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Fuzzy Bear

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About Fuzzy Bear

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  1. The owners of Youth's Companion were selling flags to schools, and approached Francis Bellamy to write the Pledge for their advertising campaign to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Columbus arriving in the Americas. Francis Bellamy was a socialist author and Baptist minister. So, on September 7, 1892, the original Pledge was published and it read as follows: I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. It was seen by some as a call for national unity and wholeness after the divisive Civil War. Baden Powe
  2. Diversity is first an attitude of openness toward others outside a group and secondly it is a legal mandate that provides for that openness. When both parts are not in place, then diversity is little more than a limited action that prevents it from ever happening. One can speak about an action but until the rule of law reflects one's attitude, then it is just words. Those that are outside the group will know that it is only words that are being spoken and will understand fully what is meant by that coded message. Talking about diversity is just that, talk. fb
  3. Although this topic is a refresher from out of the past, it is always good to review. The DAM and the SB are for District and Council participation, not for unit participation. This being said, there is always someone making a good case for just the opposite on both counts. There are those that also feel that it is a "good buddy award" and there certainly is a case for that as well. Heck, I have even known people to build there own resume and give it to a Toady to circulate, much like a school promoting their own player for the Heisman award. One Scouter, an SE, that I knew was against th
  4. Over the few years that I have posted here, I have flown off the handle on any number of occasions. I also try to apologize when I do and when I have wronged another individual. I find that in life or on the Internet that I will offend. It is my hope that people would first be themselves but then also be ready to back it up with an, I am sorry" when it is obvious that there is a conflict. Forgiveness is the act that is generally not used or practiced in such situations. I suppose it is too much to ask and too difficult to learn. So it must remain another religious mystery. The Dus
  5. Did the Distrcit Commisssioner or any of his hinchmen think to ask poor Little Mark if he believed in a rock before they sent him packing?
  6. When one reads the Selecting District Members bulletin, it distinctly looks like work and it fails to mention Selecting Unit Leaders for District Positions as an option. I have two insights into the last approach of focusing one's efforts on recruiting from Units. One is that taking from the units can only weaken the unit's own program and two that by adding to the District's program from the units can only weaken the District's program. Can a person be in two places at the same time? Heck no. Most people in the District or the units have other responsibilities to their family, work, churc
  7. The term limit on any position is one year and should be carefully observed. All offices are to be reviewed and decided on before the Recharter process is completed. If the CO/COR is active, then it their decision. If the CO/COR is not active, then it falls back on the Committee to decide on the offices/directions and then the CO/COR blindly accepts their decisions. A CC could conceivably stay in their position and remain difficult to work with for several years if that is their direction/decision. But, When the SM does not have a vote on the Committee proceedin
  8. Let me understand, the Eagle, in and of itself is not enough? Get your license and/or a car to reward one for making Eagle? This is something of a mystery. I am supposing that this defines the Eagle as making a person competitive in today's marketplace. Hurring up to get done with Scouting by getting the Eagle. New Eagle's may now be defined as the first step toward a better resume and top jobs in industry. This may well be a way to push parents into pushing their sons and yet another way to recruit. I can see banners with the logo, "Become a Scout, earn your Eagle. Today's P
  9. Just because we have met a stalemate again here in the Forum does not mean there has been a final judgment by the parties most involved. It will be well worth our time to wait and see before we pull the final curtain down on this one and feel all warm and cuddely. ":"P I just had to try it. fb
  10. Let me review, sometimes I did too much but other times I did too little. Then there were times that I did the right amount but in the wrong areas but when others looked, it generally was the wrong amount in the right areas, which for me was always a matter of perspective. I usually find that I have done the right things but for all of the wrong reasons which can be blamed on other things like brillance or patriotism. It is harder for me to find times when I did the wrong things for all of the right reasons but then I might be in denial because that
  11. The results will give us an answer. How do you do the green face with the tongue sticking out? fb
  12. To bring back an earlier point, if an individual does not follow the rules established by the BSA, then the BSA and their insurance carrier will not provide coverage. This is standard procedure and protection for the insurance company as well for the individual. It is an agreement. Stupid behavior(s) is/are not covered. Read and follow the G2SS. Train Scouts and Leaders properly and let them know about the consequences of their behavior. If you do your job as an adult and train others to do the same, then expect coverage, if not, then expect to pay for it yourself. fb
  13. Our District has an Advancement Chairperson that has been attempting to do her job to the best of her ability. She has taken the outdated District MBC list and has tried to update it but with little success. We have 30 units that are dispersed over an area that takes 60 minutes to drive E-W and 45 minutes N-S, this does not include time delays in-town or other directions not included. Most units use their own MBCs that have not offically signed with the District or Council. When a Scout sends in his Eagle packet, the names are not checked with current lists due to the fact that it would be
  14. Our discussions in the past over who is going to heaven has lead us down a slippery slope. It is one thing to search for the truth and it is a totally different thing to already have a belief that corners the market on it. The curtain has not been raised yet but several appear to have peeked. Here are a few of my own questions: Consider a perfect God and then try to out guess that same God. Consider an imperfect being trying to figure out a God that is too big to ever understand. I am tired. Goodnight fb
  15. Calico, I will contact the Lodge Chief and the Lodge Advisor (again) and lay this thing out. I need coffee time with the Chapter Advisor. I believe he is out of answers. He also is a little temperamental. Well, thanks for everyone listening and giving an ear and a voice about a problem I care about. fb
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