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Everything posted by ScoutMomAng

  1. 'So besides a Fishing Derby and a hike what other suggesions would you experienced leaders have for a pack of about 20 kids (Tigers to 1st Year Webelos) to do?' Our Pack always works on a belt loop and pin. Also depends on what else is in the area that is going on. We went to a battle re-enactment most recently. It was happening in the town where we camped at. Was fun and interesting.
  2. Ang, I think you just summarized my entire experience as a parent of 3 teenagers (current ages 22, 18 and 13) in one sentence! Mine are not teenagers, yet (12, 10 and 6). I was hoping it would get a little easier to see the big picture! Ang
  3. Since we are speaking of asking for donations and the like did you know? 1. That Wal~Mart will donate up to $50.00 per month, in merchandise, to an organization, provided you go in and fill out the form on or before the 15th day of the month BEFORE you need the donation. (This is good for getting paper, plates, cups, napkins or anything else your pack, or den can use) 2. That Wal~Mart has a VAP program for their employees and it works in two ways. First if you have a parent in your den or pack or troop that works for Wal~Mart and is helping you out at least 25 hours per 6 month p
  4. The Smithsonian Institution kits are also at the website: www.nsitoys.com Ang
  5. I have a "Den Mothers Den Book" from 1967. It makes absolutely NO mention of a Crystal Radio. However, if you are looking to make one with the boys there is a Crystal Radio Kit available from Wal~Mart (usually found near the Optical shop) It is made by Smithsonian Institution. They also make several different kits (Weather station, Volcano, Micro Chemistry, Crystal Growing and Bioscope---all those are in the Mega Science Lab)... These kits can also be purchased at Michaels. Hope that helps. Ang
  6. NJCubScouter and Oaktree Thanks for opening the blinds, so to speak. I really appreciate it. I didn't see the requirements that way really. I saw the requirement as be active in your den for 6 months after earning the Webelos badge, but now that I go back and look at it, it doesn't really say that does it? That's what I get for reading into it I guess. And you are exactly right, if he barely earned it so be it...my son, however earned it and did get more out of Webelos and cub scouting than did Tommy. I don't think my son will have a problem understanding this issue, he's a sm
  7. There is no reason the boy could not do the first one of 8e that reads: Attend the mosque, church, synagogue, temple, or other religious organization of YOUR choice; talk with oyr religious leader about your beliefs. Tell your family and your Webelos den leader what you learned. The boys parents are his religous leaders. There is no reason that he can not tell his den leader what his beliefs are and what he learned. Obviously he is going to hear from his parents what his mother believes and what his father believes. If the boy knows that his dad was raised in a Christian home this m
  8. "Go for it and he'll have classmates for a year of fun, fun, fun!" He's homeschooled so he'd just have a lot of new friends not classmates. But I'm not sure I can do the recruiting at the school....Don't think I could make myself sound excited enough. "Your profile doesn't say where you are, but even if your council doesn't have resident camp for Webelos, I'll wager two or three council patches that a neighboring council does." I'mIN Panama City, FL...this is the first year ourcouncil has had Webelos resident camp. "I'm a little over the top, but (to paraphrase Barry's line) I love this
  9. "Go for it and he'll have classmates for a year of fun, fun, fun!" He's homeschooled so he'd just have a lot of new friends not classmates. But I'm not sure I can do the recruiting at the school....Don't think I could make myself sound excited enough. "Your profile doesn't say where you are, but even if your council doesn't have resident camp for Webelos, I'll wager two or three council patches that a neighboring council does." I'mIN Panama City, FL...this is the first year ourcouncil has had Webelos resident camp. "I'm a little over the top, but (to paraphrase Barry's line) I love this
  10. I lead 40 girl scouts and 8 Webelos cub scouts so paying for things for the troop or den is completely OUT OF THE QUESTION this year. I did it for the past three years though and decided this year it couldn't be that way. I posed the question to the parents. They all agreed that den dues needed to be paid. We do fundraisers but that is to cover the "FUN things". They all agreed to this: $5.00 a month, payable the first den meeting of the month to the den leader. (of course I had to remind many of them). If they wanted to or felt they could handle it they could pay it in lump sums as
  11. Just so I don't leave some things unanswered: "Tommy is 11"
  12. As I said before, ALL other requirements are met except, Readyman, which could be done in a weekend, meeting with the scoutmaster(which would be easy enough to do this week) and the 6th month requirement. I guess I knew the answer to my own question before I asked it but I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing, or at least the most common thing, before I did it. I KNOW the 6th month requirement rule, I knew it was there. As a matter of fact I've been pushing one boy who has repeatedly missed meetings the last couple of months (because Dad has been gone...military). I pushed t
