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Everything posted by perdidochas

  1. For Florida usage, palm fronds. The leafy part of the frond goes up quick, but the "limb" part of the frond burns more slowly. Our old SM used to hate it when the boys used palm fronds. I had taught my sons to use them. It was a difference of opinion. He viewed them as just like using leaves, he didn't quite get their two different parts.
  2. We have district level EBORs, but the usual makeup of them is two district representatives, and two or three troop representatives and the optional SM as observer. We don't have formal practice EBORs, but the more experienced ASMs, MCs, AC, and SM tend to talk to the Life Scouts about them. We give helpful hints, and sometimes ask a practice question or two.
  3. That is the way it should be, although, in our case, the SM walks the scout to the AC (advancement person), who sets up the BOR committee.
  4. First, the SM is not in charge of the BORs. You need to talk to the Advancement Chair or the Committee Chair. The BORs are a committee responsibility. The SM has nothing to do with it. Now, the SMC is supposed to be done before the BOR, so maybe that's what you are talking about. If it's been two months, you need to talk to the Committee Chair about it.
  5. Only a week of long term camping counts toward the camping merit badge. Basically, the merit badge wants the boys to get a variety of camping experiences. Summer camp is one of those possible experiences, but they need to have some time when they are setting up/taking down their own tents
  6. This isn't a good troop, if what you are saying is accurate (and not just the warped perception that 11 year old boys sometimes have). If he really doesn't like the other boys, find a different troop. The older boys should be teaching him how to set up a tent, and what he needs to bring on a campout. Go ahead and send him to camp. Most of that time is spent not in his troop. Try a different Troop after summer camp. Visit a few, and watch how the older boys and younger boys interact. If the older boys aren't helping/guiding/teaching the younger boys out, look at a different troop.
  7. Have you asked the Scoutmaster to recommend Merit Badge counselors? The Council/District should have a list of Merit Badge Counselors (MBCs) that work with kids outside of their troop. The SM should be able to find Merit Badge counselors for most badges. The way it's supposed to work, is that the Scout gets the name and phone number of a MBC from the SM, as well as a signed (by the SM) blue card. The Scout (not the parent) is supposed to contact the MBC, and along with a Scout buddy arrange to meet the MBC to work on the badge. They work on the badge.
  8. Why isn't she the Crew President?
  9. Well, in our troop, the Scouts' parents request the letters, and the family plans the ECOH. Plan your own, invite the Troop and friends and family, and just hope for the best. We've had all sorts of ECOHs, ranging from ones that occur at a Scout's home church (one was a member of a youth oriented church that met in an old movie theater), to part of the regular COH, to a separate COH with family, friends and local dignitaries, an OA-based ceremony, and a recent one that occurred at a beach pavilion, followed by the youth sailing on the local Sea Scout Ship's boats.
  10. The boys would love it, We have had young military Eagles as ASMs, and if they participate with us, they and the boys love it. The problem is that most, with good intentions, start, but get busy with life.
  11. Of our Eagles, all have more than 50 nights of Camping.
  12. As an ASM with two sons in the program, I was careful that the boys did some Scouting activities without me. That's part of why I was happy that they joined OA, and I specifically didn't. I also was very careful to let the boys have their own life in camp without involving me.
  13. I was a bit harsh, but it disturbs me that a 17 year old Scout should have to scramble to get 20 nights of camping. To answer the OPs question, there is no rule stating that the campouts have to be with the Troop the boy is in. IMHO, the SM is in the wrong with that.
  14. Not sure what can be done about that. I know I would never have wanted my boys in the above, and I certainly wouldn't have been an adult leader in the above.
  15. Well, this guy is going to do his 20 and stop, with little chance of doing more since he's rapidly approaching 18 years old. I don't know of any scouts who've gotten just 20 nights of camping and stopped at Eagle.
  16. Our Troop has a dedicated Troop camera--a rugged type digital camera (shockproof (up to 10 ft drop), freezeproof, waterproof (to 30 feet)). The Historian or the SM or one of the ASM's use it. We post the pictures on Troopwebhost and on our Facebook page. It's great come Eagle COH time, as we usually set up a slide show of pics from the Scout's scouting career.
  17. Having seen transfers as an ASM, the transferred Scouts need to step up and be hardworking, and learn the ropes of the new troop ASAP. Troop members form an opinion about the transfers on the first campout.
  18. Well, according to my sons, they just do a quick hernia check.
  19. The LDS units around here don't camp on Saturday nights, so they can only do one night per weekend camping.
  20. 6 nights a year for summer camp, and then 5 campouts a year outside of that. That's pretty much what the better Scouts in the Troop have. Our troop offers 24-26 nights a year of campouts (6 nights of summer camp, and 9-10 campouts (18-20 nights), not counting OA activities, which is at least 6 nights a year. IMHO, a troop that only has 15 nights a year of campouts (including summer camp) is not a good troop.
  21. Yes, it is judgemental, but it's based on observation. This kid can't be OA. OA requires 20 nights camping. Yes, I made my judgement (I think it's similar to the Paper Eagle judgement often made on here), but if the kid were in my Troop, I'd still work with him, and would help set up campouts for him to finish. I honestly can't see how you can develop enough scout skills to be First Class (much less Eagle) with the required minimum camping nights.
  22. I'm going to be the voice of doom here. IMHO, your son doesn't like camping, and IMHO, he shouldn't be an Eagle. Camping is the centerpiece of Scouting, and having less than 20 nights of camping in a tent or under the stars after being in the program for almost 7 years is unacceptable. Most of the Eagles in our troop have had close to 100 nights of camping. As others have said, it's up to the MBC, and if the SM is the MBC, your son is out of luck. His best bet is to get the partial blue card, and find an other MBC who is willing to sign it after his other nights of camping. You
  23. At least with how my council has implemented the program, the above is not possible. The Advancement reports sent to Council don't include the name of the MBC, and we don't have to turn in parts of Blue cards to Council. I'm certain that National doesn't know who the MBC is on merit badges awarded in our council, as our council doesn't even record that.
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