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Everything posted by BDPT00

  1. I'm very much against using part of a retired flag as a decoration/trophy (notwithstanding the ridiculous notion that grommets are not 'part' of a flag). In fact, I'd go so far as to say that wearing it on a uniform is a desecration to both the flag and the uniform.
  2. I see no problem whatsoever with segregated (oh, there's that dirty word) groups. The Red Hat Society fills a need. I doubt our society will try to integrate that, even though it looks like fun. There are men's leagues, women's leagues, and mixed leagues for bowling. Is that a bad thing, even if a woman wants to bowl with the men (or vise versa)? If the sign says 'Men Only,' there's a lawsuit. Girl Scouts is for girls. Boy Scouts is for boys. They both have age restrictions. Are these things bad? Why do we need to constantly try to change things? Maybe, just maybe, some things are good just th
  3. The all-male model is pretty much what Trail Life is now offering. Their gender identity is very much like BSA was prior to 1990ish when women could fill leadership roles other than Den Mother. I hope they're successful in their mission, because they're certainly filling a need. BSA also fills a need, and I'm one who likes things as they are/were. To me, it's a matter of trying to please all of the people all of the time. We need to realize that that isn't a good way to do things. The line in the sand will continually move. We do need to figure out who we are and where we are, and that'
  4. The last few comments have been pretty good, but I would still hesitate if the purpose of doing whatever we do is to be like some other country. Scouting is a part of the culture, and how it works elsewhere is a product of that culture. I don't want to be Australian, and I don t want to be Canadian. I'm an American, and I'm a member of the Boy Scouts of America.
  5. Eagledad, Your point is well taken. The emphasis is how it would benefit girls, and I think it most likely would. Fact is that an exceptional girl will smoke an average boy any day, and I honestly think that's who people are presenting as likely candidates who would get a lot out of Boy Scouts. I would submit, as well, that an exceptional boy would crush the average girl (at the expense of being called a bully). The argument falls apart (in my mind) when we mix the average boys and girls in certain environments. Young boys and girls are squirrelly, and I take the pessimistic viewpoint.
  6. I hear the arguments, and I'm not agreeing with this whole notion. Here we are talking about girls beating the boys. Great. This at the same time educators praise the idea of having all-female science and math classes, because the girls will perform better that way. OK. Good. Is this all some sort of equal opportunity game we're playing? If so, then let's give the boys a chance to catch up in the leadership and confidence game we call Scouting. Co-ed is good in some situations. Not so good in others. Do we think that's true? Are we trying to fix that? Is it possible? I don't think
  7. Schools have done studies regarding all boy and all girl classrooms. Both performed better. When youngsters are in mixed-gender classrooms, they behave differently. That can be good or bad. They get squirrely. Happens already in NYLT. Behavior changes. Is it our desire to be like other countries? Some of those countries have pretty unacceptable (to us) sexual, drinking, smoking, and drug behavior. That's not because of mixed gender activities, but our society isn't the same as others. This isn't an apples and apples situation. There are many things to consider before rocking the b
  8. First thing to do is practice saying 'Venturing.'
  9. I think you became 'too absorbed in the steps.' The message is what matters; not the steps. I think the message is timeless, and I appreciate the post.
  10. I disagree. The issue became an issue because of the LGBT movement. The problem we'll continue to face is that the movement will keep pushing. They will never be satisfied, and will continue prodding the sheep. I give them credit. It takes a lot to move the BSA and the LDS, but they're persistent, and they're not done yet.
  11. Agreed. If your son is the troop guide, the patrol should have their own patrol leader. That being the case, your son is still a member of his original patrol, and should be wearing that patch. If he's the new patrol's patrol leader, then the Scouts are being treated more like a den. If he's holding the patrol leader for only six months, my recommendation would be that the Scoutmaster read his Handbook. Good luck with that one.
  12. I'm accustomed to calling it the canton (or union).
  13. I'm not familiar with the term, 'Field of Valor." Where does that come from?
  14. I lean heavily toward those here saying that participating is more than just being in an audience where a flag is presented. I've observed many flag raising and lowering ceremonies. The handling of the flag is pathetic. It's clear that they've never done it before. There are plenty of very simple things to consider when raising, lowering, and folding a flag. If you don't actually practice it once or twice it becomes very awkward, and it loses the reverence. Those saluting become annoyed (visibly), and I think it lacks the proper respect. It's just common sense, but overlooked if never tried. I
  15. Stosh, There are so many details wrong with this photo, and we're on the same page. Aside from the disrespect to the U.S. flag, what I don't like is Scouts carrying a rainbow flag, and a Cub wearing a rainbow neckerchief. This whole picture is predictable and disgraceful . . . the tip on the iceberg.
  16. BSA has tried all sorts of things to try to be more diverse. I see it as simply a family/community thing. My kids were in Scouts because their dad was in Scouts, and it just seemed like the natural thing to do. 'Other cultures' don't have that same hand-me-down background (yet). I always assumed my kids would be in Scouts, and so they were. That same assumption doesn't exist in all families, so the buy-in from the parents takes a lot of selling, and if the kids don't think it's cool, it's a tough sell.
  17. You're not alone. I agree 100% regarding the dynamics. There needs to be a place (in our society) where boys can be boys, and girls can be girls.
  18. Thanks. I appreciate that, but I certainly see his point. I have no criticism for how he took it, and I can assure you (and all) that it won't happen again from me.
  19. Thanks, Bad Wolf. Read you loud and clear. I tried to quote a portion of the text, and couldn't get myself out of the quote box. Hence the ' *** ' above. I've replied to a personal message regarding the LDS thread, but your post offers an opportunity to apologize publicly. I messed up, and I hope the damage is understood and repairable. Very sorry.
  20. You'll have a hard time finding a Wisconsin Synod charter partner. Referring to the LCMS as an 'odd duck' is a bit below Scouting standards.
  21. I'm referring to per capita income, and yes, I could be wrong. Enlighten me.
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