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Everything posted by ScoutMomAng

  1. Keep in mind that Boy Scouts is a whole 'nother animal than Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts. A well run Boy Scout Troop is entirely boy led. That means that while it is fine to put together a list of oportunities in the area, new, interesting places to go & things to do, that should be about the extent of your input. This is exactly what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to find out what things they like to do, but from what I understand their ideas have been somewhat lax I guess because even though the former SM claims it has been boy led it seems they have been more adult persuaded/boy led. So,
  2. Thanks...that helps a lot! Still would like to know, though, what other troops have done that have been successful. Anybody out there that can help? Ang
  3. I'm new to this Boy Scouting stuff, however, not new to scouting. I have been in Cub Scouts with my sons and Girl Scouts with my daughter. I have signe on as my sons Troop Outdoor Activities Coordinator (somebody thought I'd be good at it). However, just coming out of cub scouts and knowing the strict rules in Girl Scouting, I must ask...are there limits to what a Boy Scout can do? What are some other outdoor activities that boys can participate in, besides camping, canoeing, kayaking...etc. Ang
  4. Why my daughter doesn't like GS? To hear her tell it, "because it isn't fun anymore" I'm not really her leader anymore. I am listed as the leader of her troop but I'm also the leader of the Juniors and the Co-leader of the Brownies and Daisies that meet with us. Since I am the main leader of the Juniors I let my Cadette/junior co-leader take over the cadettes. My daughter really doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the troop, although more-so than the other cadette troop that meets down the street. My daughter has, for over a year, decided to dress in all black (but it doesn't bot
  5. Well, I must say that I've only been on this forum for almost 6 months (I think) and I have learned a lot! I love this place. This is the first place I go when I need answers. Our council isn't the best run council and because of that I'm sure many of our troops and packs are not the best run either, but we are doing the best we can with what we have. When I took Webelos Training last year I can honestly say I did not learn a thing! : ) I'm new to the troop but I have been with my son through cub scouts (his leader for the last 3 years) and I've been in Girl Scouts for four years. Thi
  6. Dan, I'm not sure if "Phil" made Eagle. My guess would be he probably did which is why the older committee members made such a big stink about it, however, I would think if somebody made Eagle there would be a bigger to-do about the Eagle Award. At the last Court of Honor, two weeks ago, he was only presented with the three Merit Badges...so I guess I can not truthfully answer that question. Sorry, but remember I'm very new to the troop. One Court of Honor, one committee meeting, that's it. Ang
  7. Unc, Yes, yes, yes...TM=SM. Sorry, sometimes I get Girl Scouts and Cub/Boy Scout stuff crossed. Please forgive me! Ang
  8. OGE--- Well, one would think that as a NEW parent to the troop I would have a copy of the "by-laws" but seems they forgot to issue that group of papers. However when we get together to make new by-laws I will let them know what I know and maybe the troop could be a happier place! Ang PS--when I get them I will be more than happy to post some of the ridiculous so you can all have a good laugh. As you may be able to tell, I'm not too fond of the past TM, who put many of these "by-laws" into effect.
  9. My daughter says she is no longer interested in Girl Scouts but everytime we go camping she seems to spark that interest all over again. She toys with my emotions all year long and it is really starting to get on my nerves! She is a cadette, not "Stupid 2b" as she calls it. I realize they are wishy-washy at this age but is there by any chance in your opinion that I can sign her up as a Juliette and do things without her knowing it??? I would love for her to stay in it because I don't want her to look back later and say, "I wish I would've stayed a GS". Ang
  10. Eamonn---Sorry I lost you, next time I'll go slower! LOL No really, Thanks for the reply! My husband and I read what we could read in the past two days about Merit Badge Counselors and pretty much came up with what you had said but we just wanted to be sure before we went spouting off. Ang
  11. Okay...I was going to post the reason the by-laws need to be updated according to the committee...remember I'm the NEWEST member of the committee. First day on the job was Monday. I can already tell you that the reason for updating the by-law is already a BSA policy and doesn't really need a by-law so let me throw that reason out there so you can all tell me your view...even though this really belongs in another forum. Okay...from what I understand this boy in the troop...lets call him Phil turned 18 sometime in April. A year ago, he was given the blue cards for three merit badges that
  12. Who is supposed to update the by-laws of a troop?? How often should they be reviewed and updated? I just signed on as my son's troop committee outdoor recreation coordinator but the rest of the committee is starting to work on the by-laws because we had some issues recently...which are long and drawn out and need a new post which will come soon in another forum. I value all your wisdom and knowledge so please help me to understand something new to me that I may have had different thoughts on. Ang
  13. Can I put two cents in the pot? My 12 yr. old daughter, a Cadette Girl Scout, has decided twice now that she didn't want to be in GS...I knew it was because of the kids at school. It was hard to keep her going. The first time I said, "Look, I can only tell you what I know and that is this....when I was a kid, "scouts was not cool... it was for dorks". Nobody told me that, its just what I thought...now that I'm a leader I'm so glad I'm getting to do the things that I missed out on when I was a kid because of what "I thought". I thank God everyday for you, because you put me into Girl
