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Everything posted by berkshirescouter

  1. I have a question about clubs on military bases not being chartered by the base command. I was under the impression that all groups had to be chartered by the base command for security reasons. If this is correct then the only groups excluded were under UCMJ 'good order and discipline' clause. I may be wrong its been 30 years. Anyone know for sure?
  2. If you take a wingnut and cut off one side depending on which way look at it all you see is a right wing nut or a left wing nut. Notice the common word is nut.
  3. The current war of terror is really a war against the modern world. Middle eastern culture has not absorbed the changes of the past 100 years and as a reaction some want to go back to the 7th century. Until that culture is happy with its self the rest of the world will have to be ready to react to the threats.
  4. I don't think many top music groups made good role models. Even from the 40's or 50's. 'Old blue Eyes' as good as he was had faults.
  5. Computers Astronomy History Amateur Radio Father to my son
  6. One of our scouts that I had spend time helping study for his Amateur Radio licience called me today to let me know he passed his test. Can't ask for a better present then that.
  7. To Everyone on the board, my family and I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Now don't eat too much
  8. Hi Great trails council is in Dalton Ma. The office phone is 413 684 3542. Mailing address is 88 Old Windsor Rd Dalton Ma 01226 Hope this helps
  9. Can't get in, the site says I am banned. Can anyone tell me what happened?
  10. Hops You missed me! US Navy 6 years active 4 years at sea.
  11. I know this is simplistic but; If the health care industry and the patients followed Scout oath and law there would be no need for the double and triple checkers for each bill submitted. That is one thing that is driving up health care big time.
  12. Looks like somthing has been worked out. See: http://www.newsgleaner.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=10287924&BRD=2340&PAG=461&dept_id=488595&rfi=6
  13. The movie will be re-released by Disney in Feb 2004. It is already listed on Amazon.com list $20.00 discount about $16.00.
  14. "and besides, it looks like Michael Jackson has made being white a lifestyle choice, so maybe the two aren't so far apart... " In fact Michael Jackson has a skin condition called Vitiligo (spelling) it removes skin color so that is not a lifestyle choice.
  15. This may be interesting. She is in uniform on the island and from what I saw, (the last half hour anyway) is considered by the other players as honest.
  16. This is the story about the tiny frogs Life's lesson No. 1 There once was a bunch of tiny frogs,... who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants... The race began... Honestly: No one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: "Oh, WAY too difficult!! They will NEVER make it to the top." or: "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is
  17. I love barbecue my favorite place is a little eatery near Pryor OK.
  18. The cover story of this weeks issue of NEWSWEEK is on this topic. Does a good job.
  19. DS I thought I was the only one who PUNtificated around here.
  20. I don't know. Scouter.com assigned 'its trail day' to me when I had trouble setting up the account. The server didn't like Netscape at the time.
  21. I want to put aside for a moment how some religions do not approve of the gay lifestyle. I think the biggest problem with it is the stereotypical promiscuity. This immoral behavior is what I do not want BSA to condone by allowing openly gay (avowed) leaders. However here is where it gets interesting. To combat promiscuity society needs to encourage Monogamy i.e. Civil Union or whatever you want to call it. What does the poll say about this? It is against it. Granted the question was poor as was pointed out. Then in poll 5 it is for gay youth leaders. The poll is interesting because t
  22. Regardless of where you stand on the issue the results are interesting. Look at Poll 5. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,95753,00.html
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