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Everything posted by Peregrinator

  1. Not that long ago back in England anyone caught stealing anything worth more than five shillings, about 14 cents could be hanged. Each shilling was 20 pence, and there were 12 shillings to a pound sterling, meaning each shilling was worth an ounce of silver. An ounce of silver is currently trading at $28.23 so five shillings in today's money would be $141.15. Not that I advocate the death penalty for theft but let's put things in perspective.... ;-)
  2. And though it is only through the article, make it sound like the attitude is guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around. I would never go in as a parent with the attitude of guilty until proven guilty.. Also a parent I would see as the paster of the church.. Calling in the Bishop, is more like calling in the Police to investigate (or some sort of big guns). I suppose it depends on the article. Of course certain people have already made up their minds about the Girl Scouts so they'll play up the "investigating" angle. But I think at this stage the bishops are just asking quest
  3. If equality advocates are an outside pressure group, than the bishops are equally so. I don't think the two are quite the same since (as far as I know) equality advocates aren't chartering/sponsoring troops in either BSA or GSUSA, or if they are, not to the extent that Catholic parishes are.
  4. I gave you all kinds of sources,still available on line the Vatican Bank scandal is not only online but was on every news program and newspaper in the country. They were not accusations but truth, in fact Interpol seized three million dollars of the Vatican Banks funds as a result of the investigation. Do you live on a deserted island or just too lazy pere geesshh. I asked you to document a specific allegation you made (4th ranking criminal money laundering operation according to the State Dept.) and you're either unwilling or unable to do so. Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur. I'm n
  5. As far as gay priests, after a 5 min internet check, showed there are numerous references listed, including wikipedia which states, from various source, that gay priests number 15-80% whereas the other sources cited figures on the higher end of that scale. Vatican Bank, the NCR online and numerous other sources describe the scandals in vivid detail. I was thinking of the specific charges you made against the Vatican Bank: "The Vatican Bank has been listed by our own government as the 4th leading criminal money laundering institution in the world." What Catholic publication printed that? I
  6. The number of homosexual priests was published in two catholic magazines,(Catholic Register & American Catholic) about two years ago, a study that was initiated by the Vatican as they were dealing with pedophile issues among their clergy. The Vatican Bank from a report published by Homeland Security about 3-6 months ago. My Google skills are pretty good but I can't find a reference to that statistic from the National Catholic Register. Didn't check American Catholic. Would you happen to have one handy? As far as the Vatican Bank stuff is concerned, I've not been able to find any
  7. Most of the money from GS cookie sales goes to the council rather than to the troop.
  8. 60% of priests? I call BS on that one as well as on #4. What Catholic publication published that one? I think most Catholics (at least the Internet-savvy ones) are pretty aware of the problems within the Church.
  9. In the greater scheme of things no one really cares what the Catholic bishops have to say about the GSUSA, including many Catholics. It's odd, then, that you would post your local bishop's ban on the AHG as a strike against the AHG. If no one cares what Catholic bishops have to say about the GSUSA then no one ought to care about what they say about the AHG either.
  10. AHG is a religious propaganda group preaching prejudicial and misinformation to its girls. I don't know whether AHG is a religious propaganda group or not. But logically, there is nothing preventing an organization from being both a religious propaganda group and a scouting group at the same time. There is nothing in the Scout Law that would preclude the establishment of a religious scouting organization -- as is the case in Europe. In fact some of the Catholic scouts in Europe are members of national federations which in turn are members of WOSM.
  11. The shocking thing isn't that there is a woman somewhere who breastfeeds her toddler, the shocking thing is that she's pictured doing it on the cover of a national newsmagazine. Very poor taste IMO.
  12. moosetracker: But I will state I do predict if I discussed my views with and Arch-Bishop I would be surprised if he said he agreed with my viewpoint.. So with the upper-clergy, there I will say I could be prejudice.. Although if we do not broach the subject matter, I have no idea if we could get along or not.. I see little opportunity to sit down and shoot the breeze with them guys though. Well, I did not find your posts anti-Catholic at all. It is hardly "anti-Catholic" to disagree with the Church, nor is it "anti-Catholic" to expect Catholic priests and bishops to uphold the teaching
  13. For those interested in this sort of thing - the heroic virtues of Fr. Jacques Sevin, SJ -- one of the founders of scouting in France -- were recognized yesterday: http://www.news.va/en/news/decrees-of-the-congregation-for-the-causes-of-sa-3
  14. I'm courious, does anyone know any other country now or in history where marriage was anything other than a man and wife? Nero. But then I'm not sure that's the precedent that proponents of gay marriage would like us to have in mind.
