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Everything posted by Overtrained

  1. This was discussed about a year ago on here. Maybe do a search to find it. The Charter Organization is the owner as others have stated. Liability extends from the vehicle that is towing the trailer, but not physical damage. That remains with the primary policy. A persons homeowner's insurance will not( in almost all cases) cover the trailer. This would go back to the primary policy of the Chartered Organization. Overtrained - insurance man
  2. I am not knowledgable of the older program, but am more familiar with the demise of aviation instruction and flying as part of the program as I was the national chairman at the time. We were able to have flight instruction as part of the program until to many explorers were having aircraft accidents. As such the liability went through the roof. As such it was changed so all that was allowed were orientation rides. Many posts continued to do ground school and then would have round robin orientation flights, but no instruction. The rules can be found on the current Aviation Flying permit
  3. You asked for a further referance. I don't have my insignia guide handy, but you said you had one. Take a look under position patches and I bet it doesn't say anything about having to wear a trained patch with them.
  4. I left scouting after Cub Scouts. I switched schools and my new school didn't have scouting. What dissappointed me was that my pack and its troop were at my church. Had someone asked me, I would have joined. Fortunetly, I developed an interest for Aviation and sought out an Explorer post and have stayed in scouting ever since. I conducted a SM specific training this weekend and when we talked about membership I asked the group about the times a scout joined their troop other than from the webelos den. There were several answers, but most of them were because someone asked the boy t
  5. Hey Dave, When I made my last pro move it was six months before my wife was able to join me. As to the Park Inn and egg sandwiches, I found a good mom and pop joint here that made a good egg. I just asked them to make it a sandwich for me and they now know when I walk in the door what to do. Best of luck. Overtrained
  6. I enjoyed the benefit working for the scouts of getting time with my unit so much, that when I left the scouts I always asked for the benefit with my new employer. It has never been a problem. I don't abuse it either though, gift horse and all that stuff.
  7. I'm on board as a troop guide. Our course is in the fall and we already have a waiting list.
  8. I am a former professional of 9 years and I had time to be involved as an Associate Advisor, Advisor and Service Team member. I also was given time off for volunteer scouting activities. I know of several professionals that are also involved with their kids.
  9. Check out the council's web site to see what information is there on your council's lodge. Is your lodge big enough to have chapter's? Ditto to what everyone else has said. At this stage of the year, there probable is a spring conclave or fellowship weekend to help the camps get ready. Good luck.
  10. Why are they all now backing out? TWOCUBDAD I think got to the heart of this question. To Bob's point, before someone asks him for line and verse, the most succinct line in the BALOO training is under the handout The Cub Scout Pack Camping Program and states, It is the intention of Cub Scout pack camping to be an adult-youth member camping activity organized by the pack. There are other wordier references. Sorry the trainers led you astray.
  11. Well, I tried to respond to this last night, and it took five minutes and it still didn't work. Computer problems. SOOOO, not that I jumped off this cliff without a parachute (computer knowledge), I have sent out some requests to scouters I know around the country to assist with how to set this up. If you have some skills, as some noted here, then let us know. I summize that I'll organize a small group to set up, monitor and facilitate this (Quality Control). If you have other ideas or resources let us all know.
  12. I'm glad to see that everyone likes the idea. I can understand the powerpoint memory issue. Perhaps a email address to the author of each course if they have a PowerPoint presentation. I'd be willing to work with some folks, but need a techie who knows how to do this. Keep the ideas coming.
  13. In working with our council University of Scouting, I have looked at a lot of other council sites for ideas and came up with one I think can grow legs with your help and ideas. Here it is: Develop a web site that is a repository for all the supplemental training that councils design. It can have a template course outline that can be used, a place for handouts or powerpoint presentations. This can then be used by anyone having a Pow Wow, Showando, University of Scouting or other supplemental training event. What do you think? Any ideas on how to develop such a beast? Is it something
  14. Mark, I'm sorry you had a poor experiance with Troop Committee Challenge. It can be beneficial when done correctly. Let me clarify what I understood you to state and see if I can clear the muddy water a little. Responsibilities for what you describe do fall under the troop committee repsonsibility, however, many of those positions do have youth counterparts ( as you mentioned). As much as possible, the youth should perform those tasks with the adult mentoring them. Depending on ability, not everything will be done by the youth. The "game" you described doesn't always make that dist
  15. Thanks for the idea Laurie. I do have the how to book. Its in my Cub Scout Trainer box. I used to have my own, but my little sister took it for babysitting ideas and I never saw it again. There should be a lot of ideas in all the old books I have. I'll have to look through them. I need to come up with and decide a theme by this weekend if it to fit on the time schedule I fit. It doesn't appear other councils use a theme with their University, at least none that I have found on web sites. More ideas, More ideas..... Thanks
  16. Laurie, A University of Scouting event, for us anyway, is for Cub Scout Leaders, Boy Scout Leaders, and Venturer Leaders. We hold about 192 class sessions with about 100 different classes. As such, a theme needs to expand to all three groups. Thanks
  17. These are all great ideas. Keep them coming please. If I use one, I'll send the author a patch.
  18. This group is really diverse and I'd like to brainstorm with you for a University of Scouting theme. It could be one you have already used, or just one you always wanted too. I'll take all questions an d suggestions.
  19. Hello, If you go to http://scouttrader.org/TOR/tor_cal.xml it will list a calendar of events for different Trade-o-Rees. I believe there is one in New York in June. Overtrained
  20. I think that is a great idea. I know they got rid of most manuals and have put things on their web site: http://www.learning-for-life.org/. They still have some manuals. I wonder what they did with manuals they had in stock? Would they still have them somewhere? I had seen some council web sites where they re-designed the manuals and put them out. I don't remember which ones, but if your good at search engines you might be able to find it.
  21. Exploring still exists and Aviation Exploring is still going. I helped create the last Program Helps that was used before Exploring became a subsidiary. It is vocation and avocation oriented depending on the Post. As long as this is a viable program, I can't see them changing Venturing away from High Adventure orientation to accomodate Aviation. JMHO This would not preclude a Crew from having an exchange with a local Aviation Post. I sense from our post though, you were looking more at achievments like the Air Ace Award. Doubt that will ever happen. Overtrained
  22. As to the spam email question, there are a couple of simple solutions that work sometimes. 1. Your email can usually be set to block all incoming emails unless the sender is in your address book. The down side is when someone new sends something, you have to add them to your adderss book first. 2. As someone else suggested, as you identify spam, use your tool bar to block that sender or any messages that contain certain words. Unfortunetly, most "good" spammers work around this by having thousands of email accounts and by misspelling commone words, i.e V1@gra, etc so you will still get th
  23. There are several sites that have these bogus knots. I have often thought of making a bogus uniform just to see if anyone notices. I have in the past been involved on a national committee where we actually designed an Aviation Explorer uniform. It entailed several patches with wings for various program fields. Neilup is correct in the process. If you can identify the program committee responsible for the area your proposing a knot, the faster consideration it will have.
  24. I know of many troops that do "Traditional Camping" as you have described. They cook over open fires, use dutch ovens and sleep under the stars (even here in MN). Heck, my troop even lights every fire with flint and steel. I think a lot of it comes from the experiance's the adults bring and what type of program your camp runs.
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