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Everything posted by Overtrained

  1. My troop does it slightly different from what has been mentioned here, but it works great. The SPL holds the JLC the same time as the Committee meeting. Later on the committee agenda, we have the SPL come and make his report. If at anytime either group has a question of the other, we just walk across the room to the other group. We do encourage all registered adults to go to roundtable, and the SPL and OA rep as they have sections for them too. The ASMs sit in the background at the PLC to help their patrol PL if he needs it.
  2. I found having a car useful. Wednesday is a day off. You can stay on the ranch and take hikes, but if you want to visit Taos or go to some of tours in Cimarron (out to supper)you'll need a car or know someone who you can latch up with. A couple of other general suggestions: bring a mat or rug for your tent. Some of the tents are wood floors and some are cement, so 2 rugs aren't bad. I know of someone else who had a group from their council and they stretched lights from all their tents. Bring an extention cord. You can use it for an alarm/clock radio, extra lamp, or for you techies, a c
  3. Welcome to the forum. -9F here this morning. I hope you and Dave were able to talk off line. I know a little about Dave's council and know he could have raised probable twice the amount of his goal and it wouldn't have made a differance. This has been coming for 10 years. Enough said. Again, welcome to the forum. Overtrained
  4. Eamonn, I've missed this post yesterday and just tried to read everyone's responses. Please forgive me if I missed this being mentioned somewhere. You eluded to it being a crew, but also had question marks. Are you sure it was a crew and not Learning for Life/Exploring? If it is a crew, then I go with Dsteele's comments about the pack, although it would be awful hard to run a program for a crew like that. If it was LFL, I have noticed that United Way really likes this type of program and usually expects the council to invest some money here. There by assuring good relations wit
  5. For good, bad, or otherwise, I just ignore the beast. Keeps my blood pressure in check.
  6. Fishing Hunting Camping Working for RA Safety Team for all venues of motor racing Sports Car Club of America
  7. I was please to see no responses about going to out of council camps "because it is where I went as a boy". I have heard this before and it drives me nuts. Several units in my district go every other year to an out of council camp for same reasons as others listed here. A couple I can think of take the older scouts to other camps. Beside program differances, the type of camping is an experiance that should be offered, ie forest, flat land, mountain, dessert, etc. Giving it to the older scouts is a lure to keep them active and to give the younger scouts something to look forward to.
  8. We present them at Wood Badge Breakfast normally, but for those that couldn't attend we have had them presented to the neophyte at their place of choosing. Typically the Scoutmaster and the individuals troop guide are present. This past year we did not have a Wood Badge course, but had a R&R at which time we presented many beads.
  9. How many boys registered? 48 How many boys active? 35 How many Patrols? 5 Does your troop go to summer camp in or out of Council? In Does your troop go to Dist/Council Camporees? Yes Does your troop support FOS? Yes Does your troop sell Popcorn? If not, what are your fundraisers? No, Christmas wreaths. Does your troop use NSP, FCFY method? Yes and Yes Does your troop have a Venture Patrol? No Does your troop have a feeder pack? Yes How does your troop recruit non-Cub Scouts? We dont Has your troop seen your Unit Commissioner in the past 6 months? Yes Is your Unit Commis
  10. I won't defend or support medical professionals fee structure. Nor how medical insurance covers items. But I do write professional liability insurance and the medical field has seen increases of 800% this past year. As a society we all suffer with baseless lawsuits that affect the insurance rates. Particularly the band wagon of getting into these class action ones. Someone mentioned about taking personal responsibility an doing your own research on insurance and your medical bills. We also need to tell our legislators to work on the tort laws. Ooops, I just slipped on my soap box
  11. I've given this some more thought. Some Lodges conduct their Ordeals while at summer camp. Others conduct them at fall conclaves, be they lodge or chapter. I can see having a fellowship in August if Ordeals are down at summer camp. Our Lodge Fellowship is held in early November because the chapters have conclaves and ordeals up to the last weekend of October.
  12. Each chapter in my lodge has a Fall Conclave that range from the 2nd to last weekend of August to the last weekend of September. In my district, the calendar in September and October gets really full. This past year there was Section Conclave, Chapter Conclave, District Camporee, University of Scouting, Lodge Vigil Weekend, and two troop outings and something else I'm missing. My troop does summer camp the first week of August. With that type of schedule, I wouldn't mind having our conclave in August. What is the purpose of your "Lodge Fall Fellowship"? Perhaps understanding t
  13. " " It is not an easy process and it applies only to the LDS Church." Why do the Mormons get such special consideration? "" I am not a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints, but have some experiance in my district. The units are charterd to the Stake which overseas the wards. The units are operated at the Ward level. If a church restructure happens where a Ward is moved from one Stake to another and the other Stake is in a differant council, then this procedure is used. All the signatures that Dave talks about are used more for record keeping as the council that loses a u
  14. I've worked and served in both big and small. I prefer small, but would miss the advantages of the big. I'm in a large metro council with 12+ districts. Mine is the largest district with about 75 units with Packs, Troops, Teams and Crews.
  15. I know Dsteel's camp used to have them. He might have a source.
  16. Kudos to you. When I was a camp director I enjoyed having girls/women on staff. It added an ambiance that would not have been there if left to guys. The male staff were better behaved too. Overtrained
  17. 2-3 years as Cub 7 Years as Explorer 16 Years as Adult Currently 3 years as District Training Chair
  18. FScouter, I have spent a lot of time on this topic, to include discussion during Training Management Seminar at Philmont. First, the unit roster is out of the membership system of Scoutnet and does not relate to the Training Database of Scoutnet. We have been able to get current lists of trained, untrained and training by course and district out of Scoutnet. Along with paper copies at council, and at district we developed a ACCESS based datebase for our district. We downloaded the membership records form Scoutnet and starting typing it in. Since then, every district train
  19. I'll be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my 30th birthday on Scouting anniversary day. I've 26 years in Scouting.
  20. Webelos. Never a Boy Scout, but was an Explorer and served as a national youth chairman. Received the Explorer Achievement Award. Wood Badge Staff, Vice-Chancellor of University of Scouting, Troop Committee member and outgoing district training chairman.
  21. I have seen this in various forms over time. In my current troop, the tradition is the Scoutmaster develops a 13th point for each Eagle based on their uniqueness. This is then delivered to them at their Eagle Court of Honor. My thirteenth point would be: A scout is Honorable
  22. I agree, Twocubdad is probable closer to the truth. When I was a Camp Director, both our Cub Camp Staff (8 weeks) and Scout camp Staff (10 weeks)had Explorer posts. They met throughout the year to keep the comradrie going. It actually helped have a stronger staff. As for OA units, I see no good reason.
  23. Back in the mid 80's we had a cooperative agreement between Aviation Exploring and the CAP. Based on the rules at the time, they could do some things Explorer's couldn't do and vice versa. Since then, much of those rules have changed. If the scout is interested in aviation, I'd have him check with the council to see if there is an Exploring Post around. I'd also check out any local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) for a young Eagle's program. Nothing wrong with checking out the CAP too. It just depends on where his interests are.
  24. Okay Dave, I'll bite on the "Mega Bonus" It used to be called the National Executive Institute or NEI. Upon completion of NEI 1,2, and 3 they were trained. But now, to qoute you, "After the 3 years and completion of PD-L1,2 and 3, and only after that, is your DE considered "basic" trained." Overtrained
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