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Everything posted by ScoutMomAng

  1. Here is a link to a site where you can get the Excel version or you can download a PDF file. They are both the same thing just in different versions. Both are downloadable and work wonderful. Best thing about it is, if you have any questions you can e-mail the lady who made them and she will quickly respond to your e-mail! http://madsenco.com/scouting.shtml
  2. Madkins! Thanks! I love it! I think I'll use it and have my hubby tweak it just a tad (actually, he'll teach me to sing it in tune since I can't carry a tune)! I seen the two from the roundtable resource and the program helps, but I wanted something I didn't think the other dens would be singing. My goal is to teach the entire pack more songs. This pack doesn't seem to know a whole lot of songs, so the more we do the more they learn. Thanks for all your help. Angela
  3. Hi all, My Webelos I and II den has been given the job of song for the pack meeting. This usually isn't a problem for me, however, I thought this time, since we have such a HUGE new crowd I would like the boys to do a song that is particular to the theme for October. Since the theme is To The Rescue, I'm having a VERY difficult song to fit into that theme. Anybody know of a song that can fit in that theme? I've already searched online, and have looked at all the lyrics of just about every song on the most popular sites but I can't find anything. Is there some old time song that the b
  4. AOL can not be worn on the blue uniform because the new Webelos badge is oval and can only be worn on the tan uniform therefor ridiculous to put it on the blue shirt since they are no longer wearing it. Angela
  5. What are the two boys working on who are W2 and not new to scouting while the others are starting from Day 1? Actually, the months of October and November are going to be repeat for the 2 webs II, but they are also assisting the other boys. August and September were things that neither of the Webs II had. All the boys were given a spreadsheet for the requirements of the Athlete Activity Pin to work on for the month of September, something neither of the Webs II have. The Readyman, since it is a definite must have for AOL will be worked on, on a Saturday morning for all 5th grade boys (
  6. I am the WeBeLoS I and II leader again this year. My oldest son has moved onto boy scouts and my younger son is in Wolves. I stayed on with the Webelos because I enjoy this age group and their activity pins are fun to do! So here is my problem. Originally I decided to keep both Webelos I and II as one den (the entire pack meets on the same night in the same place just different rooms anyway). Well, when I decided to do that, there were only 12 boys in both Webs I and Webs II. Only 4 boys were Webs II and of those 4, two have never done scouting before so it was no different than roll
  7. We have a boy that wants to join our pack because all his friends from school are in the pack but he is already 11 yrs old. He has never been in Cub scouts before and this has been his dream for a long long time. Is there anyway he can still be a Webelos II even though he is 11? Angela
  8. Jens3sons....I think your son will still have the same amount of time to complete his Eagle rank because the guidelines say he must be 11 yrs old to enter into Boy Scouts unless he is 10 and completed his Arrow of Light...That being the case then he will have probably 6 months less to complete his AOL. I could be wrong, because I'm just thinking off the cuff. Angela
  9. one den meeting once a week the same day and same time and on the fourth week (same day and time) the pack meeting. Works great. Cub scout den meetings should not run any longer than 1 hour and 15 minutes. Angela
  10. No...I don't think I will run away from this troop fast. This troop needs me! I see, in the future, that this troop is going to have complications from these new by-laws. They are also going to hava complications when these two people leave this troop. If I leave they will not have somebody to stand up for the boys and bring the boys into the decision making of the troop. Second, when the one lady leaves (if she leaves) they will be left without a troop Committee Chairperson. Eamonn---I have to agree with you...as a troop committee we can not make the by-laws so they go against or ma
  11. Okay all...I know I brought this to the table once, but remember I've only been doing Cub Scouting for the past 4 yrs and have now ventured into the Boy Scout world. I did as told and went to the "By-Law" meeting and voiced my opinion and the BSA rules and regs and was pretty much not listened to. The "committee" has gone ahead with the new "by-laws" and they are currently 9 (NINE) pages long!!!!! I disagree with 90 percent of it. The scoutmaster says he's not signing it and if he doesn't sign it then there will be no by-laws. As it turns out the two people doing most of the by-la
  12. Ummmm....NO! I have a daughter and two sons, I don't think 6-10 grade girls need to be participating in BOY scouts. I like the idea of venturing but let me tell you as the mother of a daughter, I will be VERY VERY nervous if she joins and goes on a campout with them! What I think...is that GIRL scouts needs to get back to the basics of what Girl Scouting was meant to be. Quit changing the rules CONSTANTLY and the uniforms! JMHO--- Ang
  13. If my son would've told dad (the assistant scout master) and the Scout master he would've eaten. And the boys would've had their talking to before they left camp. But because he neglected to tell anybody he suffered. Hopefully he has realized that if he doesn't like something he should ruffle some feathers. He doesn't get his quietness from me! I regularily ruffle feathers...makes for interesting days! I'm not saying my son was wrong or right however, he should've used better common sense. I just wanted to know basically what other troops would do in this situation before I went to the
  14. Well, talked with the Scoutmaster tonight...this problem has happened before. So he will talk with the older boys and see if he can get them to figure out what went wrong and what they need to do to make sure it doesn't happen again. We didn't get to talk to the SM until after the meeting because we had something else going on. My son knows that he too needs to be able to follow some sort of "chain of command". There were actually only 9 boys that went in the end. I know I put 11 on the tour permit. The reason they kept them as one patrol is because only a couple from this patrol
  15. There were 11 boys on this campout, although there are 30 or more in the Troop. They went as ONE PATROL so the Senior Patrol Leader was in charge and whoever is below him was second in charge. The second in charge is who my son told. Dad is planning on talking with the ScoutMaster tonight and let him know what happened. Madkins--- I'm sure my son wasn't out "doing something else" when he wakes up in the morning he is usually the first one to the table because he is hungry, always has been always will be as far as I can guess. Out of the 11 boys 4 of them were new boys to the tro
  16. Ed, Adults take their own food and are not part of the patrols food budget. The adults ate what they brought. Ang
  17. Don't get me wrong...mom is upset also. In Girl Scouts the team that is doing the cooking eats last and nobody eats until all girls are served and a grace is said. Ang