  14. OakTree, Hmmmmmm....having trouble starting this one....don't want to admit I was wrong (or you are right or even vice versa). What I know is that MY ADD and ADHD children showed almost no signs of near genius before their diagnosis, (except my daughter but that's a long story for another day). When I took them in for their diagnosis...all at different times, I dared the psychologist to "label" my children ADD or ADHD. He tested the middle one, (the one that just crossed over) and I was by no means expecting what he told me. He was smart, and VERY smart at that, however he was ADD. I
  15. Hi all! My son is ADD, one of the boys in the den was ADHD (7 just crossed over), and I believe 2 others were also at the very least ADD. The best way to handle it, from a mother's point of view, and a den leader's point of view. 1st--ask the mom, the teacher, the counselor at school what works for him and when. 2nd---ask the mom NOT to come to den meetings (I promise you once the boy knows that the den leader runs the program and he has to do what the den leader says because mom's not there to "protect" him his behavior will change. Do you honestly think he acts like that at sch
  16. Kenk, My 7 boys were exposed to many troops in our area. Actually they were exposed to 4 of 5 local troops. The boys were given the opportunity to make their own decisions. Low and behold, they all chose to stay together on their own. They are not by any means "best" friends outside the den. They don't play at each others houses and only see each other at school (some in the same classes, most are not and do not have recess here for 5th graders) or den meetings and scout activities. They all chose the same troop. One originally had chosen to go to a different troop but later, due t
  17. "It never ceases to amaze me that the parents of Cub Scouts, who have absolutely zero experience in the Boy Scout program, seem to always question the "wisdom" of experienced Scoutmasters. Yes, I know that sounds arrogant but ... Why don't parents simply ask why the Scoutmaster, or more correctly, the BSA program, is structured in that manner. " Ummmm...most of these parents were Boy Scouts at one time or another and remember how it was done when they were in. Second of all, when you first tell a group of parents that now that these boys are fresh out of Cub Scouts and into Boy Scouts
  18. Maybe this policy the Girl Scouts have is the reason my daughter and many of her friends wish they could be boy scouts! They know they can join the Ventures when they are 14 but they are not the right age yet. Next year my daughter will be a Juliette (Lone Scout) because she does not like how Girl Scouts is being run. As for men leaders needing a second in charge...not necessarily so. I can tell you of one local troop here that is and has been run by a man for several years. And as far as I know he doesn't have another leader. Council here does background checks also bu
  19. "I checked out going to the CC, but discovered he is an elderly relative of the SM. I called the single mom and offered to share my tent. She had already gone out and gotten one, but was happy to talk a while. She is very frustrated. Like me, she had decided to go ahead and attend the campout and then make a decision. Unfortunately, her son, like mine, wants very nmuch to stay with all his buddies. My husband and I sat down and had a talk with my son. My husband told him that he wasn't "raising any children who didn't respect half of the population" and if he saw any of that coming from our so
  20. Hey Guys! Thanks for the information...After reading your posts, I vaguely remember him saying something about an older boy being their guide, but he told me this during the Webelos visit to the Troop. All the other parents were there, however, when the parents get together they tend to chat amongst themselves. My den made several visits to several troops in the area and interviewed each Scout Master, but didn't seem to "interrogate" this Scout Master with as much zest as the others. Maybe because my husband is moving on with the boys? Maybe because we are all military and feel more
  21. I'm the den leader of 7 Webelos II boys and one Webelos I boy. The 7 Webelos II will be crossing over in a few days. All the boys will be going to the same troop and the Scoutmaster has made mention that these boys will become a new Scout Patrol within his the troop. The other parents are concerned that these boys will be in the Patrol together without an older boy to guide them along the way. The general consensus is that it will be like the blind leading the blind. How do I get the parents to "let go" and let the boys learn from their mistakes? I have already told the Scoutmaster of
  22. Right side up??? You mean theres a difference??? Oh Wow!!! I better go check my Knot! Yes..one knot! But Jiminy Cricket...this isnt the military...its scouts! Give a boy credit for even getting it on there, in the general area, especially if he did it himself! Ang
  23. encsteph, You have to remember first I started with my GS knowledge, since that is the information I had. I learned EVERYTHING I thought needed to be known about the popcorn we were selling. If you can get samples of some of it for the pack to try go for it. I made a list of do's and don'ts for selling popcorn. 1. Greet your customer! Hi! How are you doing today? (This we tested this year with my boys, neither of which are good speakers but when Mom jumped in and started with a warm greeting of Hi How are you doing today? and the back and forth of that conversation...great a
  24. "You're right that the US should have a standard cutoff date to make it easier for those who move around a lot. But another problem is, is that not all schools, I'm talking about elementary, junior & senior high schools, start in September. I have a friend in Florida & her kids started school I believe in the middle of August, they finised in the middle of May I believe! EEK! August is too hot!" The US should have a lot of National Standards when it comes to school and people who have to move a lot. I too am affiliated with the military and have faced states with better educati
  25. Hey there! My first year as Popcorn Kernal I implemented the Ideal Year of Scouting but I didn't do it as the "Ideal Year Of Scouting". Let me elaborate a little here. The Council I'm in, at the time I became Popcorn Kernal was a little lax in the training department so I took what I knew from my Girl Scout Cookies and implemented it into the Cub Scouts Popcorn Sales! Then later in the year the Ideal Year of Scouting was discussed...hmmmm...sounded a little familiar! Anyway, when I implemented it our pack was selling about a $2,000.00 in popcorn the year before. I took it to the
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