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Oak Tree

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Everything posted by Oak Tree

  1. This whole world is just so foreign. We can go buy any merit badges we want, and most all other awards, too. Rank badges are restricted, but we can usually get them, too, without an advancement report. Typically we do have the advancement reports for ranks, but for everything else, really? Blue cards? Lists of who earned what? Requiring blue cards? I'm pretty confident our summer camp isn't going to start using them. I'm not going to start handing out completely unearned merit badges, and I'm not going to start questioning every last item a counselor may not have done right, eit
  2. Wow. That's quite a self-congratulatory piece of writing. Apart from emphasizing how many people worked on this and how much they were really dedicated to good outcomes, there is not that much about why this new structure is really going to be able to be any better. Saying that it's important to provide exceptional unit service is different from having a plan that actually does this. So the only real thing I see here is an opportunity for cost savings by reducing duplication. I do think that small councils are inefficient at lots of things, and it should be fine to combine a lot
  3. >> Provide a meeting location. >> Provide unit leadership, taking seriously the CO's role in the selection of the committee. >> Represent your unit at the district and council levels, with the COR voting on and advocating for issues that would affect your unit. >> Promote the unit (e.g., recruiting opportunities). >> Recommend service projects. Ha! Except for the first. The CO should definitely provide a meeting location. Beyond that, realize that it's going to be up to the people in the unit to run the unit. You need to provide your own le
  4. No one will complain if each person only has access to his own account. No one, that is, except for the people who have to implement such a system. We just publish our list. It's not like the numbers are all that big for anyone. And no one has an easy way to make each balance accessible only to one person, and no one wants to suggest to the treasurer that he should do the work necessary to provide each balance. If it was free to make each Scout have an individual account, I'd say to do that. I do not, though, see too much of a strong argument for privacy. Our accounts are all over th
  5. Jeez. My ads are for Discover Card, the iRoomba, Google adwords, and Capital One.
  6. Metric System? English System? Which one do we use? My car's tires have a diameter measured in inches and a thickness measured in millimeters. My caffeinated soda lists the caffeine content in milligrams/oz. Pi ( π )? Tau ( τ )? It's all good. I like tau. But I'm doubting the middle schoolers are going to be up for the discussion of whether e to the pi*i is part of an important equation (eπi=-1). Still SP, I see your point.
  7. I'd say that we have to go with the child's legal gender (this may or may not be the gender on the birth certificate, depending on your state laws). On the other hand, we don't do any gender checks, so if the child actually presented as a boy and the parent claimed the child was a boy, I don't think we'd even know.
  8. We say "show up with the paperwork or you can't go". We usually have blank copies of the forms with us when the kids get dropped off. You've got to push the problem back onto the parents since they are the ones who have to do the work.
  9. We put out emails reminding parents about sign-ups, and we include the list of who has signed up, and eventually we have the "Final sign-up list". We've only had one or two cases where someone has tried to sign up after that. I know we've told at least one boy he couldn't add (he was a repeat offender and needed to get the message). There may have been a time or two when we've been able to accommodate a late add. Mostly, though, I think that it's the regular communication that gets everyone realizing that the sign-up deadline is real.
  10. I'll take the opposite point of view, just so we can have a good discussion. The good thing about giving him the award is that it sets the expectation with all of the boys that if they complete the requirements, they will get the expected recognition. We see this on a not too irregular basis. A boy will be absent for some period of time, but then, for whatever reason, will decide he wants to become active again. He shows up, finishes off the one or two items he has left for rank, and gets rank the first week he's back. Generally, everyone is happy to see him back. Sure, maybe so
  11. I've been thinking about this question. I don't even want to ask the guys about what we'd want to do unless there is something meaningful that we could achieve. I don't want to have a 50% attendance requirement for a POR - that's so low as to be not really worth tracking (right now we don't track attendance at troop meetings, so it would be a change to track it). I think it comes down to whether we want to require a Scout to make Scouting his primary activity in order to advance. If it's his primary activity, I'd expect at least 75% attendance, maybe 90%. If we allow it to be a secon
  12. Abel, Looks like to me like you're really disagreeing with Gary. He suggested that if CORs really did their job, they could take back the BSA. I replied with a clever one-line tongue-in-cheek response indicating that wasn't going to happen. If I read you right, you are saying that even if that did happen, it still wouldn't really be enough, since the pros have so many other advantages. No argument from me. I still say you're never going to get an entire set of activist CORs, but I think you're right, the pros are the ones who can control the big picture. Too many words
  13. It can be hard to see which trends are going to result in some kind of tipping point. I think that there has been an explosion of things that compete for people's attention. Scouting, appealing to a general audience as it does, can't really become too overly specialized, but it's many of the specialty activities that draw people. I think Scouting has to remain focused on the outdoors - that is the signature of the program, and without that, there is no real draw. I know that the program is designed to be flexible, but I am comfortable predicting that Scouts will continue to camp.
