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Everything posted by ljnrsu

  1. In no order First Aid Cooking Camping Hiking Pioneering
  2. The 2008 ACP&P has the same statement. Link for 2008 ACP&P: http://www.gwinnettbsa.org/downloads/2008AdvancementGuideBook.pdf You found an instance where BSA writings conflict each other. One written and one on line, both can be considered valid. A suggestion is you and your unit decide which will be best for your unit.
  3. Poison Ivy and Sumac does not die in winter and their vines, stems and branches are still toxic. In Fall-Winter Poison Ivy leaves turn various shades of yellow, orange or red. They are reddish in the spring, before turning green in summer. The stems and vines can also have a reddish color Fall-early Spring. Poison Sumac does lose its leaves in fall but the trunk and branches can be identified by the bark. I have had to learn what they look like year around as I am extremely allergic to both plants.
  4. gwd, Very happy to hear that this worked itself out. I hope that you do get the crossovers you are expecting and more importantly your troop retains them. I know the struggle it has been the past few years for you and the troop. Maybe now there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  5. Not sure if I understand this correctly. If we have a Republican President i.e. Reagan, GH Bush, GW Bush and a Democrat Congress (1/81-12/94, 1/07-12/08) its the Republican Presidents fault for deficit spending. But if we have a Democrat President i.e. Clinton, with a Republican Congress (1/95-12/06) its the Republican Congresss fault for deficit spending. I cant see the logic in that. Either its a Presidents fault or since all spending/budget bills originate in Congress it should be their fault but not both. I see a distinct parallel between President Carter and President Obama and the state of our economy. Both are starting with an economy in a recession. Problem is that President Carter and the Democrat Congress took a minor recession and transformed it into a major recession. When President Carter took office unemployment was 7.60%, inflation was 5.91% and prime rate was 6.50%. With President Obama unemployment was 7.20%, inflation was 1.00% and prime rate was 3.25%. When President Carter left office unemployment was 7.20%, inflation was 12.52% and prime rate was 20.00%. Unfortunately the economic stimulus that President Obama and Congress is proposing is similar to what Congress did under President Carter. History shows us what happened, went from bad to much worse. The one big difference is that today most mortgages are adjustable which if prime rate goes up then they go up. Then the housing problem will not be limited to sub prime mortgages it will affect everyone with an adjustable mortgage. With the spending spree Congress is proposing something is going to give. Either inflation or interest rates will increase and if both increase it going to be lose-lose for everyone. Sad part is economy doesnt always react they way economic theory says it should. Reality doesnt always follow theory. Economic theory said what happened during President Carter shouldn't have happened but it did. I lived through President Carter as I graduated College in Jan 1977. I remember well the shambles of an economy he and the Democrats created. Who could afford to buy a house when 25 year fixed rate mortgages went from 9.00% to 17.00+ %. Inflation made sure that your take home pay couldnt take you home, 22 straight months of double digit inflation (10.09%-14.76%).
  6. Kudu, I totally disagree with you. I was a Boy Scout in the 1960s and I own Boy Scout Requirement books from 1963-1970 and what is printed does not coincide with what you say. From the 1963 Requirement book, Eagle Scout requirements. Scout Teamwork: 1. While a Life Scout for a period of six months show to the satisfaction of your leaders that you-Work actively as a leader in meetings, outdoor activities, and service projects of your unit. 2. Have earned one merit badge from the CONSERVATION group. 3. Have earned three merit badges from the CITIZENSHIP group. This is not new its been a part of BSA for awhile. In 1965 PORs and service projects for community and conservation were added to Star/Life/Eagle but that change was effective Jan 1. From different sources William Green Bar Bill Hillcourt retired Aug 1, 1965. He was still an employee of the BSA when those changes were proposed and implemented. Our Troop recently had a Scout age out as a Life Scout. At his last meeting as a Scout I asked him if he had any regrets or if he would change anything. He responded nope not a thing. Life for Life is ok, I enjoyed the journey. He is now an ASM with the Troop.
