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Everything posted by ASM857

  1. We normally treat it like meal money, like when we went to Oklahoma we figured mileage & scouts attending came out to $50.00 a scout. They had the option to raise the funds or pay, the fund raiser was selling Candy bars in front of local stores or at mom & dads employer. On smaller trips we donate the gas and I keep my log for end of year tax purposes. YIS Doug Buth
  2. Yeah it's convenient that they don't remember thier own habit's, something we did at a den level and all the parents new about, is we recorded a meeting showing thier true colors, and played it back to them. Talk about some red faces, they really didn't think they were getting that wrapped up in the argument. No obviousley this was a small den and all the parents agreed in writing. This may not be your fix but seeing through thier own eyes whats happening can be enlightning. YIS Doug Buth
  3. Longhaul If you as the Scoutmaster have issued 6 merit Badge cards to this Scout, and they are signed by a MB Counsler. Then you knew he was working on these badges and should accept as complete. I personally would not be a counsler for my son unless it was in a group class, but thats me. YIS Doug Buth
  4. One Hour No your defending your child thats not overreacting, I know it's hard to be impartial with our own children, I was sorry to see in your last post that you had all but resigned your position. Speaking for myself I would find it hard to leave the Troop even if my son did being thier are 10 boys that I mentor in my Patrol as well as the other 40 that need guidance. Think why you got involved and do not let 1 or 2 individuals make you and the rest suffer. Thats my take YIS Doug Buth
  5. We taught the boy's the blood circle, with your knife closed extend your arm out and swing right & left, if someones in your circle you can't proceed. Also we laid a tarp down soap chips are not easy to pick up. roll the tarp up and throw away at home. Thats all I have to add use the other suggestions and you'll have a succesful requirment. YIS Doug Buth
  6. Spiral Scouts can be an alternative, but it is not the same program as the BSA. I personally don't understand how following the beliefs and practices the USA was founded on is so wrong. I do not discriminate against anyone on thier beliefs, but why am I held to a different standard for mine! Sorry for the rant YIS Doug Buth
  7. Also check if thier are relatives in the area, we stayed in a cousins basement in virginia for 2 days. National guard armories or check and see if thier is a scout camp nearby? http://www.scoutcampsusa.com/frame_reviews.html#tx YIS Doug Buth
  8. Appreciate the site and keep up the good work. YIS Doug Buth
  9. We had to get the certificate's from district for 2 projects at the boy's middle school, and now for pavilion rentals in the city. I guess everyone is CYA anymore, no more responsability for your own actions. YIS Doug Buth
  10. Started as a cub going through Webelos and earned my Arrow of light. Crossed over to the Troop and worked my way to Life when the Troop disolved due to leadership. Thats why when my son joined scouts, I went with him starting as committee member, Bear& Webelos Den leader, and now Assistant Scout Master. I got from my time as a scout & now a scouter if we keep the program challanging, and fun the boy's stay interested. YIS Doug Buth
  11. I am an Assistant Scout Master, also Past bear & webelos den leader. i consider fun if the boy's are working together and enjoying the outing. Example we do a spring crossover trip for the incoming webelos, the older scouts have planned the menu and the fishing activity. They then help the younger scouts if needed with lines, and cleaning fish. This is a success each year because of the PLC, I'm looking forward to this weekend they have an outing were they will be making catapults on site to launch pumpkins, not sure how that will work out. On advancement I review every scouts book every q
  12. I would talk to the scouts, if they state they have completed the rank & merit badge in question go ahead. A scout is trustworth, at your next PLC advise all Scouts that all requirments will need to be met. Then at your next committee set up your BOR members. I would not hold these 2 scouts feet to the fire for an act they were not responsable for. YIS Doug Buth
  13. I wear full uniform old style scout pants,shirt,socks,troop kerchief,and Belt at troop meetings. At campouts, & work outings i'll wear moss green carhart workpants, troop t-shirt, and scout shirt for transport times. A little more lax on den meetings right after work uniform shirt, and cub scout leader kerchief. always wear boots. YIS Doug Buth
