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Mike Long

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Everything posted by Mike Long

  1. You are correct, five hikes of 10 miles each that when mileage is added together total 50 miles. I would think that the camp has a typo in their documents that needs addressing.
  2. Not only is answer no, the fact that the BSA supports religous awards for non-christian faiths quite positively proves the answer to be no.
  3. By looking at your profile it tells me that you aren't the Scoutmaster but an ASM. (And a hard working one at that) Before you do any of the above quit being the de-facto Scoutmaster and become the Scoutmaster and do all of the above. If you already doing the job (and frankly it sounds like you are) take the job and run like stink. An invogorated leader by his/her very presence invigorates a unit. I was the de-facto Scoutmaster three years ago. The best decision I ever made (other than the one to propose to my wife) was the one to get off the bubble and take the position of Scou
  4. Oh yeah, repetition is the key to knowledge retention. What I meant was the initial formal instruction happens once but we build upon it during the course of program over time. For example First Aid, one the first things we discuss is shock. The next first aid instruction might be the aformentioned hurry cases. Well, shock is one of the items you treat and look out for no matter what the injury. So when teaching the hurry cases we briefly go over shock again by asking the boys to tell the instructor what shock is and demonstrate treatment and then move on to main focus of that session. S
  5. We cover the requirements once but we do it in small chunks so that if you miss the First Aid hurry cases meeting you don't miss all of the First Aid training. (Not that you can teach all the first aid in one meeting anyhow.) The key is to have the program set up so that there are many chances to practice the skill. That gives you some time to help out the guys that need refreshers or just missed the instruction. I usually try to plan a little open time on every campout and we use that time to go over things that the scouts may have missed. This also helps to give the scouts a break from
  6. I too am having problems getting the training we need. I have a bunch of new leaders that want to be trained but the courses aren't being offered in any sort of schedule. When called the council tells us to check the website. It seems as if the classes just magicly appear on the council website and if you aren't watching for them you miss out. I've found out that some of my methods were wrong and some blatently against Scout policy. And these were all things other Scouters said were correct. I was rather horrified to discover how wrong I was. I don't want to perpetuate the cycle of
  7. Well OGE, that's the way I got my Camping MB in the 80's As a matter of fact every single Boy Scout Summer camp in Florida, Georgia, and Western N.C. do it that way. I have this years information on all of them (cause we were looking for one to go to) and they all say that Scouts need to provide documentation approved by the Scoutmaster regarding MB requirements done proir to camp for that work to be accepted. That alone flys in the face of the "Can't start till a card is issued" argument. I broke out the BS Requirements book and nowhere does it say that all requirements must be com
  8. "9. Show experience in camping by doing the following." Leads me to believe that the Scout should already have done these things or should be in the process of finishing them. I allow the Scouts to use their current camping tally for #9, but on #7 (the preparation requirement) I require it to be done after the Scout officially starts working on the badge. Wrong /right? Comments?
  9. I never noticed that feature, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Keep up the good work Scouter.com. Scouter I love your newsletter. Fantastic job.
  10. I know we are all upset over the UW but c'mon now! Is that what a scout would do? Maybe we don't eye to eye with the UW on this issue but attacking the UW is the same as attacking the people they do help. Kinda like refusing to fund us hurts our boys. Do unto others.....
  11. Bob at no point said we should just rubber stamp anything. What he did do was attempt to inform all of us who haven't read the Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures manual on the correct BSA method of advancement. So I'm reading this thread and up pops "The Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures manual". That was never mentioned in my training class. What is that? Do I have one? Where is it? Where can I get one? So I do some calling around to our Committee Chair and past Scoutmasters and finally one tells me that the troop has one sitting around somewhere. So I do some
  12. Beating people up?!? Where did that come from? Youngblood I do agree with you but some faiths do not view it that way and that is the issue. Depending on the particular division of faith some believe that being exposed to a prayer of a differing faith is an attack on their own beliefs. Also there are some faiths (some forms of B'hai) that do believe in God but don't allow the participants to speak or write the name of God.
  13. (This message has been edited by Mike Long)
  14. I can't really add to what's been said. All good advise. Just if all else fails be ready to either change troops or bide your time until you have enough support to change things. Never known a boy who doesn't like to hike? I'll introduce him to a few. I'll also introduce him to some who really want to hike and can't. Once again we are back to the "won't use the program as intended theme."
  15. I guess it would be an individual scouts choice but I have always seen it treated as a pack decision with very little, if any, input from the troop. Usually packs contact me and tell me when they are crossing over. It's not a problem as allmost all of them crossover in February. Really I'll take boys any 'ole time but it sure is nice to know in advance.
  16. No Bob it's not you, I just thought it looked like I was. I agree completely, get the boys in and doing as soon as you can.
  17. Yep, that's it. Bob, I'm not trying to argue. (although by looking back I guess it looks like I am) I know you're right about it being "or" and not "and". I just didn't look too closely at what I copied and I don't have my Scout handbook with me here at work. Well, actually it's out in the car.
  18. Bob, We both C&Ped off of different pages. Go to the sign up page. You grabbed yours from the main body text. Now click the link to Boy Scouts and take a look at the copy in the red field. It's a consistency issue.
  19. Sorry about the double post above. I have some Platypus quick disconnects between my cell and filter. REI has them. Works great. You just have to be sure that there is water in the line to minimise pumping air into the cell. You will still need to vent the cell if you start getting a lot on air in it but it's not as bad as you would think.
  20. I found out by trying to get a replacment element for my Voyager at my local outfitter and they informed me about it. PUR was also recently bought by Katadyne so there should be some interesting things happening soon. Good to know about the mold thing. I haven't had that particular problem yet. (The AC stays on most of the year in Florida.)
  21. I found out by trying to get a replacment element for my Voyager at my local outfitter and they informed me about it. PUR was also recently bought by Katadyne so there should be some interesting things happening soon. Good to know about the mold thing. I haven't had that particular problem yet. (The AC stays on most of the year in Florida.)
  22. Huh, then the BSA needs to proofread their website. Thanks Bob.
  23. From the BSA site the rule is: Boy Scouting is available to boys who are 11 through 17 years old, or who have earned the Arrow of Light Award, and have completed the fifth grade.
  24. Just gotta say it. When I see your username I always envision Tony the Tiger and it makes me hungry. Where are those Frosted Flakes?
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