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Everything posted by ScoutMomAng

  1. foto---that is ASSUMING (and you know what they say about people who assume) that the pack actually does go year around. Remember, I said he re-registered in late December and they didn't know anything about the "New" pack fees until Late September. I don't like forced participation either. If you get the information out to the parents and you let them know what is involved, how much money is involved, when you need it, etc. and then they don't jump on the band wagon then there is nothing they can say. As far as fundraisers, maybe your participation in accordance with your present
  2. Hello, My name is Angela. I currently live in Florida but am originally from Detroit, Michigan! MGOBLUE I'm a Girl Scout Leader of 36 girls, and a Webelos leader (currently of 8). This is my second year as a Webelos leader and I love it! This is my fourth year as a Girl Scout leader and I love it! My girl scout troop went from 6 to 8 to 10 and this year up to 36 (all age levels except Seniors)! The girls keep hearing about my troop and keep coming my way and since I can't say no I just keep adding them! I have to say that I do Love the Webelos more than Girl Scouts though. I lo
  3. Hi Eri, I'm a Girl Scout Leadaer as well as a cub Scout leader. I came so late to the scouting movement that I didn't start until 4 years ago! I'm kicking myself now for all the things I missed out on as a child! Congratulations on the Gold Award and keep mentioning it to everybody and it's equivilent to the Eagle Award so that more people know what it is! Put it on your resumes, on your applications and anywhere else you can think of. The only way the Girl Scouts are going to get that Gold Award as highly regarded as the boys Eagle Scout is for us to keep putting the word out!
  4. ScoutNut! Thanks for totally understanding! The fees are Den dues, and NOT pack dues. There was NOTHING about Pack Dues, which I mentioned to my sister. And I agree with Anarchist that $10 to $12 a month for an entire year is not bad either. However it does not boil down to that when it comes to paying it. It was sprung on them in Late September to be paid by the first of January. That gives 4 months to pay $135.00 with Christmas and Thanksgiving rolled in there too. I also agree that the boy should have to pay for Pinewood derby costs, I never said he shouldn't. I did say, how
  5. I asked the same questions about fundraising. She said they do them but nobody has said what that money is used for. Like I said, I am a Webelos leader myself in Florida. My pack's budget is also about the same for every boy. And I am on our comittee. My sister is probably not on the committee for her step son, however they are just a new family so that was probably not something in the plans of the creating the family. I'm sure it will be this year though. Our pack would NEVER deny a boy from participating in any event. Of course our pack would NEVER set up an outrageous fee either.
  6. I have asked my sister about another pack but this is where he goes to school so all his friends are there. I can see your point about the fundraising, we have had that issue in our pack when my husband was the pack master. Our answer then was to give everyboy a balance sheet. The amount that they fundraised for the pack was credited to their "account", when something came up that the parent wanted to use their account for that is what they did. When they ran out they understood they had to pay out of pocket. It didn't always work either but I don't know that there is a solution to that.
  7. As a Webelos leader myself this is what I tell my boys when they miss a meeting, but first let me say that the parents of Webelos scouts no longer have the privelage of signing off in the Webelos book. It says it somewhere in the book I just can't put my finger on the page right this moment. However, because the boy has missed the meeting does not mean he can not go back and catch up. The leader should tell him what he missed, what steps they did toward that badge and what he should do to complete it. Once he completes it he should bring it back so the leader knows he has completed it and
  8. Hi! I'm a Webelos leader in Panama City, Florida. I read your post today and I think I can help! First of all it is VERY possible to earn one activity badge per month! Some however, do requirea little more work than one month (i.e. Citizen). But those that require more than one month also usually have belt loops that they will earn to complete requirements and those will be the awards they will earn for that month at the pack meeting. Fortunately there are not many activity badges that will take more than one month. Second of all...use your resources wisely. Find out from your parents
  9. I'm a Webelos leader in Florida. My sister is the step mom of a second grade boy (second year in second grade) and is a Bear Scout this year, in Michigan. Last year he was a Wolf Scout. This year his pack has "decided to do something different". The registration fee this year for returning Bear scouts is $135.oo!!! I think this is outrageous because first of all it does not cover anything scout wise. It pays den dues, blue and gold dinner, some hockey game, some hayride (which he already missed), and his pinewood derby car kit, boys life magazine, and maybe a few other things but that se
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