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Everything posted by Kahuna

  1. I was at one in Honolulu two years ago. Looks like they're declining in popularity, probably because of the expense of venues, but it is still a big money-maker in Hawai'i. Public turnout is not huge, but it's always a big ticket seller.
  2. We could learn a lot from Norway, the give a greater percentage of their GNP in foreign aid and charitable aid than we do. Their people have universal health care for around 100 years and many other benefits that we do not have. Uh huh.
  3. "Perhaps the reason for closing region offices is to lower costs. From what I've been told by our Council President there are many Councils in severe financial trouble." All true as far as I can tell. That is the case here. Well, maybe not "severe" here, but bad enough to be cutting staff positions. I don't think anybody has been laid off, they just aren't filling vacancies.
  4. A post on the National Jamboree list serve this a.m. came from a Western Regional staff member. Whether he is a volunteer or professional, I don't know. He has just attended a regional staff meeting at which they were informed that all the regional offices are to be closed and professional staffs will be reassigned to Irving. He didn't give a date, but it's apparently in very near future. Last week, I got emails from the District Chairman and Commissioner, informing us that districts will be merged council-wide, undoing an expansion of about ten years ago. I don't have the exact numbe
  5. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference. It's working! The Twelve Step program is working!
  6. Sherminator writes "That's where. I nearly fell out of my chair the first time I read it." You should be more careful when you read this forum there are a lot of very strange things said here. Now, Merlyn is trying to deny that ACORN and moveon.org have been known to do things to sabotage people who don't like Obama's policies. So this is where I step off the bus. When Merlyn is involved, the discussion goes beyond my ability to tolerate. Feel free to carry on without me.
  7. Sherminator, your logic is underwhelming. I don't know where you got the idea that I am suggesting there is "absolutely no racism" behind opposition to Obama. I'm just saying that most of the opposition is from responsible, civil and non racist people who are scared to death of his policies. Of course there are racists out there and neither you nor I know how many there are. But, as I've said I talk to lots of people, black and white, who dislike the policies and perhaps even dislike Obama, who are not racists. As to the picture, I think you fail to understand how politics works in the
  8. I can only go by the descriptions from the scant reporting that they receive. Sherminator: Feel free to watch Fox News. It won't corrupt you, I promise, and they do cover these rallies. They even discussed that picture to which you refer. Sorry, but I think Brent has pretty much downgraded your credibility on this one.
  9. Well, we can't say the prez lied, because, he is the president, and that would be uncivil and probably racist. So, what do you call this? CHANGE!
  10. Sherminator I guess you're right. I must be sheltered and naive, because I've never been to an anti-Obama rally. Why would I? I'm not anti-Obama. I'm against his policies and those of the Democratic Congress, but not him personally. In fact, I'm so sheltered and naive that I'm not even aware of any anti-Obama rallies. I wonder why you go to them.
  11. Scoutingagain writes: "And I do think it would be very naive to think that there aren't "many" people opposed to the current President simple because of his race." Where in world is the evidence for that? Oh, I grant you there are some racist nut jobs who do, but I hear Obama criticized by many people, some of whom are African-American, who do not have a racist bone in their body. I don't believe I have ever heard a racial epithet directed at him, even by people who detest his policies.
  12. I'm very sorry to hear of his passing. I worked with David for a couple of years when I was a professional. He was certainly a great guy to work with and with his own disability, he was especially compassionate to the disabled. I hadn't seen him in perhaps 30 years, but I'm sure he will be missed.
  13. Best bet: stop at the hotel in Fredericksburg where the big-time patch dealers set up and cut the best deals you can before you go home. Of course, you buy retail and sell wholesale, but I still have patches from the 1969 jamboree that are rotting in boxes.
  14. "I reckon the willingness to listen to law enforcement and work on the issue shows Obama is at heart a moderate in many things." You owe me a new keyboard, I was drinking coffee when I read that. I think your definition of "moderate" and mine are pretty far apart, Beavah.
  15. Lisabob is correct. You must use the barcode form. Scoutldr makes a good suggestion. I bet they'll do it for a Scout.
  16. I feel very strongly that the Speaker of the House should call him to Washington to be disciplined in the well of the House.
  17. A local Scout was awarded a piece of the WTC for his Eagle project. Really took some doing. http://tinyurl.com/r63cbs
  18. Beavah: let me know how much you donate and I'll giving a matching one to Wilson.
  19. The discussion here sort of says something about courtesy and civility doesn't it? I agree with Beavah and others who say we should respect the office of president without regard to the person. I also agree with Brent and others who point out the Democrats were very impolite to George W. Bush (and still are). But as I've said before, you have to look beyond the left/right part of the equation. There is no now, nor has there been in my lifetime any true civility among politicians. Oh, there are a few rare ones who stay out of the gutter, but most are just a bunch of big egos who di
  20. Beavah writes: "Yah, Kahuna, and Gephardt was wrong then, eh?" Yes, he was, but the thrust of the thread is that it's the Right that causes all the trouble for Obama. IMHO, it's whatever party is not in power. Which is exactly the reason presidents just shouldn't do this kind of stuff. Kind of goes back to the thread on political parties.
  21. "The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students." Richard Gephardt (D-MO), House Majority Leader, 1991, speaking about George H.W. Bush's address to students. Per the Washington Post of the time.
  22. I don't really know, but it isn't going away. People make good money running those parties. Besides, Congress wouldn't know what to do.
  23. That's great and so true. In the mornings when I walk my dogs, I practically get trampled by all the parents walking back from walking their kids to school. And I live in a very safe community. At least the adults are letting them walk and getting some exercise themselves, but people really!
  24. I think this whole discussion misses the main point that jumps out for me. I don't see this as a right/left thing at all, although I certainly concede that most if not all the conservative talk show guys are cheerleading against it. What strikes me is the indication that there is growing number of people in the U.S. who do not trust this administration or the congressional leadership. In spite of the Bush Derangement Syndrome that grew up about Geoge W., at this point in his administration, I don't believe this would have raised an eyebrow except with the moveon.org/George Soros peo
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