  14. We own or tents fundraiser trivia night, bought 20 4 man Eureka dome tents not sure the model. We have been using them the last 2 years both adults & scouts, we are going to do another fundraiser because of the troop growth to buy more. It is quicker to set up one scout could do it but 15min and thier ready to move on to dining flys. If you can I recomend getting your own it does add some load to the quarter masters but when you set up at a camporee you look good, not mismatch sizes and colors. YIS Doug Buth
  15. In our district scout areas do not have access to pop-ups or rvs. when we do family camps for the cubs we schedule it in a state park so people can bring thier trailers if they wish. I use a thermorest pad for when we backpack in and a slumberjack cot for drive in camping, this has helped my back a lot more than my old military foam pad. As you said a little discomfort might be worth the joy in your boy''s eye. I know it''s great to go out with the troop and see my son growing more each year. YIS Doug Buth
  16. I am currently working with 5 boys from 12-16 on thier hicking merit badge. On the first 10 miler all showed up, on the second we had 3, and they have not expressed intrest in doing more at this time. I believe the scouts should decide, that''s what boy led is all about. Unfortunatley, I should have steped in sooner being I knew the terrain was very hilly, but they insisted on going. So be carefull I believe I can get everyone back up this fall being it''s cooling down but I will strongly recomend an easier terrain for the next 2 at least. YIS Doug
  17. We work with the boys at meeting''s and through BOR on proper uniform, we expect all scouts to be in full uniform at first class. As Beavah an Old grey Eagle stated we use uniform as a buildup, not a deterant. In our district their is a saying any scout is a welcome scout, uniformed or not. The uniform is a wonderfull aspect and I ware my full uniform with knot at every function, but it is hard for a boy that''s allowed at school to walk around in ripped shorts, and t-shirts with holes to a full uniform the same night. Maybe I''m too lax but I would rather have them show up, participate and le
  18. As a parent of ADHD son, we left the school troop and moved to a smaller troop at our church. The reasoning the smaller group moved faster and as such less hardship. I have seen my son who is on 54mg of concerta daily grow from being asked to leave summer camp as a wolf to activley working with the webelos 1 leader now. I know it''s not easy, but moving his meeting to another area of your building were he is not over stimulated should work on the Pack meetings side, I use rewards, and loss of game time for his actions. Good luck YIS Doug
  19. Try contacting your local conservation department, Missouri has a reverse cast available so you can actualy cast the animal footprints, then quiz them on the critters takes about an hour to set if you do the plaster paris right. YIS Doug Buth
  20. Aquila I would recomend doing Philmont, I did not go as a young scout with my troop because of cost. Listening to the descriptions of the views and treks it was truly worth the cost, this is an experiance they will never forget. YIS Doug Buth
  21. In St. Charles County we have Klondike and Quiver river parks. Quiver river has a scout area were Klondike has primitive camping available. If you waant to tell us your route I might be able to recomend some other parks in the region. http://www.saintcharlescounty.org/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=1694 http://www.mostateparks.com/cuivre.htm YIS Doug Buth
  22. I serve in Booth Troop ASM & Pack Committee I have 2 uniforms 1 for each I just think it looks better, and thier is no confusion at meetings. thats my 2 cents YIS Doug Buth
  23. F Scouter how come you are jumping to facts not in evidence. The Activity did have parental opinion, being they had 2 upcoming canoe trip, I would say they followed that plan, so they have they appropriate training and equipment to run the program safley. It stricks me odd that we all go through training and volunteer to serve the young men in our charge. But when a leader does something that is safe put not planned to the enth degree he is chastized as being unsafe. YIS Doug Buth
  24. I have 2 a head lamp replaced the battery after 1 year just in case had over 60 nights of camping, and my recent mini mag at work brighter light and will shine clear across a drop ceiling no more lugging 18V task lights. YIS Doug
  25. I believe we are trying to insert or views which as scouters is a non point. We are to look out for the welfare of the young men in our care, I do not condone or hate homosexuality. But I do believe as a father and leader that it is better to not stick the beast. what I'm saying is I feel more comftrable to send my First class Scout or my first year Webelos on an outing with this policy. Thats my thoughts YIS Doug
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