  18. Dad said he should've let him know because he could've made sure he had something to eat.
  19. As many as we can get! We had 60 boys this past year in the pack, total. I crossed over 7 Webelos II, leaving me with one new Webelos II. I have 7 or 8 new Webelos I from the previous Bear Den but if 12 more wanted to join my den I'd be more than happy to take them!!! Some of the boys have moved away due to military obligations so we are now down to about 30 boys total. Are you going to teach us how to get those boys to come and join our pack??? My son is working on getting his recruiter strip as a Wolf, he has recruited one for sure, and maybe a second one by the fall. The youngste
  20. My son went on his first Boy Scout campout this weekend (he has done plenty of camping with the Cub Scouts though). His dad was with him because he is the ASM, however, dad is not the type of dad to do for his son. He will help if questions are asked but he will not do for him so....here is the problem that happened this weekend. Last day on the campout and breakfast is being served. My son, at the end of the line to get food, finally gets to the front of the line only to discover there is no food left. My son says he told the Assistant Patrol leader that he didn't get any food (the S
  21. Being a leader for both the cub scouts and the girl scouts I will have to say that Semper hit the nail on the head with his discription. I don't think the two will EVER merge. And I think the GSUSA might want to take a look at the Boy Scouts and how often they have changed their policies, programs, and advancement requirements and think about not changing around so often. It seems, at least in our council, the GS is a fly by the seat of your pants operation. It seems too many people aren't sure of how things are supposed to be or where they are going, or what is going on. Too man
  22. "Ang: I believe you mean Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster? The Boy Scout Fast Training is on-line and short, and it may help you out some." Laurie...there I go again, mixing GS with Boy Scouts. Happens all the time...should've seen me trying to do the GS promise Friday!!! It came out with a few slips of tongue leaning into the Cub scout promise...the girls noticed it!!! They forgive me though. As for the by-laws...I missed the meeting because I had some pressing GS issues to take care but was never sent an e-mail to let me know where the meeting was going to be held so.....al
  23. Thanks for all the input! I certainly am learning a lot, even about liver!! I personally have to agree with the "Ewwwwwwwwww" but I might try it as a fishing bait someday! My cats like the turkey and chicken livers though! The more this discussion about Merit badges, Committee Chairperson and by-laws goes on, I continue to believe that there is really no need for a "by-laws". A Troop Guide pamphlet is more in order for example: Troop MMM says that it follows BSA guidelines and firmly defines in it's own belief the following "gray" areas. Since our troop only meets the first
  24. Well, today I decided to make some phone calls to some district people to see if they could put their hands on a copy of BSA policy or rules and guidelines and they are working on it for me. However, I also found out that the district knows of the situation at hand and sees nothing wrong as to what happened and said it is for the troop to figure it out, which I guess is why we all of a sudden need new "by-laws". I told the guy I spoke to what I thought about by-laws even though I know the troop he is involved with has by-laws and he said agreed with me that if we are following BSA than we do
  25. Hi all, Finally got a copy of our "by-laws"...they really aren't by-laws. They are more or less JOB discriptions! I asked our committee Chairperson where the by-laws were. She said those were it! I said, "Well....where in here does it say that a parent can NOT be a merit badge counselor for their own child?" She said, "It doesn't". I said, "then whats all the big fuss?" She said she thinks it should be that way...then came my "I don't think we need bylaws. The BSA has policies for us to follow and if we do it like they planned then everything will work out okie dokie!" Of cou
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