowl
  15. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/search/searchresults/4452-25.aspx?feature=Product_6&kw=fob Here is what you are looking for.
  16. What I want is an even playing field to combat the Troops that show up and have stacked all of their older Scouts into on patrol just for THIS event. In case you have never watched the reactions of the other patrols when the Screaming Eagles (and that is literally the name of the patrol because they are all Eagles) takes home first place in every event and for their Troop in the overall competition try it sometimes. When I tried to get our Troop to go this year some of the complaints were "Why so the Screaming Eagles can win everything again?" Our patrols range in age from 12-17 a
  17. @Stosh - That is what I am trying to combat because I have seen it in the past. In fact the patrol that cleaned up evvery year was a patrol from the Troop the Camporee Chairman was from. It really bothered me so I am trying to stop it before it is an issue.
  18. I found a couple of methods and combined them into something I think myself and the committee likes: PATROL CLASSIFICATION would look something like this: Patrols are classified by the ranks of their members. All Patrols compete against every other patrol. PATROL RATING SYSTEM Scout Rank Rating New Scout and Scout 1 Tenderfoot 2 Second Class 3 First Class 5 Star 7 Life 10 Eagle 12 Each Scout is rated according to his rank. The total is then divided by the number of Scouts in the Patrol to give an average rating. A p
  19. Thanks that is just what I am looking for.
  20. I have a directory of the kids in my school but need a couple of example letters to craft mine.
  21. I am looking for a camporee scoring/handicapping system that would be used to classify patrols by make-up. What I am trying to do is make the playing field even for all patrols. What I am trying to avoid is the stacked patrol of all Eagle Scouts coming in and cleaning up against the patrol of all new Scouts. Does anyone use this type of system? If so can you share it with me?
  22. Just like the example you are setting in this post? They/we are Scouts and not perfect individuals. So someone has a moment of weakness should we take them out behind the barn and smack them around? Kick them out of the program? I thought the point was to teach them to be better citizens. Did we fail here? You bet your butt we did! The last time I checked we have never talked about not booing someone at a Scout meeting. Can you honestly say that on May 4, 2008 or whenever you did? I seriouly doubt it. This is a learning opportunity. Big deal the thing has gone viral. In
  23. Does anyone out there have a letter that you mail to prospective Cub Scouts and their parents in your area? If so what kind of response did you get? I have never sent one and would like to see what effect it has on recruiting.
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