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Everything posted by KoreaScouter

  1. It sounds more like creative use of the rules than cheating, if he did it before they were explained, and only proxy voted for his family -- I assume they'd vote for his car anyway, and it's not exactly "stuffing the ballot box", unless the ballot box is an Altoids tin. On the other hand, what the committee did by "throwing out the ballots" provides the real life lesson, and not a positive one, either. The message I'd get is "why bother voting; some brahmins will just engineer the outcome, anyway". There's plenty of hijinks associated with PWDs; the rules designed to thwart the scoundre
  2. Assuming the guy needs to go, your Chartered Organization is a big stick, if they're a real CO and not just a name on a piece of paper. I will also assume the CO is involved and wants the Troop to run well, and be led by competent, properly-motivated leaders who are delivering a youth program the CO envisioned when the agreed to accept the charter. Look at the adult leader application form. The CC signs it, then the COR does, then the Council does. If the SM and CC are in cahoots, go to the COR. If there's inertia there that you can't overcome, go to your District/Council. It helps i
  3. I agree with Scoutldr. Most of the frustrations you mention are or should be committee "qweep" that shouldn't interfere with program delivery by the DLs and CM. If there's been mission creep and you've inherited it, try to divest it where it belongs -- off the "line" and onto the "staff". I've been both a Cubmaster and Pack Committee chair; big part of the job was helping people stay in their lanes and focus on what they needed to do. This is pretty simple unless we let it get complicated. Example; watch out for overly complex by-laws -- if the committee wants them to govern their act
  4. I just got my 7th ASM volunteer yesterday, so I'll have one for each patrol, plus an extra. I did assign ASMs with function-based program responsibilities, but I found the requirements for them to do these things ebbed and flowed depending on whether or not that particular function needed their attention. So, we're in the process of lining up an ASM with each of our patrols. I know the concern about them being glorified den leaders. My reply would be, if you're aware that's a possibility, watch out for it and don't let it happen -- it's not an independent variable. I like ASMs designa
  5. Dutch Oven Pasta Bake Recipe assumes a 12" DO, adjust if yours is bigger/smaller Ingredients: 2 bags of spiral pasta noodles (plain or vegetable, doesn't matter) 2 cans Hunt's (or equivalent) spaghetti sauce, meat or sausage flavor 1 8 oz bag of shredded mozzarella cheese 1 3 oz package of sliced pepperoni 1 box(?) frozen chopped spinach Grated parmesan cheese if desired Directions: Boil the pasta noodles till they're "al dente", or cook them up at home and put them in a tupperware container in the cooler. While boiling, start your charcoal and l
  6. I'd recommend a couple enhancements, if your design rules allow it. First, rather than using screw bolts to hold the wheels on, I'd use solid metal axles, and secure them to the wood with those things you use to hold conduit onto the wall. When we did it, the solid axle cars required no maintenance between heats, while the screw-bolt cars had to "pit" after nearly every race. Second, instead of the wood seat, get an old kindergarden classroom chair, with the molded plastic seat and the metal leg structure. Unscrew the molded plastic seat from the legs, discard the legs, and screw
  7. But, that was my point, illustrated by the example I gave -- the current handbook doesn't contain all the information a Scout needs to get to First Class -- steps to perform CPR being the example. Maybe a "sample of one" as far as content is concerned, but there you go. And, it's still true that laid side-by-side, more Scouts will pick up and read the old book than the new one. I like the CD/DVD idea, but not necessarily with every book; perhaps as an option or a supplement... KS
  8. And, here's the sequel to the story. The same unmotivated Scouts and apologist parents you're looking at today will be banging on your door at 17, in a panic because they realize they've got a year or less to earn Eagle before they age-out. They've seen the college applications, which ask for community-related activities, years of involvement, and yes, LEADERSHIP POSITIONS HELD. They're also looking for scholarship $$ from organizations that give money to kids who participated in civil activities, have performed significant volunteer hours, served in a leadership role in an organization, or
  9. I happen to be a life member of the "Older Handbooks are better" club. I'm not talking about the 1910 "Handbook for Boys" here, either. Even the Tenth Edition (1990) is better illustrated and has more information -- star charts, animal footprints, and much more. For Norman Rockwell illustrations, you have to go back to the Ninth Edition (1982). I have copies of both, and am in them all the time. I've shown them to my Scouts on numerous occasions, and almost all of them prefer the layout/design of the older books to the latest one. Here's a head-scratcher from the 11th Edition. First
  10. I, too, have a red vest, made of a cotton/poly blend. It has a snap, or a zipper if you need it really snug. It has 7 pockets, for notebook, hand sanitizer, altoids, cell phone, etc. I have my name embroidered on it, Troop numerals on the pocket flap, my WB patrol emblem, and am filling the back with patches as I get them. I don't wear it with the official uniform; only on campouts with the activity uniform. It's a real conversation starter, and helps me keep all the stuff I need to carry with me I also have a fishing-type vest with many more pockets, but it's heavier and hangs
  11. I get up to 30 extra days of non-chargeable leave per year for Scouting-related activities. My boss has an Eagle Scout son, and another knocking on the door -- needless to say, he's very supportive. Former Scouts and Eagle Scouts are over-represented in leadership positions in DoD, so I've never gotten what I'd consider a "pushback" regarding my Scouting time. It certainly helps to have a Presidential Executive Order directing DoD to support Scouting (BSA and GSUSA) in overseas areas. In my experience, though, most people in a position to support you aren't aware of the EO and support