  14. There are some odd questions here, for sure. The lasting value question is based on a false assumption. The age question seems irrelevant, and certainly a bit unusual to be asking the Scout. Most of the merit badge questions seem fine, but it would depend a lot on the way they were asked. Asking about how many were earned at summer camp seems ok, and asking what he's getting out of it also seems fine. That could be part of a conversation that was encouraging, or it could be said in a tone of innuendo. The Scout sounds like he did well, and at any rate, the real question would be
  15. As soon as you get true volunteers sitting in COR positions, who get trained in their position, who understand that they control what happens, who then attend meetings at both district and council level in order to ensure that the district and council does what the units want and not what the professional scouter's want just to make themselves look good. Or, "never".
  16. Steven Spielberg resigned from Boy Scouts due to this policy. The Fortune 500 company I work for will not give matching donations to Boy Scouts (or to any discriminatory organization, for some definition of discriminatory). There is clearly *some* effect, but there could be a counter-effect as well, and as Eamonn points out, it's hard to know the overall impact. I don't believe the Catholics would jump ship, and I'm not so sure about all of the others that are confidently predicted as leaving. I think most troops would continue one way or another.
  17. This is going to come down to local custom, I think. It's nice for the Scout to see that the adults take it seriously, so I'd be in favor of either a uniform or more formal attire. In our district, I don't think I've ever seen anyone do an Eagle BoR without being in uniform, and I've sat in on a number. We'll typically have several running at any one time on the given evening.
  18. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... it's like I can remotely feel the weight falling off your shoulders. Good for you.
  19. Right - there are going to be two parts to the API. There's the format of the data, and there is the nature of the call ("interfacing"). What does one do with the CSV file? Email it? Ftp it? Transfer it via http? Open a socket to some particular port? What type of acknowledgement do you get back that the transfer was successful? There has to be some specification on how to do the transfer. And then there's all the detail on what the data itself should look like. I wonder if they have some type of automated certification test that you could use to validate whether your software is working corre
  20. We've never cancelled a trip in the nine or so years I've been with the troop. I don't think the pack ever cancelled one either. We've modified a couple, and we've proceeded even when some parents didn't feel like they thought it was safe. Parents turn out to be pretty terrible at assessing this type of risk - we've had people afraid to drive based on media reports and when we went the roads were clear. We've had people afraid a hurricane would extend hundreds of miles inland when we knew it wouldn't. We've had parents afraid for the cold even though their son had previously survived trip
  21. Seattle, I don't think the problem is with those who are signing up new recruits with the consent of the pack. If you are, in fact, their designated recruiter, then fine. But as a unit leader, I'd expect to have to sign the application forms or specifically ok you to sign them for me. In our area, this behavior would be totally out of the ordinary, though. Our unit signs up our own Scouts. The district and council will direct Scouts to packs and troops, but they don't sign people up. They just give out names, phone numbers, email addresses. We don't take applications without the
  22. Systematic political agenda. Whoosh. Guess I missed it. I think that we've gotten to the point where there is pretty much always one active thread on gays. It lasts until everyone has said all they want to, it dies out, and then a slight variation pops up. So let's take a quick look at who started all those threads. Tough questions - sherminator505 When will National realize this *IS* affecting membership - Trevorum Florida School Board Rejects Grant - Merlyn Which lifestyles are acceptable? - Engineer61 Where does BSA tell us homosexuals are not allowed? - Shortridge
  23. At least you have a sense of humor about it. Keep imagining the troll in underwear. Or something like that.
  24. Well, that's just all very unpleasant. It's amazing to me how they think they can tell your unit what to do. You are in charge of your unit. They are there to help you put on a good program. If they aren't helping, you don't need them. We don't use unit accounts. We tell the district when we will do FOS, and sometimes we've told them we won't do it, and sometimes we've told them we'll do the presentation ourselves, and sometimes we'll invite them, but on the dates that we specify. You don't need lectures. You need help. It sounds like you are really close to burnout and you need
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