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About MomScouter

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  1. I am glad that the levels are (sort of) going back to the way they were...my girls (6th - 8th grade) never really embraced S2B and decided from day one to be 'Cadettes'. I just wonder how long it will take them to rewrite the IP books to make them more age appropriate. My girls are somewhat baffled by the layers of requirements for the Silver Award. My co-leader and I (I am 51 and she is a few years younger) were reminiscing last night about our days as Cadettes and we both miss the days when a GS had 1 handbook per level, with all the badges and awards in it that were signed off by a leader w
  2. Lots of things come to my mind as I read your post. I have been a leader for 7 years now, and a Service Unit manager for 3. First of all, is this a new troop with a new leader? Has she had any training yet? Sometimes leaders start out new and get training after starting out; she may not have any ideas on how to structure a meeting. Second, does she have anyone helping her? How many girls are there? My experience is that a group of Brownies can be very hard to control unless there is sufficient adult help who make it clear to the girls what behavior is expected of them. Third, is the meeting ti
  3. My troop has been camping at our Council camps since they were in first grade (now most are going into 6th). Some parents come, some don't, it's up to them to decide. We have stayed in 'platform tents' as well as 'cabin tents'. We usually do this at least twice a year. The girls have a great time, and our Council camps are great. Our council requires a certain degree of training for leaders before they can take the girls camping, and I made sure I got this all training my first year as a leader. Unfortunately, not all of the leaders in our Service Unit will take this training so their girls mi
  4. Please write to National and let them know of your concerns. Better yet, ahve all of your girls write to them. There is a 'contact us' at both the GSUSA website and the S2B website. I wrote to them and I did get a reply. Here is what they wrote: 'Thanks for taking the time to write in. I would like to respond to several of your points. Cost of materials. The cost of Girl Scout materials and resources has been raised over the years. This is the first time that girls were surveyed to establish what they spend on similar items. The pricing was set accordingly. You can get
  5. Whale rider is a great movie. Our troop had done new Zealand one year for our Tasting Tea event, so the movie was quite interesting in that it showed more about the Maori people. The girl who played the lead role was excellent.
  6. I just picked up some of the S2B stuff for my Service Unit. All I can say is...THIS is what is replacing the current Cadette/Senior program? What a load of fluff! The only book that had anything substantial was the Collections. The Focus Books are a bunch of questionairres intended to get the girl thinking introspectivley...Ok that's fine except: 1) not all girls/troops can afford to pay $4.95 for a flimsy little booklet that is intended to be written in and used by 1 girl only 2) the only one that seems to teach any kind of skills is the 'Got Money?" booklet, the rest are about 'how do you fe
  7. hi, I have been a leader for 5 years (started w/Brownies, went to Juniors and now have a Cadette). Was a GS as a kid for 7 years. I am also a Service Unit manager, but being a leader is what I really enjoy! I have been in BSA for 6 years as den leader and committee member. We are an active troop! The troop is girl run as much as possible...we have 3 patrols and hold monthly Courts of Honor to plan stuff. Last year we went downhill and cross country skiing, camped twice in addition to a winter weekend, tried to do some kind of trip plus a service project each month. We got an Honorab
  8. Does anyone know where I can get some HONEST feedback from those who have tried S2B? My Council is now telling me that it is here to stay and that they will not be using the terms Cadette and Senior anymore. Also that the Silver and Gold awards have changed to use S2B instead of IPP's! I thought this was a 'supplement' to the exisitng program? Wasn't the Cadette/Senior program already 'by girls, for girls'? This program is expensive...there are 'collections' for each age group, new ones come out every year...there are 'focus books' where they do activities to earn charms ($4.95 a pop!), and t
  9. MomScouter


    yep, that's another resource we have used...not ebay (yet!) but second hand and consignment shops. We find lots of good deals there.
  10. Daisy Scouter, Does your troop do anything to offset these costs? Last year we used troop funds to re-register the girls. We got a grant from a business to buy the girls the book sets (Juniors). Our council will cover the cost of registration for any girl who cannot afford it, and will offer additional funds for things like a sash or dues. Our Service Unit will provide funds to new troops. We do several fundraisers to cover the cost of field trips. Also, I know having uniforms is great, but I don't think a troop can require that all the girls wear them.
  11. Bravo Anne! As Service Unit mgr., I wish I could get more of my leaders to reach out to some of the girls who have financial problems. Our area is rural and we have a few financial problems, but some (not all) leaders do not want to embrace these families because the parents are 'not helpful'. I have a couple girls this year who cannot afford to pay for registration, field trips, etc. No way would I exclude them from anything. This is the message I hope to get across at our SU meeting tomorrow. Part of the problem is that some of the leaders here are already overwhelmed...it is often tru
  12. MomScouter


    When my girls were Brownies, the ones that had uniforms thought they were cool and would wear them. Then as they got to the Jr. age, they became less important to them and in fact, some don't want to wear them. Our Council will provide $15 for a girl for financial aid, which will barely get a vest. Our troop has been buying the girls a handbook/badge set when they join, as well as paying for all awards. We try to attach importance to the badges/patches, but if the parent doesn't care about it enough to even try to get a vest (and they all know about the available finanacial aid but no one has
  13. Alpha, As a parent of a Boy Scout, I mind very much when he wears his uniform to camp and gets it full of stains, etc! The shirts cost over $30. In fact, as a rule when they are at camp the only time they wear them are at dinner and during ceremonies. And my son has still managed to get stains on his shirt. Boys have sashes too, and wear them at the same kinds of places that girls wear theirs (and girls have the option of, in my opinion, the much more practical vest for insignia). As for my Junior, she wears her uniform only in parades, certain outings, and at meetings, not to campouts or o
  14. MomScouter


    This was supposed to be a reply to the topic on uniforms not a new topic! sorry!
  15. MomScouter


    When my daughter was in Brownies there were patterns available to make the uniforms, and I was fortunate enough to have one gung-ho mom who made vests for all the girls at a fraction of the cost. Now my girls are Juniors and I cannot even get them to wear (or in some cases buy) the green vests to meetings or anywhere else, let alone the entire uniform. I do find that in GS the uniforms are not promoted as much as they are in BSA. I am curious about other GS troops...do the girls choose to wear the uniforms? How can I encourage my girls to wear at least a vest or sash? They always want to work
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