  12. Not so good: - The Baker Tent; nostalgia value only, although it is considerable. Heavy, too many poles of various lengths, too many guy ropes, rear of tent at 15" height virtually useless. Highly prized by Civil War re-enactors. We had one in my last Troop, and took it on every car camp we did, nonetheless -- lots of character. - The official canteen; a technology long overshadowed by bladder-style hydration systems. Although, little KS has an official canteen, and uses it often, including on his grass cutting jobs...perhaps I withdraw this nomination. Good: - The olde
  13. Maybe we ought to re-familiarize ourselves with the description of the uniform method and what it's meant to contribute to the aims. It ain't about lookin' stylish. I inherited a Troop from a SM who, supported by the committee, emphasized full uniforming, and wore it himself. Guess what? The Troop is fully uniformed, and so are the leaders. In my profession, our military working dog handlers have an expression; "What goes down the leash comes up the leash." In other words, the dog senses the handler's attitude, and adopts it as his own. We may be doing the same thing; our Scou
  14. Free rank badges with an advancement report?! Hey, Aloha, are you listening? KS
  15. Troops may design their own neckerchiefs, and many do. Hence, you could design a neckerchief in a camo pattern, or with smiley faces, or with Bart Simpson emblazoned on the back...no matter how atrocious any of those would look with the uniform. KS
  16. We set a minimum First Class rank for SPL, no minimum for PL. All Scouts interested in an elected or appointed POR get a paper to take home that has internet links to the job descriptions, and a place at the bottom where the Scout and the parent sign so we know that they know what they're getting into, and that the extra responsibility won't hamper school, sports, other extracurriculars, etc. KS
  17. My last Troop kept a stash, more out of necessity than anything else. We were at the end of the supply line, 2 hours from the service center, and our service center was frequently out of various items. My current Troop doesn't, because we're 15 minutes away, and they always have everything we need. KS
  18. When you go to a unit meeting or outing, what do you haul with you and what do you haul it in? I'm not talking about the outdoor essentials or overnight gear, but in the bag where you put your "leader stuff", what's in it? I'd like to get an idea of how "heavy" or "light" the rest of you travel. I'll go first. I have one of those somewhat oversized notebook computer cases (alas, without the computer). In an outer flap pocket, I have various pens and markers, Quality Unit patches, wooden nickels, blank firem'n chits and totin' chips, and my business cards. Pocket next to that, I carry
  19. I just bought one yesterday for little KS, the hardbound. Now, he's gotten into his Handbook and the MB pamphlets when he needed to, but they weren't night-stand reading material for him. I gave him the Fieldbook with sufficient fanfare for a $23 purchase. He flipped through it, stopping at several of the excellent photos and illustrations -- "...hey look, a GPS.." "...animals; cool...", and so on. A short time later, the TV was off, and he was in my recliner, reading the new Fieldbook as a leisure activity...without prompting. Outstanding effort and results, BSA! The number
  20. Hey, Wheeler, thanks for introducing a homosexual-debate angle to this. Now, all we need is to somehow weave a uniform fit/quality argument into this tapestry, and all our computers will spontaneously explode... KS
  21. Ditto to Acco40, with a little spin of my own: - There's a good reason why Blue Cards are in three parts -- this is it. - Even if the Scout finds his sash, and it has all the badges he claims, I still wouldn't use it alone to determine if he earned them. A TroopMaster IHR (he may still be archived if he was inactive), a ScoutNet printout from previous Council, etc., can substantiate his claim. - What's his handbook show? - Get the former District's MB Counselor list. Ask the Scout for the name one of the "disputed" MBs. Run down the list of counselors, and ask him which o
  22. I'm also registered as a leader in both GSUSA and BSA. I don't have a copy of GS "Safety Wise" (their GSSS) in front of me, but if I recall from my training, it doesn't permit me to be the only adult present with girls, under any circumstances, although a female leader may be. I understand it, follow it, and don't have a quarrel with it. I realize that they're simply managing risk; instances of men molesting young girls are more common than women molesting young boys. Like it or not, that's the reality. So, I don't think we should be treated the same. Our policies, and the policies
  23. You know, I heard somebody say once that if a group of people were sitting around a table, and we could throw our problems up onto the table, we'd all take our own problems back...gladly. This is a perfect example. I tear my hair out when a Star Scout forgets a mess kit at a campout... You guys have the patience of Job. If this happened around me, either they'd be gone or I'd be gone...you pick. KS
  24. Heacox; Your original post included several questions; we seem to have focused more on the last one. I was in a similar situation in my last Troop, with a World Jamboree predicament. Also very expensive, and five of our Scouts wanted to go. For reasons beyond our control, we received registration packets late, and the deadlines for the deposit and first payment had come and gone. No worries, said Western Region, you can catch up (good buncha folks). Now, the question was, how can these five Scouts do this enormous amount of fund-raising in addition to all their other Troop/patrol
  25. I think what BW meant is that a unit leader can't also be a unit commish for his own unit. I know that sounds like it should be intuitive, but I'm sure there are some out there who would see absolutely nothing wrong with it... KS
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