  15. So the libertarian ideal is that two people can just get "married" based on their own definition of what marriage is ... by the same reasoning, a business owner (say, a restauranteur) could discriminate against them based on his own definition of what "clean" is ... or perhaps what "reverent" is. Somehow I don't think this is what gay marriage proponents want.
  16. @moosetracker, this is the sort of thing I was referring to (comments on the North Carolina vote, not comments on the President's reaction to it): http://twitchy.com/2012/05/08/north-carolina-bans-gay-marriage-liberals-freak-out/ (Bad language warning!) I would agree that writing that the President will "fry in hell" is beyond the pale. But that is the nature of Internet communication, where people don't have to worry about p*ssing other people off and maybe getting punched in the face.(This message has been edited by Peregrinator)
  17. "Really so now you not only go to hell for being a homosexual, and also you will go to hell for having an opinion different then that of a conservative?" If one believes that homosexuality is a sin, then is it not reasonable to hold that those who seek to give it legal sanction are accomplices in that sin? The point isn't that he has an opinion different from that of (most) conservatives, the point is that he is using his position to encourage others to commit sin. Whether Obama or anyone else will "fry in hell" (by the way, if you think that comment is ridiculous, you should see the comm
  18. Is part of the issue perhaps that scouting is looked upon by some as a means to an end rather than an end itself? That is, perhaps some attach an undue importance to merit badges and rank because they believe it will get them somewhere in life? Or is it just a natural competitive spirit? Though I think if it were the latter, actual accomplishments and knowledge would outrank paper ones. :-)
  19. FYI: HIKING You may say "yes, but I can't get to mountains, oceans and primeval forests. How then am I to see and understand the wonders of Nature and her messages?" Well, you can do almost as much in your own country if you will come away from the town and suburb and get out into the open, into the woods and meadows. With your page on your back and a staff in your hand or taking with you your little canvas home, your blanket or your cooking-pot -- and FREEDOM. Out in God's open air, drinking in the glories of sky and earth and sea; seeing the colour in the woods and fields
  20. IMHO walking around a paved track multiple times isn't hiking at all, it's walking. I don't think hiking necessarily involves a wilderness setting, I think one can do an urban hike but ISTM it should involve getting to a particular point and returning.
  21. Affirm that you have heard them promise to live up to the scout law, and one point of that law is "kind." It's hard to imagine a point of the Scout Law that such a hazing procedure does not break! OK, I exaggerate but: "A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout." Well, you don't spray your friends or your brothers with insect repellent, nor deliberately make bad memories for them. "A Scout is a friend to animals." A scout would never spray an animal in the face with insect repellent, would he (except perhaps an insect!). Then a fortiori he should no
  22. Also very relevant: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=F50E10FB3D5417738DDDAF0A94D0405B828DF1D3 http://pinetreeweb.com/1929-times10.htm THE SCOUT PROMISE. "Stand up, stand up for Jesus," sung to the familiar tune "Morning Light," next filled the arena with music, and the Chief Scout spoke briefly on the brotherhood of service, and then called on the flagbearers to lower their flags and appealed to all to think over the Scout promise which he repeated to them: "On my honour I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and the King, to help other peopl
  23. The GSUSA patterned their program much closer to the Girl Guides of Great Britian than the BSA did to Baden Powells Boy Scout program. One big difference was the emphasis in the BSA on religion and "a scout is reverent" which is not emphasized very much in any of these programs, except the BSA. In this vein I came across a great picture today: http://www.topfoto.co.uk/gallery/scouts/ppages/ppage7.htm
  24. The other thing to consider is that while the WOSM model might be to not shop around, Europeans especially have other choices that may not be available to families in the U.S. For example, in France there are many different scouting organizations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scouting_and_Guiding_in_France If the Wikipedia stats are to be believed, the WOSM/WAGGGS representative has 120K members (but is itself a federation of smaller organizations), while the CFS has about 1/4 to 1/3 of that (and it also a federation of smaller organizations). Even in the UK there are options apart f
  25. I think there is a difference between a ceremony's being secret, and an entire program's being secret. If AHG wants to have a secret induction ceremony, or something like that, then more power to them (as long as it is in the presence of parents).
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