  7. This may help it comes from 1999 printing of Pioneering MB book. Ropes cut to the standard lengths should have the ends color-coded with a dab of paint to denote the length. 10' white 15' red 20' blue 25' green 30' black 40' silver 50' yellow
  8. As a CPA with a Tax Practice that link has good info. Other sources are IRS Publication 17: Your Federal Income Tax or Publication 526: Charitable Deductions explains what can be deducted such as uniforms, mileage etc. With any advice concerning tax deductions always check with your tax advisor or preparer as to what applies in your specific case. Edited part: That is very important as you and your preparer are signing the tax return as to your knowledge its true,correct and complete. Not Mr. Turba,myself or anyone else you get advice from.(This message has been edited by ljnrsu)
  9. When did all this happen? How about mileage? What does "within reason" mean, anyway? Pack, its nothing new, been around for the 30+ years Ive been either an IRS Field Agent or currently a Tax Accountant. IRS Publication 17: Your Federal Income Tax or Publication 526: Charitable Deductions explains what can be deducted such as uniforms, mileage etc. Please check with your tax advisor or preparer as to what applies in your specific case. If Mr. Geithner was applying for a job with the IRS (which as Secretary of Treasury he is in charge of) an error of that magnitude would disqualify his employment. All Mr. Geithner or his tax preparer need to do was some research or visit a local IRS office and this would have been avoided. My duty as a tax preparer is not knowing all the answers off the top of my head but knowing how and where to look for them. If Mr. Geithner or Mr. Daschle were Republicans the Democrat Congress critters would be demanding their names be removed from nomination. But since they are Democrats, nominated by a Democrat, and a Democrat Congress anything goes. The only change will be left will be in our pockets once Congress finishes their spending spree and we pay for it.
  10. District Advancement Committee are supposed to hold BOR's on appeal of Troop decision by the Scout or Parent. As part of the appeal process they can prepare Advancement reports. Unfortunately what is happening is a Committee member or the Advancement Committee itself is abusing their authority by initiating SM conference and holding BORs. Normally this situation is brought to and would be discussed with District Chair and DE/DD. Considering that Mr. Maynard has posted that dad has pull in the District I think this should go to the next step. A friendly chat with the DE/DD, Council Advancement Chair and SE concerning the situation is needed. Your CO should also be made aware of has happened to the unit they own.
  11. John couldn't agree more. That is why I sent Mr.Maynard pm on capital he going to need behind him with this issue.
  12. "can be done in a second chartered unit" I don't think that applies since dad is rechartering son in Troop. From page 24 of 2008 Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures: "Any registered Boy Scout or Varsity Scout may earn these awards until his 18th birthday. Any Venturer who achieves the First Class rank as a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout in a troop or team may continue working for the Star, Life, and Eagle Scout ranks and Eagle Palms while registered as a Venturer up to his 18th birthday." If son is registered in second unit then they would be handling the Palms and Troop would not be involved. but hes having his son recharter to try to get his 9 palms Looks as if this is going to be long term issue. I don't think that meeting with District Advancement Chair is going to be of any help as dad is using Dictrict Advancement Committee for his sons advantage. You need to look at what is in your Troops best interests and go from there.
  13. From what you have posted, it seems to me that dad has used his position/standing in District to gain advantage for his son. To correct what has happened I see 3 options. 1: meeting with yourself,Charter Organization,DE,Council Advancement Chair and possibly SE to discuss what has happened. 2: meeting with Charter Ogrinazation about not accepting scout and dads reregistration over what has occured. 3: depending on scouts age ignore the issue and let him age out. Question is how much time and energy do you want to spend on this issue. My Troop had similar issue with scout and Bronze Palm. District got involved and they approved the Palm. We chose to do nothing since the scout was aging out in 2 months. Here is a link that was posted awhile back for Advancement Committee Policies and Proceedures: http://www.gwinnettbsa.org/downloads/2008AdvancementGuideBook.pdf Guide to safe scouting can be read or downloaded from BSA website. Links are at bottom of page. http://www.scouting.org/HealthandSafety/Resources/Guidetosafescouting.aspx
  14. 2eagles, yes did that as scout in mid 60's and also used them on metal zippers in winter as lubricant. Have been using dryer lint from cotton sheets and towels as fire starter for way too many years. Last month while oldest son was on leave for Holidays. He looked at me with smile on his face and said, still collecting lint dad. Just said running low and old habits are hard to break.
  15. The scout has until his 18th birthday to finish a merit badge. Use this link: http://www.scouting.org/BoyScouts/GuideforMeritBadgeCounselors/FAQ.aspx About halfway down the page you will find: Question: How much time does a Scout have to complete all the requirements for a merit badge? Answer: There is no time limit as long as the Scout completes all the necessary requirements by the time he reaches age 18. Hope this helps.
  16. Cit Community Cit Nation Cit World Camping Hiking Personal Management
  17. No you can not use the same hikes for both Hiking and Backpacking and yes it is written. Hiking MB requirements has the following footnote: *The hikes in requirements 5 and 6 can be used in fulfilling Second Class Rank (2a) and First Class Rank (3) rank requirements, but only if Hiking merit badge requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been completed to the satisfaction of your counselor. The hikes of requirements 5 and 6 cannot be used to fulfill requirements of other merit badges. It is always a good idea to get a copy of MB requirements prior to starting working on them. If you also look at req #7 a short report needs to be written for each hike taken. It would have been easier to write the report just after taking the hikes not months later.
