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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. SM conference and a requirement to re-earn the Fireman's chit before advancing further.
  2. Mainline Christians believe in Satan. (many NT references to him). To say Satan is a myth is saying the NT is a myth.
  3. packsaddle, Your comments on the existence of Satan are irreverent. Some of us have religious beliefs that hold that Satan does exist. It is irreverent to call them a myth. Think what you want, but I don't think it's appropriate to broadcast those kinds of views in a Scouter forum.
  4. neil, Good idea about the "select" scouts. Nothing is stopping that from happening. AvidSM, It's a combination thing, at least for most kids/parents. The Scouts have to have the dedication to want to do it and the parents have to have the dedication to bring the Scouts to the meeting (in most cases). Yes, there can be exceptions (overbearing parent forcing Scouts on kids, and the eager kid who manages to get to meetings despite lack of parental help), but for the most part you need an interested Scout and a dedicated parent. Your case indicates that one or both didn't have muc
  5. Our troop had a YPT expert come and talk to the Scouts a few months ago. Basically, an hour of the 3 R's. I think we will do this annually--not because it's required, but because it's the right thing to do.
  6. 1) You want people with a lot on their plate. That means they work hard and are serious about things. The key is someone who doesn't have too much on their plate. 2) As somebody else said, recruit a good assistant for him/her. Barring that, find a good Den Chief for him/her. 3) Have the CM and ACMs help out at least early on.
  7. The only reason to resist this requirement is perceived lack of value of training. I recently participated in an IOLS training, and frankly, thought it was a waste of my time. I learned nothing new, except for finding about some good camping spots from other participants. Admittedly, there were many in my training that needed the information, but having been an active Webelos Den Leader (and participated in all required training for it, including Outdoor Webelos Leader training and BALOO) for 3 yrs, as well as having done quite a bit of camping as a Scout and with my family, I was bored. I
  8. We bought arrowheads, and made necklaces out of leather cord to give the upcoming 2nd year Webelos. The main reason is that the other boys were all getting new neckerchiefs. The idea was to use the arrowheads when making their Arrow of light arrows.
  9. Jrush, SAT Scores were renormed in 1996 to reset their mean to 500. You can't use them as a valid comparison over time. (SAT isn't a good choice for other reasons as well). When you look at the NAEP (which hasn't been renormed), it's results are fairly static.... http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/pubs/main2008/2009479.asp Roughly speaking, in the mid-range of scores, about 70 points were added to reading, and 30 to math In other words, the scores (when adjusted) show a decrease in ability. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAT I note that Beavah basically said t
  10. Do you mean Public Service Announcement? I did google PSA, and found nothing Cub related. I was a Tiger Cub leader, and don't recall hearing PSA. Stop being argumentative, and please tell us what you are talking about. People get prickly (and nit-picky) online. It's the nature of the beast. That said, this board offers a lot of advice, and can be quite useful.
  11. Another comment about my magellan tent (that looks like the same size/design as the one you linked). It's a "leaky" tent, in terms of airflow. Not bad here in FL, but if I lived north of here, it would irritate me. Look for the smallest footprint tent that has a 6'+ ceiling. Are you tenting alone, or with your cub scout sons?
  12. I don't recommend that tent. I have a very similar tent sold by Academy (a Magellan). The problem is that the only part of the tent that's tall is the center. The rest is at about 5'. The floor plan is a pain (barely fits 4 cots. it's primarily my family camping tent). It's not particularly easy to set up (not too hard either). I would get the tallest tent I could find with a rectangular floor plan and no "wings" off to the side. You might also think about hammock camping. In hammock camping you set up a tarp (fly) at about 6 ft off the ground. You sleep diagonally in the hammock so th
  13. While his reputation as best/worst Ex-President is up to people's individual taste (I agree with the OP, but understand that others don't have my same views), I question if Calico read the same article that was linked. Below is a quote from the article about food shortage in North Korea: Carter also used his trip to North Korea to observe the countrys food rationing system. That the United States and South Korea have chosen to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related is really indeed a human rights violation, he sai
  14. If you don't like it, don't buy Superman comics.
  15. BS-87, Why do you claim he's not eligible? Being born on American soil to an American parent is native born to me. I am glad, though, that this mess is over with.
  16. evmori I totally disagree. It's not punishment to have to do your assigned duties before doing something else. It's a natural consequence. The definition of punishment is the authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant on a person or animal in response to behavior deemed wrong by an individual or group. Not being allowed to play until you've done your chores is not a punishment. Being forced to do additional work for misbehavior is punishment. Being confined to your tent for misbehavior is punishment.
  17. jrush, Show proof of that statement. That educational achievement has increased since the advent of the Department of Education "carrots." Educational achievement has essentially been flat since 1980 (when the Department of Education was established). However, federal educational spending has not been flat. It's been growing steadily. http://nationsreportcard.gov/ltt_2008/ltt0002.asp?subtab_id=Tab_3&tab_id=tab1#chart
  18. Rubbermaid "Action Packer."
  19. When the PL says a Scout can't play Capture the Flag until he washes the pots, it is not a punishment if the Scout is on the duty roster to clean the dishes. Now saying that the Scout can't play Capture the Flag until he washes the pots, because he was assigned pot cleaning due to mouthing off to the PL is punishment. Now, the bit about staying in the tent is punishment. Mandating that necessary tasks be done before a fun activity is not punishment.
  20. Beavah, Well said. Our system (at least theoretically) values liberty over security.
  21. The Catholic Church's policy of confession has little or nothing to do with the coverup of the molestors. Confession won't work without this protection. Also, on a more technical side, someone who confesses a sin to a priest is asking for forgiveness. From the priest I've discussed this issue with, he (and most other priests) wouldn't grant forgiveness to a major crime (felony) without a confession by the criminal to the appropriate authorities as a requirement for forgiveness.
  22. "Not letting someone do something until they complete a task or assignment is a form of punishment. " No, it's not a form of punishment. Punishment is punitive action for a misdeed. Having prerequisites before an activity is not a punishment.
  23. Evmori, Nothing in EDGE as I read it would preclude doing any other method (other than sink or swim). The explanations for what Explaing, Demonstrate, Guide, and Enable are pretty vague and encompassing.
  24. We should abolish the Department of Education on two grounds. The first is that the Constitution doesn't give Congress the power to deal with education. It is properly a state matter. The second is that school performance has dropped since the advent of the Department of Education. Basically, we're not allowed to do it, and it doesn't work. The strings attached to federal money, IMHO, cost more extra bureacracy than they are worth.
  25. Well, if I ever get to a point where a youth wouldn't give up a digital device (with the proviso that I will give it to their parents) to me, I have lost my authority as an adult Scout leader. I wouldn't wrench it away. I would call the scout's parents on my cell phone and demand they take their child home immediately, and that the police would be on the way (this is going by the assumption that there was suspicious material on the phone (aka child porn). I would do nothing but tell the child to put it away if there wasn't presumption of offensive pictures). Second call would be to the poli
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