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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. FB, BEAV I am willing to contribute a to a fund to get you two singing lessons. Anyone know where to send the money?
  2. nldscout


    We still have 2 scouters in our district that wear them regularly, one of which is me.
  3. I have to disagree with what you said about MB's. That is not what national says. If you start working on it before its discontinued, you can finish up to 18th Bday. If you haven't started it before its discontinued, its a no go.
  4. I would not meet with her to discuss this any more. You made a decisson, now stick with it. If you waffle now, what happens if something bad happens again after you let him in. I think another troop with a fresh start is the answer.
  5. According Federal Law, a school has 2 choices. Allow any group to send home flyers or allow no non-school supported groups. There is no middle ground, its either A or B. If they are doing something other than that, then ask council to intervine for you.
  6. Type a letter saying that the CO relinquishes the charter and unit number. Take it to the Institutional head , ask him to sign it. Now go find a new sponsor. Its that easy. As for the equipment and funds, they do not automatically belong to the CO. Let me repeat it so everyone understand. They DO NOT automatically own the funds or equipment. It all hinges on the state you live in and its property laws. The statement that they own the funds and equipment is another great scouting urban legand
  7. Perhaps the best thing is to do nothing. Its not a special day in my book. Its not a holiday, no one has the day off, there is nothing to celibrate
  8. Thats strange as I have 2 computer, 1 running norton and one running Mcafee and don't get any messages
  9. for those that have ever been around an LDS unit, you know they don't allow females to camp with the troops. They do it because its against thier religion, so why is it wrong for a non-LDS troop to do the same thing?
  10. scoutldr, We need a couple more for a true class action. Anyother scouters out there not getting this want to join us and make some lawyer rich?
  11. I didn't get it, now I am having an complex from being left out. Time to call my lawyer and sue for violating my rights.(This message has been edited by nldscout)
  12. Hunt asks "I'm perplexed at how this can be a claim under the ADA." Its easy, Hire a lawyer, (in this case its free as the taxpayers are funding this law center) file any old kind of law suit you want. Then sit back and wait for a offer of a fat settlement. Happens all the time. You can sue anyone for anything and in most cases it only cost a small filing fee. And even if you lose you don't have to pay the other parties legal fees.
  13. Maybe its time to borrow WDL Mom's cattle prod and put it to good use in this situation!!!!
  14. Unless this Gentleman is the SM or CC, then I would say he is an invited guest. So as I see it you could do 2 things, politly tell him the way your going to do it and ask him to be polite and observe, or if he gets insistant, disinvite him.
  15. Beavah This is my council as well as CNY's There is a lot more to this story, however since I am forbidden from publically discussing it, I will just say we are working to avoid selling the camp.
  16. wildhog You don't tell us is , are you the SM? If so its time(past due) for a one on one discussuin maybe with the CC or another experiance ASM. If things don't change, one of you have to go. You need to deceide who.
  17. scoutldr The only proble is selling the Camp that CNY is talking about will get the council a one time infusion of cash it will do nothing in the long run. Last year it cost the council only about 10K more in expenses to keep open than it took in in revenue. And that is using the numbers the council said went there. Which we have already shown to be way off base.
  18. After re reading I see they have his age wrong, but thats a reporter for you
  19. OK, OGE, I will bite. I read it seems fairly legit project. Whats the Catch here?
  20. The interesting thing is they sued the troop, not the council or the CO. How do you sue a troop? Who do you serve the papers on? Who defends the troop?
  21. If the key 3 want to invite a forth, I see no harm in it except the program chair is just a member of committee. Why not include Traing Chair, or Finance or Membership or.....
  22. I disagree with Aquila calva! Most council depend on popcorn profits to run programs used by ALL units. So why should a unit who deceides not to sell, not help pay for those programs if they are not selling popcorn.
  23. was there a purpose for this rambling garbage of lies?
  24. He is no different than any other person in that he must fill out an application and have a background check, complete training and be a registered leader.
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