  18. Synthetic is the only way to go. The small difference in weight over synthetic does not outweigh cost difference. Using Sierra Designs Antero 25 degree as example. Cost $205 weight 2 lbs 9 oz vs Slumberjack Ultimate 20 degree @ Campmor cost $80 weight 3 lbs. Difference 7 oz in weight for $125 increase in cost. All sleeping bags have finite life doesn't matter if down or synthetic. In order of any sleeping bag to last over time, it has to be cared for properly. Had a 0 degree synthetic bag that I finally replaced after 34 years of use.
  19. Eagle732 your council office should have a copy of BSA Rules and Regulations that you can read. You could also ask them if they could make you a copy of that page.
  20. I tried to find BSA membership #s. The only link that still works is from a Troop website. It has total BSA membership #S and some BSA history by year. Couldnt verify the membership #s. http://www2.powercom.net/~stolerd/about/ahistory.html#top I did find the following from BSA Annual reports on the BSA website. Total Boy Scout 1998 3,383,504 1,023,442 1999 3,411,852 1,028,353 2000 3,351,969 1,003,691 2001 3,325,505 1,005,595 2002 3,315,296 no breakdown 2003 3,200,218 997,398 2004 3,145,331 988,995 2005 2,938,698 943,426 Hope this helps (This message has been edited by ljnrsu)
  21. gwd interesting choice of stocks. But for retirement planning very poor choices. No financial planner worth their salt would have recommended those 4 stocks as part of a retirement portfolio the past few years. Enron has been in trouble for years, and airlines way too volatile. As a CPA with a tax practice and a CFP you never look at 1 year returns. You look at 3,5 and 10 year returns, as retirement planning is long term.
  22. Hey Hopper glad a young adult has who is to blame not like some older adults have. It has been and will always be the Congress critters fault. It doesn't matter who the President has been, Congress is the one calling the shots. The President only recommends a budget to the House of Reps. The House is where the actual budget is prepared (by House Ways and Means Committee) and is passed. The President can either sign or veto it. But Congress critters are smart they have nasty habit of attaching spending bills to other bills that the President wants or country needs. They have in recent past attached final budget to Social Security COLA's and dared the President to veto it. Can see the headlines for that. The Washington Post,NY and LA Times and some others would have a field day if that happened. Just like I get laughs when people say Regan's deficit. Can remember for years the Speaker of the House saying that Regan's budget proposals were DOA when they arrived in the House. So if his budget was DOA then whose deficit is it. Sad part is the Scouts I have counseled for Cit Nation MB the past 15 years have better understanding of the process than most adults and they can't vote yet.
  23. It was Oct 1977 that Bill Hillcourt offer was accepted by the BSA. My bad got the dates wrong. Should have checked Scouter Terry's Bill Hillcourts link for the dates. http://www.scouter.com/features/0290.asp
  24. asm 411 that is due to the changes BSA made in all rank requirements in June 1972. The Eagle required Merit Badges changed and total merit badges increased from 21 to 24. Prior to June 1972 the Eagle required MB's were: camping,cit community,cit nation,conservation of natural resources,cooking,first aid,lifesaving,nature,personal fitness,safety and swimming. In June the Eagle required MB's became: cit community,cit nation,cit world,communications,first aid,safety,eprep or lifesaving,env sci,personal management,personal fitness or swimming or sports. For Star the amount of MB's increased from 5 including 1 from Eagle list to 9 including 4 from Eagle list. For Life the amount increased from 10 including 5 from Eagle list to 15 including 7 from Eagle list. A scout could use the old requirements for his next rank then he would have to follow the new requirements. So Scouts that were Star working on Life used old requirements for Life and new for Eagle and the changes slowed the process since camping,cooking,nature were dropped and cit world,communications and personal management were added with swimming and personal fitness becoming or. There were other changes made in T-2-1 skill awards replaced skill requirements and MB's were added. The period from June 1972-Feb 1979 is called "urban scouting" when the outing left the scouting and so did the Scouts. Boy Scout enrollment went from 6,427,026 Scouts Dec 31,1971 to 4,284,469 Dec 31,1979. It was so bad that early 1978, Bill Hillcourt asked the Chief Scout Executive to allow him to write a new Boy Scout Handbook. His offer was that he would complete the handbook within 1 year and at no compensation from the BSA. He came out of retirement and wrote the Ninth Edition of the Boy Scout Handbook which came out Feb 1979.
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