  13. Okay, here comes another long thread, I think. Tommy was in Webelos I with me through June of last year. Kids here get out of school in the Midst of May. So in middle May he was technically in the 5th grade (if you want to look at it that way). We started up again in August (1st part of August) because that is when school starts. 1st day of School this year was August 5th. Tommy did not come to meetings at this time (this is when he stopped). I pushed and questioned and coaxed and everything I could to get him to come back....but nothing. He was still, however, on my roster because
  14. With the September 1 2004 date that means current WEBELOS II can not earn this award. They generally crossover to boy scouts before summer and will have no time to get that camp requirement in. If I'm wrong somebody please let me know! It would be GREAT if my WEBELOS II boys could get that award because they have completed all other requirements. Angela
  15. Hi all, Hope you can help me out here. This might get a little confusing so please bear with me. This year I am the Webelos II leader, as well as the Webelos I leader. Last year I was the Webelos I leader as well as the Webelos II leader. Last year I had a boy in my Webelos I den who was there every week. He earned all his badges that all the other boys earned and didn't miss even one! He was great! Very active boy, very good kid. Anyway, something happened, and I'm not exactly sure but my guess is that some of the kids at school were teasing him because he was a "cub
  16. I would only put epelletts on the Class A blue cub scout shirt and I would change the pants by making them more cost effective, more rugged with cargo type pockets and more durable. Boys enjoy being on their knees but they hate those patches at the knee that reinforces the knee. Boys enjoy collecting things in their pockets and bigger square pockets would give them more room to put their "stuff". The pants would have more cotton in them than the existing pants or at least a more durable cotton similar to jeans.
  17. In our case it is cost compared to growth rate. My children grow way too fast for the cost of the pants to be effective. I, also, do not think the "tuxedo" type pant would work either. I can tell you, from experience, that once you hem a pant, and it stays that way for a while, then let it out, the pant will have a line where the old hem was. I don't see a major problem for cub scouts wearing jeans with their class A uniform shirt. Most people, not in scouting say, "The boys look great in their uniforms" when they see them. At least it isn't girl scouts where some councils say, "the Girl
  18. I'm only a Webelos den leader but I can tell you that the FIRST requirement for the AOL says: "Be active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade (or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old), and earn the Webelos badge." Reading that the boy must be 10 at the VERY minumum to earn his AOL. So if he must be 10 there is no way he should have gotten his AOL before turning 10. Also, the VERY minumum Activity Badges the boy could earn would be 8. So, to answer the question, "what is a boy to do..." Earn the other 11 Activity Badges! In our pack ou
  19. This is OBVIOUSLY on "The other list" First.... 1 entire day and night to be with my husband by ourselves with no children and no worry of children (so we can act like we are dating again!) second.... an excellent paying job for him so that I can quit work, he can retire from the Air Force, and we can have a 5 bedroom house with three bathrooms! This is for the "Scouting/camping" list 1. New set of utensils for the campfire 2. full size backpacks 3. leather craft kits 4. pots and pans 5. golden canoes 6. walking sticks 7. fishing poles 8. boys behav
  20. Hi Jennifer You should come and bring your 2 year old daughter! There will be plenty of children around and probably even some older Girl Scouts to help take care of her and keep her occupied. Everyone of us has kids so we all know what it is like to have a 2 year old that is a handful! I'm sure no one would be offended by her presence. Angela
  21. I know I came too late for this discussion and I have not read all of it yet but I must put my two cents in, and I won't remember who said what but you will know if you said it or not, if you even go back and read it. First off, I'm a leader of Girl Scouts (Daisys through Cadettes) and a leader of Webelos. The two programs are RUN very different. A lot of the girls themselves, at least in my group, are fed up with the girly girl stuff and are ready for some High adventure fun! Once we get passed all this registration stuff (our council is a little slow on the draw for that) then the gi
  22. Hi VAordeal! Welcome! I'm not sure what an ordeal is, it must be BOY scout related. I'm still only with the cub scouts and Girl scouts. I'm sure I will learn soon enough though! Angela
  23. Hi Jennifer, I'm at Tyndall AFB in Panama City! Welcome to scouting! Will your group of boys be attending our Space Derby this weekend at the base? Everybody was invited at the Rountable. And it is still not too late to join in on the fun! Let me know if you would like to attend. Angela
  24. If I only watch one game a year it is the Michigan VS Ohio game! Go Wolverines!!!! Thanks for the warm welcome...I think I've already stirred up some stuff in another discussion though. Ang
  25. If I only watch one game a year it is the Michigan VS Ohio game! Go Wolverines!!!! Thanks for the warm welcome...I think I've already stirred up some stuff in another discussion though. Ang
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